millermedeiros / amd-utils

modular JavaScript utilities written in the AMD format
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convert modules to node.js? #62

Closed millermedeiros closed 12 years ago

millermedeiros commented 12 years ago

sometimes I see myself writing a node.js script and want to use some of the amd-utils methods and end up copying and pasting the method I need... it would be way easier if amd-utils worked as a npm package as well (out of the box).

need to check if someone already coded a tool to convert AMD code into CJS. if the AMD -> node.js tool doesn't exist we could write a script that appends amdefine to the top of each module and output it into a separate folder (just for node), not the most elegant solution but would work.

millermedeiros commented 12 years ago

I wrote a tool called nodefy to do the module conversion. Will integrate today.