millejoh / emacs-ipython-notebook

Jupyter notebook client in Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issues trying to get elpy to work correctly with emacs-ipython-notebook: #806

Closed zeta-00 closed 3 years ago

zeta-00 commented 3 years ago

Hello there, Looking at the faq section of this repo: , It says that elpy is the official supported module for emacs-ipython-notebook, but I'm having trouble getting elpy to work with ein. Here's the link to the issue that I'm having, thanks in advance for the help!

And, here's the elpy error that was thrown, and the .emacs config for ein :

Note: I'm currently running python version 3.9.6, but I don't think that has anything to do with this issue? I'm guessing that my issue has to do with this .emacs config?

` ein: [info] ein:jupyter-process-lines: jupyter exited with status 1

ein: [info] Login to complete.

error in process sentinel: ein:insert-read-only: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, t

error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, t `



(use-package company

:defer t)


(use-package ein

:defer t


(add-hook 'ein:notebook-mode-hook 'jedi:setup)

(add-hook 'ein:connect-mode-hook 'ein:jedi-setup)

(setq ein:polymode t)

(setq ein:use-auto-complete t)

(setq ein:use-smartrep t)


(ein:completion-backend 'ein:use-ac-backend)

(ein:completion-backend 'ein:ac-jedi-backend)

;; (ein:completion-backend 'ein:use-jedi-backend)

(ein:completion-backend 'ein:use-company-backend)

;; (setq ein:polymode t)

;; (setq ein:use-auto-complete t)

;; (setq ein:use-smartrep t)

;; (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'ein:maybe-open-file-as-notebook)

(ein:completion-backend 'ein:use-ac-backend)

(ein:complete-on-dot t)

(ein:truncate-long-cell-output t)

(ein:auto-save-on-execute t)

;; (ein:auto-black-on-execute t)

(ein:output-area-inlined-images t) ;; not necessary in older versions

(ein:slice-image t)

;; '



(use-package websocket

:defer t)


(use-package request

:defer t)


;; polymode, an extensible framework for multiple major modes:

(use-package polymode

:defer t)


(use-package markdown-mode

:defer t)


;; polymode for markdown-mode:

(use-package poly-markdown

:defer t)


(use-package python-mode

:defer t


;; emacs calculates line offset:

(setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset t)

;; silence warnings while emacs calculates the line offset:

(setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil))


(use-package jedi

:defer t


(python-mode . jedi:setup)


(setq jedi:complete-on-dot t))

;; M-x jedi:install-server in Emacs.

;; jedi dependencies:

(use-package epc

:defer t)

(use-package deferred

:defer t)

(use-package python-environment

:defer t)

(use-package auto-complete

:defer t



(use-package popup

:defer t)


(use-package elpy

:defer t





(setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython"

python-shell-interpreter-args "-i --simple-prompt"))

;; force autocompletion of elpy:

;; M-TAB (elpy-company-backend)

;; documentation on completions from shell:

;; elpy-get-info-from-shell (Customize Option)

;; This activates fallback completion candidates

;; for cases when the static code analysis fails.

;; Note for MacOS users: In some configurations,

;; display artifacts (lines of ^G s) can appear in the shell.

;; This can be fixed by prepending -c exec('import(\'readline\')')

;; to python-shell-interpeter-args

;; (e.g. (setq python-shell-interpreter-args "-c exec('import(\'readline\')') -i")

;; for python)


(use-package smartrep

:defer t)





dickmao commented 3 years ago

And, here's the elpy error that was thrown, and the .emacs config for ein :

error in process sentinel: ein:insert-read-only: 
Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, t

That is an EIN error, not an elpy error. Alas, tracking this down requires some programming ability like M-: (setq debug-on-error t) to pull a backtrace. Perhaps something like that is within your reach since #708. Otherwise, as I said in , you might be happier with a notebook interface that just works.