milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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Deprecation Warning when running compass #305

Open cywtf opened 9 years ago

cywtf commented 9 years ago


I have this warning while running "compass watch" I have the latest version of compass, and althought the warning is not stopping the development, its pretty much annoying.

I dont clearly understand the instructions how to remove it. Could somebody explain?

DEPRECATION WARNING on line 1, column 7 of C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.1/stylesheets/comp 3/_shared.scss: Unescaped multiline strings are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Sass. To include a newline in a string, use "\a" or "\a " as in CSS.

WARNING: The compass/css3/shared module has been deprecated. You can silence this warning by importing compass/css3/deprecated-support instead. Please be aware that module will be removed in the next release. on line 1 of C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.1/stylesheets/compass/css3/_shared.scss from line 19 of C:/[userfolder]/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/reverie/scss/style.scss

GarySwift commented 8 years ago

Same here. (Sorry, I don't have a solution)

ergophobe commented 8 years ago

The solution is exactly as mentioned in the error message. Silence the message by changing line 19 to

// Load some Compass magic, note you will need to install Compass first @import "compass/css3/deprecated-support";

Unfortunately, that only does what it says it does - silence the error message. The root problem is that if you're getting this error message you're using a recent version of Compass and Sass (1.0.1 and 3.4/5) and Zurb Foundation won't compile with those. So you have to back out your install to Compass 0.12 and Sass 3.2 or try one of the other solutions

See this explanation

See also
