millanek / Dsuite

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Empty file of local genomic windows of fd after Dinvestigate #97

Open pierrebarry opened 3 months ago

pierrebarry commented 3 months ago

Hello all,

I have tried to run the Dinvestigate function in the Dsuite package to have local genomic variation of fd along chromosomes; even if the function succesfully ran, and get the output of chromosome-wide levels of fd and fdm and created the files that got the local variation of fd, these remain empty with only the header column:

chr windowStart windowEnd D f_d f_dM d_f

This is the command line I used :

Dsuite/Build/Dsuite Dinvestigate SUPER_15_new_filtered_merged_phased_removed_trios.vcf.gz groups_SUPER_15_sp_d.csv test_trios_new_3pops.txt -w 50,50 > fd_super15_new

I have tried to run it with different values of -w, removing the -w argument in the command line, and add the argument -n with a different name file, but this does not change the outcome.

Do you have any thoughts of the origin of the problem ?

Thanks for your help,
