milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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Menu not working after resizing #235

Open shawn00m opened 10 years ago

shawn00m commented 10 years ago

I'm using Reverie on a site I'm developing and I have made some significant customization to the theme for the needs of the client project. However, one piece that is not functioning is the menu when the screen is made small. The menu link doesn't work to show the menu. Any suggestions?

Here is the site:


uphamg commented 10 years ago

I'm having the same problem. I even took out everything in my header.php and replaced with original just to see if I had messed something up, but it didn't work with original header.php either.

Good luck getting any help on here though man I don't think anybody comes on here to help. I'll let you know if/when I figure out what's wrong with mine.

shawn00m commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I didn't have a lot of hope that I would get an answer, but I had to try. Let me know if you find a solution.

uphamg commented 10 years ago

I found that I had a plugin that was causing it to not work. Hope you can get your fixed.

shawn00m commented 10 years ago

Oh. That's interesting. Which plugin?

uphamg commented 10 years ago

Umm, it was a gallery plugin that a coworker installed when I was on vacation. I don't remember which one though. Might have been nextgen.

postphotos commented 10 years ago

Loading multiple instances of jQuery (which the plugin might've done) creates all sorts of really fun (READ: really annoying) errors.

I'm willing to bet that's exactly what the gallery did, but you'd need to check out the inspector with and without it.

sebdufourcq commented 10 years ago

Same issue for me, not resolved yet.

madrover commented 10 years ago

I hit the same issue but it my case it was something silly.
I had the set .top-bar background-color to white without noticing that the menu link and icon were white as well. So, when resizing the menu icon and link weren't visible.

brettlewis commented 9 years ago

I've been battling this issue for two days now. I thought it had to do with WP 4.0 jquery being loaded at 1.11.0, but changing it back to 1.10.0 didn't fix it. Strangely enough it works on my localhost copy of the site but fails to work when loaded on the live HTTPS version. I'm not sure if it's a secure server issue? Any insight?

uphamg commented 9 years ago

Hey Brett. Don't remember the problem offhand now but I know I got everything figured out. I won't be able to look again until Monday so I hope you can last til then. If so I will look back on this and tell what I did to fix it. Send me an email to remind me if you still need help.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 26, 2014, at 6:48 PM, brettlewis wrote:

I've been battling this issue for two days now. I thought it had to do with WP 4.0 jquery being loaded at 1.11.0, but changing it back to 1.10.0 didn't fix it. Strangely enough it works on my localhost copy of the site but fails to work when loaded on the live HTTPS version. I'm not sure if it's a secure server issue? Any insight?

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uphamg commented 9 years ago

Actually Brett lately I think that I have been putting the stock wp menu code in a div that I only use at 768px and up and then use a plugin called wp responsive menu and have it kick in at 767 or below. It's worked great and is a little more fluid on mobile devices. I would suggest giving it a try. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 26, 2014, at 6:48 PM, brettlewis wrote:

I've been battling this issue for two days now. I thought it had to do with WP 4.0 jquery being loaded at 1.11.0, but changing it back to 1.10.0 didn't fix it. Strangely enough it works on my localhost copy of the site but fails to work when loaded on the live HTTPS version. I'm not sure if it's a secure server issue? Any insight?

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brettlewis commented 9 years ago

What i've also noticed is that the secure version of the site does not inject the extra CSS used for the navigation

localhost: section class="top-bar-section" style="left: 0%;" http: section class="top-bar-section" style="left: 0%;" https: section class="top-bar-section"

The click on the secure version also fails to trigger ANY functions on top-bar. There are no errors however.