milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
MIT License
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Dropdown menu w/ gem zurb-foundation 4.2.1 not working? #200

Open shrwnsan opened 11 years ago

shrwnsan commented 11 years ago

Anyone else that have updated to this gem version notice their dropdown menus not working?

Just wondering if its just me. If so, if you have a fix, please post. TIA

(PS. Thinking it might be a JS issue at this point to be updated?)

shrwnsan commented 11 years ago

^ I tried updating the /js directory with the latest Foundation JS files, dropdown menus still don't work for me. Anyone else?

shrwnsan commented 11 years ago

It seems that custom dropdowns lost its custom-styling.

I went back to gem zurb-foundation 4.1.6. This is what I have in my config.rb file for now till this gets fixed.

gem 'zurb-foundation', '=4.1.6'
require 'zurb-foundation'

(Added the first line above)


patrick-wc commented 11 years ago


I think I have the same problem as you, but when I added gem 'zurb-foundation', '=4.1.6' it didn't fix the problem. I think the problem is with the SCSS files, because as soon as I download the standalone SCSS files from here, watch the folder and make some changes, the top-bar loses its functionality in full mode, in the smaller media query mode it's fine.

It's a shame as I really like reverie but for the life of me can't figure out how to get it working with SASS properly (even though sass compass and foundation are installed properly on my machine. I think I need to grab the 4.1.6 SCSS files but I can't work out how to do that.

patrick-wc commented 11 years ago

I got it to work finally, I downloaded and extracted only the SCSS folder from here and overwrote the files that were in the reverie-master's original SCSS folder. Now it's working with SASS (and source maps on google canary!) :)

shrwnsan commented 11 years ago
