milohr / babe-qt

This version is unmantained. The new version is now named VVAVE
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QJson Qt5 #21

Closed demmm closed 7 years ago

demmm commented 7 years ago

Since this application uses all Qt 5 I presume, you will be using QJson Qt5 too, for that you need to use the qjson-qt5 setup, see:

To make current git status of babe-qt build with QJson Qt5 based, this sed line makes the build work:

sed -i -e 's|<qjson/parser.h>|<qjson-qt5/parser.h>|' artwork.cpp
milohr commented 7 years ago

I wasn't using qjson-qt5/parser.h> and I just deleted it from source, so I don't think this is necessary. Correct me.if I'm wrong. Right now babe only uses the default build in qt json

demmm commented 7 years ago

Not clear why you would insist on using Qt4 depends for an application that is complete Qt5 based, just for one depend that also for years now is Qt5 ready. QJson builds the Qt5 version by default, only if Qt5 is not found or you set the cmake to force Qt4 will it build that way.

milohr commented 7 years ago

@demmm I don't follow what you say. Exactly what qt4 libraries am i still using? QJson*? I'm sorry but English is not my first language and I'm still learning qt.

milohr commented 7 years ago

i double checked and according to the official documentation i'm not using none library outside qt5 version: this is an example of qjson in qt5