millermedeiros / esformatter

ECMAScript code beautifier/formatter
MIT License
970 stars 91 forks source link

Spacing between unary operator #435

Closed abelnation closed 8 years ago

abelnation commented 8 years ago

Spacing between ++ operators and the variable it effects are not functioning correctly for me. The goal is to have spaces between the operator and the var.

echo "\!a; ++i; i++; -x" | ./node_modules/.bin/esformatter
! a; ++i; i++; - x;

My config

    "root": true,
        "LimitLineBreaks": 2,

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            "value": "\t",
            "alignComments": true,

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            "ArrayPattern": 1,
            "ArrowFunctionExpression": 1,
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            "AssignmentExpression.BinaryExpression": 1,
            "AssignmentExpression.LogicalExpression": 1,
            "AssignmentExpression.UnaryExpression": 1,
            "CallExpression": 1,
            "CallExpression.BinaryExpression": 1,
            "CallExpression.LogicalExpression": 1,
            "CallExpression.UnaryExpression": 1,
            "CatchClause": 1,
            "ConditionalExpression": 1,
            "CommentInsideEmptyBlock": 1,
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            "ForOfStatement": 1,
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            "SwitchStatement": 1,
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            "VariableDeclaration.BinaryExpression": 1,
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            "VariableDeclaration.UnaryExpression": 1,
            "WhileStatement": 1

        "lineBreak" : {
            "value" : "\n",

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                "ArrowFunctionExpressionClosingBrace": -1,
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                "CallExpressionClosingParentheses" : -1,
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                "CatchClosingBrace" : ">=0",
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                "ForInStatementExpressionOpening" : "<2",
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                "ElseIfStatementClosingBrace" : ">=1",
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                "WhileStatementClosingBrace" : ">=1"

        "whiteSpace" : {
            "value" : " ",
            "removeTrailing" : 1,

            "before" : {
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                "ArrayExpressionOpening" : 0,
                "ArrayExpressionClosing" : 1,
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                "ArrayPatternOpening": 1,
                "ArrayPatternClosing": 1,
                "ArrayPatternComma": 0,
                "ArrowFunctionExpressionArrow": 1,
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                "BinaryExpressionOperator" : 1,
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                "CallExpressionOpeningParentheses" : 0,
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                "CatchOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "CatchClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "FinallyClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ForInStatementExpressionClosing" : 1,
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                "ForInStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ForOfStatementExpressionClosing" : 1,
                "ForOfStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "ForOfStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ForStatementExpressionOpening" : 1,
                "ForStatementExpressionClosing" : 1,
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                "FunctionExpressionClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "IfStatementConditionalClosing" : 1,
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                "IfStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ElseStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ElseIfStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "SwitchDiscriminantOpening" : 1,
                "SwitchDiscriminantClosing" : 1,
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                "TryOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "TryClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "UnaryExpressionOperator": 1,
                "VariableName" : 1,
                "VariableValue" : 1,
                "VariableDeclarationSemiColon" : 0,
                "WhileStatementConditionalOpening" : 1,
                "WhileStatementConditionalClosing" : 1,
                "WhileStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "WhileStatementClosingBrace" : 1

            "after" : {
                "AssignmentPattern" : 1,
                "ArrayExpressionOpening" : 1,
                "ArrayExpressionClosing" : 0,
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                "ArrayPatternOpening": 1,
                "ArrayPatternClosing": 1,
                "ArrayPatternComma": 1,
                "ArrowFunctionExpressionArrow": 1,
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                "BinaryExpressionOperator" : 1,
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                "FinallyClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ForInStatementExpressionClosing" : 1,
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                "ForInStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
                "ForOfStatement" : 1,
                "ForOfStatementExpressionOpening" : 1,
                "ForOfStatementExpressionClosing" : 1,
                "ForOfStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "ForOfStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
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                "ForStatementExpressionOpening" : 1,
                "ForStatementExpressionClosing" : 1,
                "ForStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
                "ForStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "ForStatementSemicolon" : 1,
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                "FunctionExpressionClosingBrace" : 0,
                "FunctionDeclarationOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "FunctionDeclarationClosingBrace" : 1,
                "IIFEOpeningParentheses" : 0,
                "IfStatementConditionalOpening" : 1,
                "IfStatementConditionalClosing" : 1,
                "IfStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "IfStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
                "ModuleSpecifierOpeningBrace": 1,
                "ElseStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "ElseStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
                "ElseIfStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "ElseIfStatementClosingBrace" : 1,
                "MemberExpression": -1,
                "MemberExpressionClosing": 0,
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                "MemberExpressionPeriod": 0,
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                "LogicalExpressionOperator" : 1,
                "ObjectExpressionOpeningBrace": 1,
                "ObjectExpressionClosingBrace": 0,
                "ObjectExpressionComma": -1,
                "ObjectPatternOpeningBrace": 1,
                "ObjectPatternClosingBrace": 0,
                "ObjectPatternComma": -1,
                "Property": -1,
                "PropertyName" : 0,
                "PropertyValue" : 0,
                "ParameterComma" : 1,
                "ParameterList" : 1,
                "SwitchDiscriminantOpening" : 1,
                "SwitchDiscriminantClosing" : 1,
                "ThrowKeyword": 1,
                "TryKeyword": 1,
                "TryOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "TryClosingBrace" : 1,
                "UnaryExpressionOperator": 0,
                "VariableName" : 1,
                "VariableValue" : 0,
                "VariableDeclarationSemiColon" : 0,
                "WhileStatementConditionalOpening" : 1,
                "WhileStatementConditionalClosing" : 1,
                "WhileStatementOpeningBrace" : 1,
                "WhileStatementClosingBrace" : 1
millermedeiros commented 8 years ago

this is tricky to describe as integers... because right now whiteSpace.[before|after].UnaryExpressionOperator = 1 would convert !!foo into ! ! foo, which for some people might look weird... (this special case would need to be handled by a plugin)

the UpdateExpression hook is very dumb right now, only removes line breaks and white spaces between the argument and operator - this is easy to fix and should be improved (we should add a new option UpdateExpressionOperator)

millermedeiros commented 8 years ago

I added the UpdateExpressionOperator on 8937a94 - but we should probably add another way to handle the multiple consecutive UnaryExpressionOperator (output !! foo instead of ! ! foo) - but not sure how to handle it, maybe always format like !! foo or !!foo and not add an option to format as ! ! foo?

millermedeiros commented 8 years ago

whiteSpace.after.UnaryExpressionOperator = 1 and whiteSpace['before'|'after''].UpdateExpressionOperator = 1 should do the trick!

I updated the UnaryExpressionOperator behavior so input !!foo will output !! foo instead of ! ! foo - which makes more sense and will probably match more style guides... If anyone needs a different behavior it's easy to implement as a plugin and/or add a new setting to esformatter (but I'll keep it simple for now)

thanks a lot for the bug reports and feature requests! please keep them coming.