millejoh / emacs-ipython-notebook

Jupyter notebook client in Emacs
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Ein connect to server stopped working with not much in log #864

Closed ratnesh1729 closed 1 year ago

ratnesh1729 commented 1 year ago

Hi @millejoh for the amazing package. I have been using with good effect until somehow got following issue. Login to https://ratneshk@ failed, error-thrown (error . exited abnormally with code 7 ), raw-header

ein: [error] Login to failed, error-thrown (error . exited abnormally with code 7 ), raw-header

The bug template output:

[debug] request--curl: --silent --location --cookie /Users/ratneshk/.emacs.d/request/curl-cookie-jar --cookie-jar /Users/ratneshk/.emacs.d/request/curl-cookie-jar --include --write-out \n(:num-redirects %{num_redirects} :url-effective "%{url_effective}") --junk-session-cookies --trace-ascii /var/folders/b2/fyl9mmd10_dbkp9r7nqyxzmw0000gn/T/curl-trace --compressed --header User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 --url [debug] request--curl-callback: event exited abnormally with code 7

[debug] request--callback: UNPARSED

(:num-redirects 0 :url-effective "") [error] request--callback: peculiar error [debug] request--callback: executing error [debug] request--callback: executing complete [debug] request--curl: --silent --location --cookie /Users/ratneshk/.emacs.d/request/curl-cookie-jar --cookie-jar /Users/ratneshk/.emacs.d/request/curl-cookie-jar --include --write-out \n(:num-redirects %{num_redirects} :url-effective "%{url_effective}") --junk-session-cookies --trace-ascii /var/folders/b2/fyl9mmd10_dbkp9r7nqyxzmw0000gn/T/curl-trace --trace-ascii /var/folders/b2/fyl9mmd10_dbkp9r7nqyxzmw0000gn/T/curl-trace --compressed --header User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 --url [debug] request--curl-callback: event exited abnormally with code 7

[debug] request--callback: UNPARSED

(:num-redirects 0 :url-effective "") [error] request--callback: peculiar error [debug] request--callback: executing error [debug] request--callback: executing complete

Note I started emacs by emacs -Q -f package-initialize -f ein:dev-start-debug

dickmao commented 1 year ago

Remove "ratneshk@" from @.***:8080.

ratnesh1729 commented 1 year ago

thanks @dickmao My apologies, I posted it incorrectly - that was when I was trying a few things to figure out. I corrected my post. It should have been

ein: [error] Login to failed, error-thrown (error . exited abnormally with code 7 ), raw-header

Note - I can ssh to this machine alright - ssh ratneshk@

ratnesh1729 commented 1 year ago

I realized by using the examples in the manual (berkeley jupyterhub) that something was off in my server configuration.

So I started by using

which fixed it.

I am not sure why earlier I did not need to. Maybe I mistakingly updated jupyter conf.

Anyways, Thank you!

Also thank you for this awesome library, I can't imagine me coding without emacs!