milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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Customize foundation.min.js #229

Closed tommielandstrom closed 10 years ago

tommielandstrom commented 10 years ago

I want to make some changes in foundation js-files, therefore i tried to customize foundation.min.js. Unfortunately without any luck. What I did was i created my own and imported the following foundation js-files:

// @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.abide.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.alerts.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.clearing.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.cookie.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.dropdown.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.forms.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.interchange.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.joyride.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.magellan.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.orbit.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.placeholder.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.reveal.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.section.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.tooltips.js" // @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.topbar.js"

As you can see i'm using Codekit to minify but when minified to foundation wont work. So my question is witch files are included in the orginal foundation.min.js?

Any ideas what i'm missing?

tommielandstrom commented 10 years ago

I solved my problem by moving @codekit-append "foundation/foundation.js" to the top.