millanek / Dsuite

Fast calculation of Patterson's D (ABBA-BABA) and the f4-ratio statistics across many populations/species
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Different results obtained when using Dtrios and DParallel on the same vcf file #75

Open ashnareyaz opened 1 year ago

ashnareyaz commented 1 year ago

I tried running Dsuite on a vcf file containing approx 9.65 million variants using both Dtrios and Dparallel . Though the final excecution has been completed but there are discrepancies with the results. (Note - I have taken 5 population including the outgroup specified). 1. Though i didnt give the flag ( --no-f4-ratio ) still the f4 ratio hasnt been computed and the output is showing 0 for both runs of the same vcf file using Dtrios and Dparallel. For Dtrios I ran the command -[./Build/Dsuite Dtrios merged_chr1.vcf SETS.txt] and obtained the given output- Dtrios For DParallel I ran the command -[./utils/DtriosParallel SETS.txt merged_chr1.vcf] and obtained the given output- DParallel

  1. There is a significant difference in the Z-score and P-value in the results from Dtrios and DParallel though the same vcf file and sets.txt file (5 populations including outgroup specified) have been used . Please check the output Dtrios and DParallel file attached above and kindly explain these discrepancies.