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my386blog/2023/02/06/web-scraping-python #1

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Web-Scraping in Python: Beautiful Soup | Millie’s Coding Blog

Essentials of getting data directly from the web using the Beautiful Soup package

JillianWarburton commented 1 year ago

Great article, I love that you included step-by-step instructions! I noticed the numbering of your steps reset every paragraph, so it may be worth double-checking your formatting after publishing in the future. I loved that you included examples of inspecting web pages for both Google Chrome and Safari; great attention to detail there!

bkimber99 commented 1 year ago

How did you insert the code snippets at the beginning of your post? That's really cool!

mokuda2 commented 1 year ago

That's so cool that you know how to web scrape! After following along, I hope that I can understand web scraping better in class.

staticcasttype commented 1 year ago

Super useful for this next week in class. Thanks for providing my 20m of class prep time! Haha

blacksaab commented 1 year ago

It is so interesting to me that some websites discourage web scraping. Like, why would you put data or information on your public website if you didn't want people to use that data or information?