millejoh / emacs-ipython-notebook

Jupyter notebook client in Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autocompletion with Elpy is broken (garbled text) within EIN notebooks #797

Closed natsirtguy closed 3 years ago

natsirtguy commented 3 years ago

Problem description

When I attempt to use Elpy's autocomplete in EIN notebooks, if I continue typing the name of an autocompleted symbol after the autocompletion has started, the symbol ends up totally garbled. In particular, it appears that the letters from the autocompletion are not removed/deleted as I continue typing, and the new autocompletion for the remaining letters keeps showing up (with highlighting). Furthemore, it is not possible to delete these autocompleted and highlighted letters. To get them to disappear, the notebook must be closed and reopened.

Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 12 06 12 PM Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 12 27 50 PM

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. From a clean init.el, install Elpy and EIN using package-install.
  2. Call elpy-enable.
  3. Create a new python file (say, This is to set up Elpy.
  4. When prompted to install dependencies for completion etc. in the Elpy RPC virtual environment, answer yes.
  5. Call ein:run and create a new notebook.
  6. Get autocompletion to start. For example, you can type import itertools in the first cell, execute it, then start typing itertools in the next cell.
  7. Continue to type the autocompleted name (itertools in our example). The garbled autocompletion will appear. Even if you delete the rest of the symbol name, the autocompleted letters will remain.

System info:

("EIN system info"
 :emacs-version "GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0)
 of 2021-03-25"
 :window-system nil
 :emacs-variant nil
 "--disable-silent-rules --enable-locallisppath=/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp --infodir=/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/27.2/share/info/emacs --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/27.2 --with-gnutls --without-x --with-xml2 --without-dbus --with-modules --without-ns --without-imagemagick --without-selinux"
  "Darwin 38f9d3645774 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Tue Jan 12 22:04:47 PST 2021; root:xnu-4903.278.56~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
  :lsb-release nil)
 "jupyter core     : 4.6.3
jupyter-notebook : 6.1.3
qtconsole        : 4.7.6
ipython          : 7.17.0
ipykernel        : 5.3.4
jupyter client   : 6.1.6
jupyter lab      : not installed
nbconvert        : 5.6.1
ipywidgets       : 7.5.1
nbformat         : 5.0.7
traitlets        : 4.3.3
 :image-types nil
 :image-types-available nil
 :request-backend curl
 (:version "20210330.1531"
       :source-dir "/Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d/elpa/ein-20210330.1531/")
 ((:name "websocket"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/websocket-20210110.17/websocket.elc"
     :featurep t
     :version-var websocket-version
     :version "1.12")
  (:name "anaphora"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/anaphora-20180618.2200/anaphora.elc"
     :featurep t
     :version-var nil
     :version nil)
  (:name "request"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/request-20210410.2218/request.elc"
     :featurep t
     :version-var request-version
     :version "0.3.3")
  (:name "deferred"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/deferred-20170901.1330/deferred.elc"
     :featurep t
     :version-var deferred:version
     :version "0.5.0")
  (:name "polymode"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/polymode-20210413.2004/polymode.elc"
     :featurep t
     :version-var nil
     :version nil)
  (:name "dash"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/dash-20210330.1544/dash.elc"
     :featurep t
     :version-var nil
     :version nil)
  (:name "with-editor"
     :path "~/.emacs.2.d/elpa/with-editor-20210319.1930/with-editor.elc"
     :featurep nil
     :version-var nil
     :version nil)))



12:05:10:905: [info] ein:jupyter-server--run: /usr/local/bin/jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=~/.emacs.2.d/ --no-browser @#<buffer .emacs.2.d>
12:05:13:008: [info] ein:jupyter-process-lines: jupyter exited with status 1 @#<buffer .emacs.2.d>
12:05:13:191: [info] Login to complete. @#<buffer .emacs.2.d>
12:05:13:287: [verbose] Opening notebooklist at @#<buffer .emacs.2.d>
12:05:15:758: [verbose] Opened notebook Untitled.ipynb @#<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
12:05:15:783: [verbose] Opening notebooklist at @#<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
12:05:15:894: [verbose] ein:kernel-retrieve-session--success: kernel-id=f61e52f4-005b-4b1c-ac88-553db82f3444 session-id=7f63269f-18d9-4853-9a63-005b29cb026b @#<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
12:05:15:894: [verbose] WS start: ws:// @#<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
12:05:16:649: [info] Notebook Untitled.ipynb is ready @#<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
12:05:16:649: [verbose] WS opened: ws:// @#<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
12:05:16:670: [verbose] Notebook is saved. @#<buffer  *ein:*[python]>
12:05:16:673: [verbose] Opening notebooklist at @#<buffer  *ein:*[python]>
12:06:32:473: [warn] ein:dev-packages: Don’t call me! @#<buffer  *temp*>

ein server:

[I 12:05:12.433 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d
[I 12:05:12.434 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.1.3 is running at:
[I 12:05:12.434 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=6e82bd7576aaddc5949deaa2ca3e9aa7a52c98e30655054e
[I 12:05:12.434 NotebookApp]  or
[I 12:05:12.434 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 12:05:12.448 NotebookApp] 

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
[W 12:05:13.040 NotebookApp] 403 POST /login ( '_xsrf' argument missing from POST
[W 12:05:13.123 NotebookApp] 403 POST /login ( 83.12ms referer=None
[I 12:05:13.145 NotebookApp] 302 POST /login ( 1.42ms
[I 12:05:13.146 NotebookApp] 302 GET / ( 0.34ms
[I 12:05:15.690 NotebookApp] Creating new notebook in 
[I 12:05:15.884 NotebookApp] Kernel started: f61e52f4-005b-4b1c-ac88-553db82f3444, name: python3
[I 12:05:16.660 NotebookApp] Saving file at /Untitled.ipynb

Elpy Configuration

Emacs.............: 27.2 Elpy..............: 1.35.0 Virtualenv........: rpc-venv (/Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d/elpy/rpc-venv) Interactive Python: python 3.8.6 (/Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d/elpy/rpc-venv/bin/python) RPC virtualenv....: rpc-venv (/Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d/elpy/rpc-venv) Python...........: python 3.8.6 (/Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d/elpy/rpc-venv/bin/python) Jedi.............: 0.18.0 Rope.............: 0.18.0 Autopep8.........: 1.5.6 Yapf.............: 0.31.0 Black............: 20.8b1 Syntax checker....: flake8 (/Users/tristamc/.emacs.2.d/elpy/rpc-venv/bin/flake8)



Square brackets indicate buttons; type RET or click mouse-1 on a button to invoke its action. Invoke [+] to expand a group, and [-] to collapse an expanded group. Invoke the [Group], [Face], and [Option] buttons below to edit that item in another window.

[+]-- [Group] Elpy [+]-- [Group] Python [+]-- [Group] Virtual Environments (Pyvenv) [+]-- [Group] Completion (Company) [+]-- [Group] Call Signatures (ElDoc) [+]-- [Group] Inline Errors (Flymake) [+]-- [Group] Code folding (hideshow) [+]-- [Group] Snippets (YASnippet) [+]-- [Group] Directory Grep (rgrep) [+]-- [Group] Search as You Type (ido) [+]-- [Group] Django extension [+]-- [Group] Autodoc extension

dickmao commented 3 years ago

Damn, that is brutal. I didn't notice because I've turned off company. Thanks for reporting (and following the README).

natsirtguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix!