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Ein commands fail: void-variable ein:shared-output-cell #824

Closed hemanta212 closed 2 years ago

hemanta212 commented 2 years ago

OUTPUT of ein:dev-bug-report-template for eg

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable ein:shared-output-cell)
  byte-code("\306\10\307 \310\311\312\313\314\315\316\11&\6\317\312\320\314\315\316\11&\6\321\312\322\314\323\316\n&\6#\324$\210\306\13\323\325\326\312\327$
  byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\207" [require eieio ewoc ein$
  byte-code("\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305!\"\210\302\306\307\305!\"\210\302\310\306\"\210\311\310\312\313#\210\314\305\315\306#\316\305\317\320\321$\207" $
  command-execute(ein:dev-bug-report-template record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "ein:dev-bug-report-template" "ein:dev-bu")
  funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "ein:d




emacs -Q -f package-initialize --eval "(setq debug-on-error t)"
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))

M-x package-refresh-contents RET M-x package-install RET ein RET

Try running ein:run or ein:jupyter* commands or bug report command.

I did read the disclaimer about the package being only tested on stable version and since emacs 28 might be considered a pre-release version, I understand and would still like some help if we can make it work, otherwise feel free to close the issue.

dickmao commented 2 years ago


Sounds like you need to evacuate old byte-compiled units, an unpublicized task most emacs users don't realize is necessary when upgrading emacs versions.

/home/dick/gnus/src/emacs- \
  -Q -nw -f package-initialize \
  --eval "(setq debug-on-error t)" \
  --eval "(add-to-list 'package-archives '(\"melpa\" . \"\"))" \
  -f package-refresh-contents \
  --eval "(ignore-errors (mapc #'package-delete (cdr (assq 'ein (package--alist)))))" \
  --eval "(package-install 'ein)" \
  -f ein:run
hemanta212 commented 2 years ago

Thank you a ton for taking the time to reply. So i ran the same command and it worked great.

I then had one theory in mind. So i fired up my regular emacs with configs and all and just did package-install ein It worked but only for that session. Once I closed and open emacs ein stops working

This might be because of the native-compilation that hits after a package gets installed. Non native compiled ein package works but breaks when native compiled.

Sounds like you need to evacuate old byte-compiled units, an unpublicized task most emacs users don't realize is necessary when upgrading emacs versions.

I am sorry I don't seem to understand this but are you saying the same thing here? Or are you saying I need to get rid of some old version emacs' folder somewhere that will make it work.

In any case here are the two log files (Native comp complains about ein-shared-output stuff at last of this file


Also my error log at start of this issue was actually incomplete and long lines were cut off so just in case,


Also some permanent form of your original solution that doesn't require to delete and reinstall EIN every single time would also work. Maybe I can skip native-comp for this package or sth?

dickmao commented 2 years ago

Some people swear by native-comp; these people are usually small children. Native-comp remains a half-baked initiative prone to breakage.

Try rm -f /home/pykancha/.cache/emacs/.emacs.custom/elpa/ein-20211225.1355/*.elc and restart a couple times. If that doesn't work, then I'm afraid you're on your own.