milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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Adding the "Menu Description" to the navigation #285

Closed webifieddesign closed 10 years ago

webifieddesign commented 10 years ago

I see that it is possible to add a description to various menu items via wordpress- I'm not very familiar with PHP though, and am not sure how to implement this into the current reverie theme. It looks like there is a walker in the nav.php, but I'm not sure if this already allows for descriptions, or if it would be possible to add.

webifieddesign commented 10 years ago

And... I think I just answered my own question.

For others that may be interested, it looks like all you need to do is add this line to the list of $item_output items:

        $item_output .= '<br /><span class="sub">' . $item->description . '</span>';

This was added between the 'a' attributes- so it would show up here:

        $item_output .= '<a '. $attributes .'>';
        $item_output .= $args->link_before . apply_filters( 'the_title', $item->title, $item->ID ) . $args->link_after;
        $item_output .= '<br /><span class="sub">' . $item->description . '</span>';
        $item_output .= '</a>';