milohuang / reverie

Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
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Child theme path not correct #307

Open jbag123 opened 9 years ago

jbag123 commented 9 years ago


I don't know if this is a wordpress of reverie issue. I have been building a site with Reverie using a child theme. However, I changed themes in the admin panel on wordpress and then went back to my reverie child and it had lost the child theme.

looking at the source it had added another /css directory for some reason (cue hair pulling). It looked like this: jbag_blog/wp-content/themes/jbag_blog/css/css/app.css . Had no problem before.

I have my child theme style.css in a css folder in the child theme folder. So I am calling the parent theme like this: @import url("../../reverie-master/css/app.css"); Is this right/ or very wrong. I have tried it with the style.css child theme not in its own css folder.

Any help greatly appreciated.
