milohr / babe-qt

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Finding similar songs not working #52

Closed evertvorster closed 6 years ago

evertvorster commented 6 years ago

Hi there.

I have just added a large collection into babe. After I have added a song or two to the main playlist, I tried out the various buttons. Clicking on calibrations removes all the songs from the main playlist, apart from the selected song, and nothing else that I can see. What's the point of this?

However, this is not the main issue. I had a previous version of Babe installed, and with that, when I clicked on "find similar" it would populate my main playlist with similar songs. Right now I just get a message that no similar songs were found. This is a bit hard to believe for a classic rock song in a collection of over 90k songs.

How can I troubleshoot this?

Kind regards, -Evert-

milohr commented 6 years ago

Hi Evert, this repository is out of date, the code has been moved to kde phabricator page:

if you are using that repo and still have those issues let me know, else, please try to get babe from that repo instead.

milohr commented 6 years ago

@evertvorster okay. i see you're using the aur package which points to the right repo. Right now the whole online information system is down cause i'm refactoring it to move it to its own thread. so the similar artists isn't working right now. maybe by tomorrow you will be able to use it again and it will be faster.

evertvorster commented 6 years ago

Hi there. I know this repo is out of date, but I can't seem to post issues on the other repo. How does one sign up? Thanks for the awesome software. -Evert-

evertvorster commented 6 years ago

Hi there... Sorry to bug you on this old repo again. I am still using the Arch AUR package, and that uses the phabricator repo. However, the last edit to that repo was almost a month ago. The one feature I was looking forward to using was the find similar feature.

Any idea when this will work again?

evertvorster commented 6 years ago

Hi there... Any update on this feature working again? Kind regards, -Evert-