milon / barcode

Laravel Barcode Generator
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Extra number in results #112

Closed robertnicjoo closed 4 years ago

robertnicjoo commented 4 years ago

I have barcode data in database like qewf and it print in my blade like:


So far everything looks good,

But when i try to read this barcode I get qewf1 where this 1 came from?



<img src="data:image/png;base64,{!! \DNS1D::getBarcodePNG($product->barcode, 'C39+',1,50,array(1,1,1),true) !!}" alt="barcode" />

Any idea?

ysfkaya commented 4 years ago

I have that same problem. It put the letter "H" at the end

ysfkaya commented 4 years ago

I have solved the problem. I was changed barcode type to C128 then it worked.

robertnicjoo commented 4 years ago

I have solved the problem. I was changed barcode type to C128 then it worked.

Thank you that worked