milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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Different "Read more" Link if logged in #194

Open roneissl opened 11 years ago

roneissl commented 11 years ago

Hello everybody,

I guess the answer is quite simple,...

I am using Reverie 4. When beeing logged in to my blog, I get a different "Read more" - link. Looks like the theme overrides the settings I gave to the_content() in content.php . I just can't find the function where this is done.

Would love to get a quick hint where this magic happens =)

milohuang commented 11 years ago

Nothing to prevent you from changing the reader more link. Edit the line in content.php.

roneissl commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your response, but I guess I have to clarify that a bit.

I have already edited the line in content.php and it now says the_content('Weiterlesen...'); - while Weiterlesen is the german translation for Continue Reading .

But now the problem as described above happens: When not logged in, everything works fine, the read more link displays as intended as Weiterlesen... BUT when logged in, the read more link ist displayed as Continue Reading Title of the Post

You get the main problem? When logged in, there is a different read more link shown, and it is english not german as intended. My settings for the_content(); in content.php are somehow ignored.