milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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stylesheet(s) question #184

Open senlin opened 11 years ago

senlin commented 11 years ago

First of all thanks for the great theme, very inspiring!

I have a question regarding the stylesheets. I'm just getting my feet wet with scss and there's two things I don't understand from your theme

  1. where to add styles to modify your theme?
  2. most of your styles seem to be in style.css which is different from css/style.css and different again from scss/style.scss; can you please explain to me how this works?

Thanks in advance!

randomfreeform commented 11 years ago

There's instructions at the top of each style sheet.. I guess one could create a child theme... but I simply made my style mods by installing WP Jetpack plugin(s) whitch has a handy 'CSS Stylesheet Editor' in it that creates a 'custom.css' stylesheet that loads after everything.

senlin commented 11 years ago

You're talking plain css, I wanted to know how to use sass.

I finally figured it out though by copying a few lines from the Spine Theme, which is also built on Foundation.

For those who want to know, put this at the bottom of the config.rb file:

require 'fileutils'
on_stylesheet_saved do |file|
  if File.exists?(file) && File.basename(file) == "app.css"
    puts "Moving: #{file}", File.dirname(file) + "/../../" + "style.css")

Once that's done and saved, you can close your style.css and move to the sass (or scss) folder and open the file style.scss. Before you start editing away though, it's a good idea to go into Terminal and type there compass watch, to make sure that once you save your stylesheet, the whole lot gets copied over to the style.css