milkeybabes / Rampage

Rampage source code for C64 Computer
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Source Code Conversion to ACME #1

Open jefflomax opened 5 years ago

jefflomax commented 5 years ago

I also have trapped 6502 source code that was written in the 2500 AD Cross Assembler. I've written a converter that reads it and emits source in the ACME Cross Assembler format. Glancing at the PDS files, they look very similar to 2500 AD.

Once I finally get my work open sourced (soon) I'd like to see how much work it would be to adapt it to convert PDS to 2500 AD.

If you know offhand of anything really unusual that could be a roadblock, please let me know. For 2500 AD the biggest issue was it had the concepts of PUBLIC and EXTERNAL and ACME does not.


Jeff Lomax

jefflomax commented 5 years ago

I've posting the beginnings of a converter from 2500AD, Commodore MADS, and PDS to the ACME Cross Assembler. While it is close to translating this Rampage repository, current issues are how to convert things like STA [[SHB*256]+[768-24]],X and how syntax like LOSPEED DS 0,0,0 could be processable. Anyone with thoughts on these, please comment.