milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
MIT License
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F 5.2? #277

Open randomfreeform opened 10 years ago

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

I was just about to jump into building a new site with Reverie and noticed that today Foundation went 5.2 - and they're saying it's a big update... So Zhen, not to be pushy but any plans to update Reverie with F5.2? THANKS AS ALWAYS!

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

any thoughts on this Zhen? thx

bloccxx commented 10 years ago

+1 :)

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago


tnog commented 10 years ago

If you're comfortable using grunt/bower you can also checkout

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

thanks tnog, Is it absolutely required to use FoundationPress?

true that though I really love Reverie and all I sometimes wish there was a more 'active' option to consider... FWIW I'm more of a media ace & indy web designer, ok and part time code cook.

dwood7399 commented 10 years ago

@randomfreeform I'm thinking of trying FoundationPress as well, I use CodeKit and am a little scared off by Grunt (although keep hearing great things).

Were you able to get it running without Grunt? Does it seem more functional than Reverie?

tsquez commented 10 years ago

You can always try WP-Forge

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

I did try FoundationPress... I simply downloaded it and installed it in the usual WP install. Works great so far, not sure how to compare it to Reverie yet.

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago


gpspake commented 10 years ago

If anyone is interested in Reverie on 5.2.2, check out Grunterie. It's basically a Gruntified Reverie built with the latest version of Foundation. It was built in accordance with the Foundation install docs so you can use the foundation gem to update foundation anytime with foundation update; No more waiting around for the latest version of Foundation, you can keep it up to date yourself. Also, Reverie is set up to use Compass, which is awesome, but Grunterie uses Grunt to compile Sass so it's a lot more extendable and doesn't require Ruby. Grunterie isn't ready to go out of the box, you'll need to build it but it's really easy to do. Let me know if you have any trouble.

postphotos commented 10 years ago

Being able to update foundation separately from a theme seems ingenious. I've used Reverie since F3, and this seems like a good upgrade. Will report back!

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

MANY THANKS gpspake !

Yo Zhen!!! Why didn't you tell all us that you had a new Grunt made version out there? Also, any chance you'll update Reverie to F5.2 for us non Grunt users? (OK, off to learn how to use Grunt now... :) Thanks!!!

Aetles commented 10 years ago

Very interesting gpspake, thanks!

gpspake commented 10 years ago

@randomfreeform I actually just put Grunterie together yesterday so I could use Grunt with Reverie instead of the Compass gem. It wasn't too hard; I just followed the instructions on the foundation site to create a new project and dragged (Is it drug? dragged? whatever) all of the reverie files in.

I would really recommend taking some time to create a project based on those instructions. Just from scratch on your computer. It's easier than it might seem. First, if you aren't already familiar with npm, bower, grunt, git and gems, it's a great little crash course. You can do it in any OS no problem. Second, once you do it, you'll realize that Reverie is really just a foundation project (built using that method) with the necessary files added to make it a WP theme. Zhen did a really good job of building the theme around Foundation so that it can still be managed as a Foundation project (He didn't really hack around with any of the source docs too much) .

The Foundation install docs recommend 2 ways to build a foundation project with SASS using the Foundation Gem. The first option is to use Grunt with libsass and the other option is Compass. Zhen set Reverie up to use Compass, which I've actually been using and it works great. I've just recently been getting more in to Grunt though and I wanted to see if I could use it instead. Either way, you go you can update foundation by running foundation update (Assuming you have the gem installed) to update the foundation files.

I would really encourage everyone to check out Grunt, it's pretty verstile and you can download modules to do just about anything. I don't know how I ever lived without Browser Sync and there's even a Compass module so you can still use compass - best of both worlds. (I'm actually thinking about adding that compass module to the Grunterie so I don't have to change any of Zhen's SCSS but I haven't tried it out yet.)

That being said, I'd like to see Reverie continue to use the Compass gem and maintain Grunterie as the Grunt alternative. Both ways are OK according to Zurb and it's mostly just a matter of preference.

I assume, since he's been out of touch, as of late, Zhen's probably just been busy and I'm sure he'll jump back in to update everything soon. Until then though, there's nothing that says we can't update it ourselves.

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

Wow... super cool of you gpspake! When I get time I know I'll have to jump into the proper n 'current' way to do these sass things. One of my biggest fears is to be too involved in code without a dynamic css visual editor like I'm used to ( csssedit and now Espresso). Any thoughts on live sass editors, any out yet?

gpspake commented 10 years ago

Writing sass is not much different from writing css. You're basically just editing .scss files, so you shouldn't really need any new tools or anything; you can still edit the files the same way you always have. The difference is that, as you edit the scss, whatever pre-processor you're using is watching the sccs file and out putting a css file. So everytime you save you're scss file, the css file get's updated automatically.

So to answer your question directly, if you like using Espresso, stick with it. You could even use notepad if you want. I write a lot of PHP so I use phpstorm whiich might be over kill in your case because it's a full blown IDE. I would recommend Ultraedit as a nice all around text editor but most of all I would recommend sticking with whichever editor you're most familiar with.

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

Thanks.. though CssEdit & Espresso are more than text editors.. they have gui's & fields to every css parameter that you tweak and watch your page update in realtime.. but it sounds like I could probably still use them and as they generate the css code I'd just copy it and paste it into the preprocessor.

gpspake commented 10 years ago

Good news everyone. I've made some updates to Grunterie so if you want to use Reverie with the latest version of Foundation, check it out...

First, I updated the git-ignore file to include all of the bower components so you no longer have to build the project yourself. It's ready to go. It's basically just like downloading Reverie but with the latest version of Foundation. This should make the theme more accessible to anyone who doesn't want to bother with sass.

Second, I added Compass support so if you want to use Compass, go for it. Grunterie is set up to use lib-sass by default but I've also included grunt-contrib-compass with the project so Compass compile can be run as a grunt task. (This is actually how I've been working). To use compass you'll just need to comment and un-comment a few lines in the Gruntfile.js. (There are more detailed instructions in the readme.)

I'm using it on a project I'm working on right now and everything seems to be working great. I'd love for everyone to try it out and let me know what you think.

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

Wow, what an ace!!! Thanks sooooooo much gpspake! Will give it a full on go later this week and will give feedback.

randomfreeform commented 10 years ago

gpspake, been using Grunterie on a new project for the last few weeks... so far it's working great!!! Nice to be able to use the latest Foundation and Reverie in css mode until I have some real time to go SASS. Thanks again!!!!!