milon / barcode

Laravel Barcode Generator
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barcode is good on browser screen but wrong on print preview #161

Open PanNork opened 2 years ago

PanNork commented 2 years ago

barcode is good on browser screen, but it seems to be bolder on print preview and can't read by barcode scanner. here is what i did: DNS1DFacade::getBarcodeSVG($code, 'C128', 1, 75)

  1. print preview screen image

  2. browser screen image

The last image is from other source (it looks well in both).

aamalomari commented 2 years ago

I have same problem

angeljqv commented 2 years ago

maybe making it wider

yuxxeun commented 7 months ago

i have the same problem. end-up with trying to custom css and use @page selector and then adust barcode width manually, and its work's.