milonmaze / privacy-terms-observatory

Privacy Terms Observatory is an archive of published privacy and terms of popular websites.
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Open milonmaze opened 3 years ago

milonmaze commented 3 years ago

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milonmaze commented 3 years ago

381ff4f8284529dfcd1d68ef4d6cabf27c564e2e: @ 2021-02-27

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+Terms of Service
+Community Guidelines
+Sexual Content
+Privacy Notice
+Privacy Choices
+California Privacy Disclosure
+DMCA Guidelines
+Trademark Policy
+Trademark Guidelines
+Terms of Sale
+Developer Agreement
+Affiliate Program Agreement
+Supplemental Fees Statement
+Ad Choices
+Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
+Bits Acceptable Use Policy
+Cookie Notice
+Photosensitive Seizure Warning
+Predictions Terms and Conditions
+Modern Day Slavery Statement
+Events Code Of Conduct
+Accessibility Statement
+Last modified on 01/22/2021
+Community Guidelines
+At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
+In addition to our Terms of Service, we provide the following guidelines for our community. These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user generated content and activity on our services. This is considered a living document that we regularly update based on the evolution of the Twitch community and service. Additional guidelines or specific exceptions may be applicable for certain services or properties under the Twitch Service.
+To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, we at Twitch reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. Such actions may include: removal of content, a strike on the account, and/or suspension of account(s). Please refer to this page for more detail: About Suspensions.
+Breaking the Law
+You must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.
+This includes committing or aiding in the malicious destruction, defacement, or theft of public or another person’s private property without permission on stream.
+Suspension Evasion
+All suspensions are binding until expiration or removal upon successful appeal. Any attempt to circumvent an account suspension or chat ban by using other accounts, identities, or by appearing on another user’s account will also result in an additional enforcement against your accounts, up to an indefinite suspension. 
+In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advertise a suspended user. We understand that there may be instances where suspended users may appear on your stream due to circumstances beyond your control, such as through third-party gaming tournaments, but we expect that you make a good faith effort to remove them from your broadcast, mute them, or otherwise limit their interactions with your stream.
+Self-Destructive Behavior
+Any activity that may endanger your life or lead to your physical harm is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving. We do not make exceptions for self destructive behavior performed as a stunt or gag made in jest, or meant to entertain, when the behavior could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury.
+Violence and Threats
+Acts and threats of violence will be taken seriously and are considered zero-tolerance violations and all accounts associated with such activities will be indefinitely suspended. This includes, but is not limited to:
+Attempts or threats to physically harm or kill others
+Attempts or threats to hack, DDOS, or SWAT others
+Use of weapons to physically threaten, intimidate, harm, or kill others
+Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. You may not display or link terrorist or extremist propaganda, including graphic pictures or footage of terrorist or extremist violence, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.
+In situations where a user has lost control of their broadcast due to severe injury, medical emergency, police action, or being targeted with serious violence, we will temporarily remove the channel and associated content.
+Hateful Conduct and Harassment
+Hateful conduct and harassment are not allowed on Twitch. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Twitch has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protections under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics.
+Harassment has many manifestations, including stalking, personal attacks, promotion of physical harm, hostile raids, and malicious false report brigading. Sexual harassment, specifically, can take the form of unwelcome sexual advances and solicitations, sexual objectification, or degrading attacks relating to a person’s perceived sexual practices.
+We will take action on all instances of hateful conduct and harassment, with an increasing severity of enforcement when the behavior is targeted, personal, graphic, or repeated/prolonged, incites further abuse, or involves threats of violence or coercion. The most egregious violations may result in an indefinite suspension on the first offense. 
+Learn more about our hateful conduct and harassment policies and enforcement.
+Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Do not invade the privacy of others. It is prohibited to share content that may reveal private personal information about individuals, or their private property, without permission. This includes but is not limited to:
+Sharing personally identifiable information (such as real name, location, or ID)
+Sharing restricted or protected social profiles or any information from those profiles
+Sharing content that violates another’s reasonable expectation of privacy, for example streaming from a private space, without permission
+Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Any attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Twitch representatives is a zero-tolerance violation and will result in indefinite suspension.
+Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
+Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Twitch services or another user’s experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes:
+Posting large amounts of repetitive, unwanted messages or user reports
+Distributing unauthorized advertisements
+Defrauding others
+Spreading malware or viruses
+Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata, or intentional channel miscategorization)
+Tampering (such as artificially inflating follow or live viewer stats)
+Selling or sharing user accounts
+Reselling Twitch services or features (such as channel Moderator status)
+Defacing, or attempting to deface, website pages or other Twitch services (such as uploading inappropriate or malicious content)
+Cheating a Twitch rewards system (such as the Drops or channel points systems)
+Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
+Nudity and sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited.
+Content or activities that threaten or promote sexual violence or exploitation are strictly prohibited and may be reported to law enforcement. Child exploitation will be reported to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
+Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited, although they may be allowed in educational contexts or for pre-approved licensed content, in each case subject to additional restrictions.
+Learn more about our sexual content policies and enforcement.
+Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
+Content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence is prohibited.
+Intellectual Property Rights
+You should only share content on your Twitch channel that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to or are authorized to share on Twitch. If you share content on your Twitch channel that you do not own or otherwise do not have the rights to share on Twitch, you may be infringing another person’s intellectual property rights. This includes any third party content included in your content, derivative creations, or performances of others’ copyrighted content. We encourage you to assess your content for adherence to applicable intellectual property laws and the proper application of principles such as fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights needed, before sharing your content on Twitch.
+Any unauthorized content you share on Twitch may be subject to a takedown by the rights holder(s) to remove the infringing content from Twitch, and is a violation of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account.
+Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the copyright owners or unless otherwise permitted by law include:
+Other Twitch creators’ content
+Pirated games or content from unauthorized private servers
+Content from other sites
+Movies, television shows, or sports matches
+Music you do not own or do not have the rights to share
+Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.
+Content Labeling
+You are expected to accurately label your content to the best of your ability. When choosing a category or tag, please choose whichever best describes your content. Deliberate or extensive misuse of titles, tags, games/categories, or other metadata are prohibited.
+Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
+Cheating in Online Games
+Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster’s live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.
+Closed Alphas/Betas and Pre-Release Games
+We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.
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milonmaze commented 3 years ago

a1cc79bc8cce1d481023642dc4186875c5e2e8ad: @ 2021-02-27

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+Terms of Service
+Community Guidelines
+Privacy Notice
+Privacy Choices
+California Privacy Disclosure
+DMCA Guidelines
+Trademark Policy
+Trademark Guidelines
+Terms of Sale
+Developer Agreement
+Affiliate Program Agreement
+Supplemental Fees Statement
+Ad Choices
+Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
+Bits Acceptable Use Policy
+Cookie Notice
+Photosensitive Seizure Warning
+Predictions Terms and Conditions
+Modern Day Slavery Statement
+Events Code Of Conduct
+Accessibility Statement
+Last modified on 02/09/2021
+Cookie Notice
+This Cookie Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”, “we” or “us”) that link to this Cookie Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch uses certain technologies to collect information through the Twitch Services. In this Cookie Notice, we refer to these technologies, which include HTTP cookies, local storage, pixel tags and web beacons, collectively as “cookies.” This notice explains the different types of cookies used on Twitch Services and how you can control them. We may change this Cookie Notice at any time: please take a look at the “last modified” legend at the top of this page to see when this Cookie Notice was last revised. 
+By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the information handling practices and storage and access of cookies as described in this Cookie Notice.
+We hope that this notice helps you understand, and feel more confident about, our use of cookies. If you have any further queries, please contact us at
+What is a Cookie?
+Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device. They are widely used in order to make websites and software applications work, or work in a better, more efficient way. They can do this because websites and software applications can read and write these files, enabling them to recognize a particular device and remember important information that will make your use of a website or software application more convenient (e.g., by remembering your user preferences).
+What Cookies do we use and why do we use them?
+Below we list the different types of cookies we may use on the Twitch Services.
+We use session cookies (that last until you close your browser) and persistent cookies (that last until you delete them from your browser, or until they expire in accordance with their lifespan). Twitch-originated persistent cookies on Twitch Services will have a maximum lifespan of thirteen months from the time you last used the Twitch Services. Cookies used to remember your privacy settings (such as Advertising Preferences), may remain on your browser for up to 5 years.
+We use first party and third party cookies. First-party cookies are created and accessed by the host domain - the domain the user is visiting, in this case, Twitch. Third-party cookies are those created and accessed by domains other than the one the user is visiting at the time.
+Operational Cookies: These cookies are critical to the operation of the Twitch Services. These cookies are used, for example, to maintain your login state and remember your preferences. These cookies cannot be disabled without severely affecting your use of the Twitch Services. 
+Examples of operational cookies include the following:
+Operational cookie examples
+Cookie ID
+Authentication & authorization
+User preferences
+Country determination
+User preferences
+User preferences
+User preferences
+Search optimization
+Analytics Cookies: Third parties may use cookies to analyze user activity. For example, third party developers of Twitch Extensions may use Google Analytics to understand how users use their Extensions.
+Analytics cookie examples
+Google Analytics e.g. _ga, _gid, _gat
+Used by developers of extensions you may choose to install. Helps developers analyze usage to improve extensions.
+Advertising or Marketing Cookies: Twitch uses first and third party cookies to personalize, measure, and deliver advertising and marketing messages.
+Advertising & Marketing cookie examples
+ad-id, ad-privacy (Amazon)
+Informs advertising activity, the delivery of ads on Twitch (including interest-based ads), through Amazon advertising systems and other partners.
+_s; branch_session (Branch)
+kxsegs, kxuser,
+kxtwitch_* (Salesforce DMP)
+   Helps Twitch (1) acquire new users by delivering targeted Ads to users off Twitch properties (2) Measure marketing campaign ROI to determine the sources of new Twitch users. 
+uid, uidr (comScore)
+Ads measurement and analytics partner.
+How does Twitch use third party cookies?
+Third parties may use cookies in the process of delivering and measuring content, including ads, relevant to your interests on Twitch and third-party sites.
+Third parties may also use cookies to assist us in acquiring new users and measuring the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.
+How do I control Cookies?
+Users from the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK can revisit their cookie choices through their Settings > Security and Privacy > Cookie Preferences. There are also online tools such as Digital Advertising Alliance’s Browser Check and European Digital Advertising Alliance’s Your Online Choices site that explain digital advertising and allow you to choose how cookies are used throughout the web based on your location and the device and browser you are using. All users can also enable Google’s browser extension to disable Google Analytics across any website that you visit.
+You may also refuse to accept cookies from the Twitch Services or Extension developers at any time by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse cookies. Further information about the procedure to follow in order to disable cookies can be found on your Internet browser provider’s website via your help screen. For additional guidance please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Ad Choices [] page. Please be aware that if cookies are disabled, not all features of the Twitch Services or Extensions may operate as intended.
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milonmaze commented 3 years ago

93255f1ecd0faea496ade77fedc8a2d61cf76087: @ 2021-02-27

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+Terms of Service
+Community Guidelines
+Privacy Notice
+Privacy Choices
+California Privacy Disclosure
+DMCA Guidelines
+Trademark Policy
+Trademark Guidelines
+Terms of Sale
+Developer Agreement
+Affiliate Program Agreement
+Supplemental Fees Statement
+Ad Choices
+Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
+Bits Acceptable Use Policy
+Cookie Notice
+Photosensitive Seizure Warning
+Predictions Terms and Conditions
+Modern Day Slavery Statement
+Events Code Of Conduct
+Accessibility Statement
+Last modified on 10/15/2020
+Privacy Notice
+This Twitch Privacy Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided, owned, or operated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”) that link to this Privacy Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch values the privacy of users, subscribers, publishers, members, and others who visit and use the Twitch Services (collectively or individually, “you” or “users”) and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about you. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice, to the extent permitted by law.
+For purposes of data protection laws, Twitch Interactive, Inc. located at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, is the “data controller” of your information collected in connection with the Twitch Services.
+You may share personal information when using the Twitch Services. One example is when you provide information about yourself as part of the Twitch account creation process. Another is when you take certain actions on the Twitch Services that are public or intended to be public in nature, such as when you broadcast content, participate in a chat room, post profile information, follow a channel, or subscribe to a broadcast channel. Given the social nature of some of the Twitch Services, that information may be collected, used, or disclosed by others who are part of that social interaction. In addition, some features of the Twitch Services are designed to provide others with information about user activity, such as identifying the user who created a particular Clip or the subscription status of users for a given channel. We encourage you to be mindful of this when considering your activity on the Twitch Services.
+Storage and access to cookies that are set in connection with the Twitch Services are governed by the Twitch Cookie Policy (“Cookie Policy”).
+Table of Contents
+Personal Information Twitch Collects About You
+How Twitch Uses Personal Information
+When Twitch Discloses Personal Information
+Data Subject Rights & Your Choices
+Account Closure & Deletion
+Third-Party Websites and Services
+Advertisers and Analytics Providers
+Do Not Track
+Data Security
+Retention of Your Information
+Children’s Privacy
+Merger or Sale
+International Data Transfers
+Changes and Updates to This Privacy Notice
+Twitch Contact Information
+California Privacy Disclosures
+Personal Information Twitch Collects About You
+We obtain information about you through the means discussed below when we provide the Twitch Services. Please note that we need certain types of information so that we can provide the Twitch Services to you. If you do not provide us with such information, or ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use the Twitch Services.
+User-provided Information: You may provide a variety of information about yourself to us, such as your name, voice and image (in any content you upload), Twitch username, email address, postal mailing address, telephone number, credit card number, and billing information when you register for Twitch Services; upload, purchase, view, or download certain content or products from the Twitch Services; enter contests or sweepstakes; or otherwise use the features and functionality of the Twitch Services.
+Automatically Collected Information: When you access the Twitch Services or open one of our emails, we automatically record and store certain information about your system by using cookies and other types of technologies. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters that are sent to your browser. For information about what cookies are, how they work, how Twitch uses them, and how to remove them, please see our Cookie Policy . Examples of such information we automatically collect include Internet Protocol address (“IP Address”), a unique user ID, device and browser types and identifiers, referring and exit page addresses, software and system type, and information about your usage of Twitch Services. Examples of how Twitch uses automatically collected information include to: (a) automatically update the Twitch application on your system; (b) remember your information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you access the Twitch Services; (c) provide customized advertisements, content, and information; (d) monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns; (e) monitor and store aggregate site usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages accessed; and (f) track your entries, submissions, and status in any promotions or other activities.
+Information from Other Sources: We may obtain additional information from third parties and sources other than the Twitch Services. For example, we may obtain additional information from advertisers, games or services you use, or social media networks (such as Facebook) for which you have approved our access. When you access the Twitch Services through social media networks or when you connect the Twitch Services to social media networks, you are authorizing Twitch to collect, store, and use such additional information and content in accordance with this Privacy Notice. We may also obtain information from third-party services (such as Riot or Steam) regarding your use of such services, including about your use of the content you choose to broadcast through the Twitch Services. We use this information to supplement the information we collect about you in order to provide more relevant, safer experiences for you with the Twitch Services and improve the Twitch Services, analytics, and advertising. If we combine or associate information from other sources with information that we collect through the Twitch Services, we will treat the combined information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
+How Twitch Uses Personal Information
+Twitch uses such information to operate, maintain, enhance, provide, create, and develop all of the features, functionality, and services (new or existing) found on the Twitch Services; provide security for our websites, products, software, or applications; manage relationships with Twitch account holders (e.g., Partners, Affiliates), including making or receiving payment; improve users’ experience with Twitch by providing content recommendations and by delivering content that we hope users will find relevant and interesting, including advertising and marketing messages; allow you to comment on content, and participate in online games, contests, or rewards programs; prevent fraud and abuse; and understand the usage trends of our users.
+We use your email address and/or telephone number to communicate with you, including to notify you of major Twitch Services updates, for customer service purposes, or to contact you regarding any content that you have posted to or downloaded from the Twitch Services. If you want to stop receiving notifications by telephone, reply STOP to any text message from us. Note that we may still send you additional informational or transactional notifications.
+Twitch may periodically send promotional materials or notifications to you related to the Twitch Services. If you want to stop receiving promotional materials, you can go to your account settings once you have logged in to the Twitch Services or follow the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of any email from us. If you have installed a mobile app and you wish to stop receiving push notifications, you can change the settings either on your mobile device or through the app.
+In certain cases, we have a legal obligation to collect and process your personal information (such as our obligation to share data with tax authorities).
+We may also ask for your consent to process your personal information for a specific purpose that we communicate to you. When you consent to our processing your personal information for a specified purpose, you may withdraw your consent at any time and we will stop the processing of your data for that purpose.
+Twitch will rely on legal grounds to process your personal information to the extent permitted by applicable law, which may include, without limitation:  to honor contractual commitments, to take steps in anticipation of entering into contract, to fulfill legal obligations, your consent, and Twitch’s legitimate interests.
+When Twitch Discloses Personal Information
+We share such information as described below:
+We disclose such information to service providers working on our behalf, such as, to: provide website hosting, maintenance, and security services; fulfill orders; conduct data analysis and create reports; offer certain functionality; or assist Twitch in improving the Twitch Services and creating new services and features. We require that these parties process such information in compliance with this Privacy Notice, we authorize them to use the information only for the purposes for which it is provided to them, and we require them to use reasonable confidentiality measures.
+Twitch may make information available to our affiliates (meaning entities controlled by, controlling, or under common control with Twitch), including, Inc. and its subsidiaries that are either subject to this Privacy Notice or follow practices at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Notice.
+Twitch may disclose user information if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to comply with U.S. state and federal laws or other applicable laws around the world (for example, in the country of your residence), or respond to a court order, judicial or other government request, subpoena, or warrant in the manner legally required.
+Twitch also reserves the right to disclose information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to protect Twitch from potential liability or from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses; investigate and defend ourselves against third-party claims, or allegations; protect the security or integrity of the Twitch Services; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Twitch, our users, or others.
+Other than as set out in this Privacy Notice, you will receive notice when personal information about you might be shared with third parties and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.
+Data Subject Rights and Your Choices
+Twitch’s Privacy Choices page describes your privacy options with respect to the Twitch services, including information about how you may be able to review, update, or delete information that Twitch may have about you. You may decline to share certain information with Twitch, in which case Twitch may not be able to provide to you some of the features and functionality found on the Twitch Services. If you have created a Twitch Services account, depending on the service, you may be able to update your profile information and preferences or disable your account by logging in and going to the settings page – for example, 
+For other requests to review, update, delete, or otherwise limit Twitch’s use of information that you have provided directly to Twitch, you may contact In your request, please include your email address, name, address, and telephone number and specify all relevant background. To protect your privacy and security, we may take steps to verify your identity before granting you access or making corrections to your information. You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your unique password and account information at all times.
+Residents of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and residents of Brazil can exercise certain data subject rights available to them under applicable data protection laws.  We will comply with requests to exercise these rights in accordance with applicable law. Please note that in some circumstances, we may need to keep processing your information for certain legitimate interests or to comply with a legal obligation.  If these rights apply to you, they may permit you to request that we:
+Obtain access to or a copy of certain personal information we hold about you.
+Prevent the processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes (including any direct marketing processing based on profiling).
+Update personal information that is out of date or incorrect.
+Delete certain personal information we hold about you.
+Restrict the way that we process and disclose specific personal information about you.
+Transfer your personal information to a third-party provider of services.
+Revoke consent that you previously provided for the processing of your personal information.
+For more information on how to exercise these rights, click here.  If applicable, you may make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority in the country where you are based. Alternatively, you may seek a remedy through local courts if you believe your rights have been breached.
+Account Closure & Deletion
+If you would like to close your account and delete your profile information on go to For Twitch Services other than, you may update or delete information tied to your account, or close an account, by accessing the “My Account” area of the service or by submitting a help ticket to that service. If you close your account, Twitch may retain certain information about you for the activities described in this Privacy Notice, or as permitted or required by applicable law.
+Third-Party Services and Websites
+The Twitch Services may link to third-party websites or services. The privacy practices of those third parties are not governed by this Privacy Notice. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party websites and services to understand their practices.
+If you connect to a third-party service (such as Facebook, Twitter, or another third-party application) through the Twitch Services or otherwise link your Twitch account with a third-party service, you are requesting and authorizing us to share or grant access to information on your behalf (such as your username, the fact that your connection originated from the Twitch Services, and other relevant usage and diagnostic information) with such third party. We may also send information about the content you watch or your activities on the Twitch Services to such third parties. For example, we may make information available to app developers, game developers, and game publishers to facilitate purchases and awards of digital goods, such as games and in-game items.
+The Twitch Extensions program allows broadcasters to embed interactive, custom, third-party content and applications on their channel pages. You can find out more about the specific Extension(s) operating on a given channel by clicking on the attribution links or icons that Twitch will make available on the channel page, for example, on the Twitch video player or at the bottom of an Extension’s panel.
+Interaction by a viewer with an Extension or with the channel on which the Extension is activated will provide the developer that operates the Extension with viewer information of the nature described above in “Automatically Collected Information.” Twitch does not provide access to your user name or ID to third-party Extension developers as part of the Twitch Extensions program unless you click “Grant Access” within the Extension or you install an Extension on your channel. You are responsible for any information you provide to the developer independently, for example, through a web form on the Extension or visiting that developer’s website.
+We require Extension developers to process data about you only for the purposes set forth in our developer agreement. We encourage you to visit an Extension’s detail page to review any privacy policy posted by the developer, which may include additional information on their privacy practices.
+Advertisers and Analytics Providers
+Twitch may use third-party Web analytics services in connection with the Twitch Services. These service providers use a variety of tracking technologies such as cookies to analyze how users use the Twitch Services. The information collected (described above in “Automatically Collected Information”) may be shared with or collected directly by these services and processed to evaluate your use of the Twitch Services.
+Twitch may also work with third-party ad networks, advertisers, and advertising analytics providers to target (and measure the performance of) ads to you both on and off the Twitch Services. We may share with these third parties (or they may directly collect) data such as cookie and mobile ad identifiers in order to engage in advertising activity (including to understand how you respond to advertisements and to serve relevant ads). Twitch also works with third parties to serve ads to you off Twitch’s Services. When we do so, we may share information such as your email address or resettable device identifier for that advertising partner to “match” to other information that may have about you.
+Advertisers on Twitch, or representatives or service providers working on their behalf (“Twitch Advertisers”), sometimes use technology to serve ads that appear on our services directly to your device.  They automatically receive certain data, such as your IP address, when this happens. They may also use cookies (or similar technologies) to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize ad content. This Privacy Notice does not apply to, and we cannot control the tracking technologies and activities of Twitch Advertisers and you should consult their respective privacy policies. For more information about Twitch Advertisers and similar entities that use these technologies, and to opt-out of their advertising practices, go to our Privacy Choices page.
+Do Not Track
+Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. DNT is a way for users to inform websites and services that they do not want certain information about their webpage visits collected over time and across websites or online services. We are committed to providing you with meaningful choices about the information collected on our website for third-party purposes, and that is why we provide the Network Advertising Initiative, Your Online Choices and the Digital Advertising Alliance opt-out links above. However, Twitch does not recognize or respond to browser-initiated DNT signals.
+Data Security
+Twitch uses a variety of managerial, technical, and physical measures to protect the integrity and security of your information. These measures may vary based on the sensitivity of your information. However, no security precautions or systems can be completely secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to Twitch, and you do so at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.
+Retention of Your Information
+Twitch maintains data related to your usage of Twitch for as long as it is required in order to fulfill the relevant purposes described in this Privacy Notice, as may be required (or permitted) by law such as for tax and accounting purposes, or as otherwise communicated to you. Once you have asked us to close your account and delete your profile information, we will delete all information that we are not required or permitted to retain by law.
+Children’s Privacy
+Protecting the privacy of young children is especially important. For that reason, Twitch does not knowingly collect or maintain personal information (as defined by the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) from persons under 13 years-of-age. If Twitch learns that personal information of persons under 13 has been collected on or through the Twitch Services, Twitch will take appropriate steps to delete this information.
+If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child under 13 who has become a Twitch Services member, then please contact Twitch at to have that child’s account terminated and personal information deleted.
+For residents of the EEA and residents of Brazil where the processing of personal information is based on consent, Twitch will not knowingly engage in that processing for users under the age of consent established by applicable data protection law. If we learn that we are engaged in that processing with such users, we will halt such processing and will take reasonable measures to promptly remove applicable information from our records.
+Merger or Sale
+In the event that Twitch, or some or all assets related to the Twitch Services are acquired by or merged with a third-party entity or in connection with a contemplated change of ownership transaction, we reserve the right, in any of these circumstances, to transfer or assign the information that we have collected from users as part of that merger, acquisition, sale, or other change of control event, including in the course of diligence.
+International Data Transfers
+Information collected by Twitch may be stored and processed in your region, in the United States (for instance in our major data centers), or in any other country where Twitch or its affiliates, subsidiaries, partners, or service providers are located or maintain facilities.  If we provide any information about you to any such entities, we will take appropriate measures to ensure such companies protect your information adequately in accordance with this Privacy Notice and applicable law.
+Changes and Updates to This Privacy Notice
+Twitch reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Notice at any time (for example to reflect updates to the Twitch Services or to reflect changes in the law). Please check this Privacy Notice periodically for those changes. Your continued use of the Twitch Services after the posting of changes constitutes your binding acceptance of such changes.
+We will not materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of personal information collected in the past under a prior version of the Privacy Notice without the consent of affected individuals
+Twitch Contact Information
+Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 or by email to We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days of its receipt. If you are a California resident, you may have this same information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and a request for this information.
+For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation, Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative in the EU to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at 1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK or by email to
+California Privacy Disclosures
+Click here to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.
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milonmaze commented 3 years ago

9f870a714f74714aa977b85526ded9ed585be0de: @ 2021-03-07

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index 06cb51c..a9a6b21 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Predictions Terms and Conditions
 Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
+Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

bf360841fc0479a73ad375a93dfcc3c99b179d09: @ 2021-03-07

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index 2536bc7..b2c252b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Predictions Terms and Conditions
 Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
+Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

198dbff296fbcbd90f57d67f428d39e5a7340142: @ 2021-03-07

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--- a/
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@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Predictions Terms and Conditions
 Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
+Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

503959ddeb9544e801d734a9bfa8899c4fdad518: @ 2021-04-19

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index b2c252b..7bc2495 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Browse
 Terms of Service
 Community Guidelines
+Off-Service Conduct Policy
 Sexual Content
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 01/22/2021
+Last modified on 04/07/2021
 Community Guidelines

 At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
@@ -150,6 +151,14 @@ Closed Alphas/Betas and Pre-Release Games

 We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.

+Off-Service Conduct
+Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can only happen if our users feel secure and protected. In order to achieve this goal, Twitch enforces against severe offenses committed by members of the Twitch community that occur outside of our services, such as hate group membership, terrorist recruitment, sexual assault, and child grooming. We will investigate reports that include verifiable evidence of these behaviors and, if we are able to confirm, issue enforcements against the relevant users. We will also consider allegations of similarly severe conduct by those wishing to join the Twitch community and, if substantiated, we will terminate the account.
+We will do our best to ensure that our enforcement decisions are accurate, which in some cases will necessitate us bringing in a third party investigator for thorough and impartial review. If we are able to verify reports of off-service statements or behaviors that relate to an incident that took place on Twitch, we will use this evidence to support and inform our enforcement decisions.
+Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

b890620fd6fae902c31f9f6a4ce4d525671d6103: @ 2021-04-19

added new file

milonmaze commented 3 years ago

d756e182199147ed2a48dacdb1e174bb972f14ee: @ 2021-05-29

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 04/07/2021
+Last modified on 05/27/2021
 Community Guidelines

 At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports t

 In situations where a user has lost control of their broadcast due to severe injury, medical emergency, police action, or being targeted with serious violence, we will temporarily remove the channel and associated content.

+In exceptional circumstances, we may preemptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual’s use of Twitch poses a high likelihood of inciting violence. In weighing the risk of harm, we consider an individual’s influence, the level of recklessness in their past behaviors (regardless of whether any past behavior occurred on Twitch), whether or not there continues to be a risk of harm, and the scale of ongoing threats.
 Hateful Conduct and Harassment

 Hateful conduct and harassment are not allowed on Twitch. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Twitch has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protections under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics.
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

06c270129d41d9bd2b49d066e4151bbd16164981: @ 2021-07-03

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

e6d3bba3e2f9673febeb4d2687c467a233e46f6a: @ 2021-07-03

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

cb8688ee9bb757d45e17cd608026f7844c5e004b: @ 2021-07-03

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 3 years ago

0f853e596c3ea67910509d3c9b2135b726f84c1b: @ 2021-07-03

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index a9a6b21..d54ec43 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

5d4a22aab628f12fa0863f9119b642a449fcc5e6: @ 2021-08-21

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+++ b/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 05/27/2021
+Last modified on 08/17/2021
 Community Guidelines

 At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
@@ -146,6 +146,10 @@ Content Labeling
 You are expected to accurately label your content to the best of your ability. When choosing a category or tag, please choose whichever best describes your content. Deliberate or extensive misuse of titles, tags, games/categories, or other metadata are prohibited.

 Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
+Referring Viewers to Slots, Roulette, and Dice Games
+Linking to sites that include slots, roulette, or dice games, or sharing affiliate links or referral codes to such sites is not allowed.
 Cheating in Online Games

 Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster’s live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

d8fb0ee46e117276a0ef013acb469725bf5bdaee: @ 2021-09-04

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 Terms of Service
 Community Guidelines
@@ -173,28 +172,4 @@ For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation, Twitch UK Limited ha

 California Privacy Disclosures

-Click here to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.
\ No newline at end of file
+Click here to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.
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milonmaze commented 2 years ago

4e1f61f2298552797d8185cbcfd29b48486283a0: @ 2021-09-04

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 Terms of Service
 Community Guidelines
@@ -205,28 +204,4 @@ Subpoenas/Preservation Holds

 Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.

-Subpoenas and preservation requests processed by Twitch increased 37% in H2.  This is within the expected volumes of valid Subpoenas/Preservation Holds we have received from Law Enforcement.   
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+Subpoenas and preservation requests processed by Twitch increased 37% in H2.  This is within the expected volumes of valid Subpoenas/Preservation Holds we have received from Law Enforcement.   
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milonmaze commented 2 years ago

f6d3c54e198db630bf2e3502edd6f94a9ff874ee: @ 2021-09-04

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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 Terms of Service
 Community Guidelines
@@ -198,28 +197,4 @@ How do I control Cookies?

 Users from the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK can revisit their cookie choices through their Settings > Security and Privacy > Cookie Preferences. There are also online tools such as Digital Advertising Alliance’s Browser Check and European Digital Advertising Alliance’s Your Online Choices site that explain digital advertising and allow you to choose how cookies are used throughout the web based on your location and the device and browser you are using. All users can also enable Google’s browser extension to disable Google Analytics across any website that you visit.

-You may also refuse to accept cookies from the Twitch Services or Extension developers at any time by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse cookies. Further information about the procedure to follow in order to disable cookies can be found on your Internet browser provider’s website via your help screen. For additional guidance please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Ad Choices [] page. Please be aware that if cookies are disabled, not all features of the Twitch Services or Extensions may operate as intended.
\ No newline at end of file
+You may also refuse to accept cookies from the Twitch Services or Extension developers at any time by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse cookies. Further information about the procedure to follow in order to disable cookies can be found on your Internet browser provider’s website via your help screen. For additional guidance please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Ad Choices [] page. Please be aware that if cookies are disabled, not all features of the Twitch Services or Extensions may operate as intended.
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milonmaze commented 2 years ago

8a02d434115da40934150eaa9c69404ad7a8314a: @ 2021-09-04

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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 Terms of Service
 Community Guidelines
@@ -164,28 +163,4 @@ Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can o

 We will do our best to ensure that our enforcement decisions are accurate, which in some cases will necessitate us bringing in a third party investigator for thorough and impartial review. If we are able to verify reports of off-service statements or behaviors that relate to an incident that took place on Twitch, we will use this evidence to support and inform our enforcement decisions.

-Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
\ No newline at end of file
+Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
\ No newline at end of file
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

090c3a392b2e9e32d767288f75f36f6ecd721b02: @ 2021-10-09

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+++ b/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 10/15/2020
+Last modified on 09/29/2021
 Privacy Notice

 This Twitch Privacy Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided, owned, or operated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”) that link to this Privacy Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch values the privacy of users, subscribers, publishers, members, and others who visit and use the Twitch Services (collectively or individually, “you” or “users”) and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about you. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice, to the extent permitted by law.
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Merger or Sale
 International Data Transfers
 Changes and Updates to This Privacy Notice
 Twitch Contact Information
-California Privacy Disclosures
+Additional Information for Certain Jurisdictions
 Personal Information Twitch Collects About You

 We obtain information about you through the means discussed below when we provide the Twitch Services. Please note that we need certain types of information so that we can provide the Twitch Services to you. If you do not provide us with such information, or ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use the Twitch Services.
@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice a

 For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation, Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative in the EU to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at 1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK or by email to

+Additional Information for Certain Jurisdictions
 California Privacy Disclosures

-Click here to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.
\ No newline at end of file
+Click here to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.
+Republic of Korea Privacy Disclosures
+Click here to read additional disclosures required under the Personal Information Protection Act.
\ No newline at end of file
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

e4bbd0d789b0878633dce44e84a8e4cd6c827735: @ 2021-10-23

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 09/29/2021
+Last modified on 10/19/2021
 Privacy Notice

 This Twitch Privacy Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided, owned, or operated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”) that link to this Privacy Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch values the privacy of users, subscribers, publishers, members, and others who visit and use the Twitch Services (collectively or individually, “you” or “users”) and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about you. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice, to the extent permitted by law.
@@ -168,7 +168,9 @@ Twitch Contact Information

 Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 or by email to We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days of its receipt. If you are a California resident, you may have this same information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and a request for this information.

-For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation, Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative in the EU to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at 1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK or by email to
+For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation, Twitch Sweden AB has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative in the EU to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please contact Twitch Sweden AB with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch Sweden AB, Polstjärnegatan 14 417 56 Gothenburg, Sweden or by email to
+Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative under the UK GDPR for residents of the UK. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch UK Limited,1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK or by email to

 Additional Information for Certain Jurisdictions
 California Privacy Disclosures
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

47fa68338aba4c1ffe8e32da9a340851b1158830: @ 2021-12-18

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+++ b/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 08/17/2021
+Last modified on 12/16/2021
 Community Guidelines

 At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advert

 Self-Destructive Behavior

-Any activity that may endanger your life or lead to your physical harm is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving. We do not make exceptions for self destructive behavior performed as a stunt or gag made in jest, or meant to entertain, when the behavior could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury.
+Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, glorification or encouragement of self-harm, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving. We do not make exceptions for self destructive behavior performed as a stunt or gag made in jest, or meant to entertain, when the behavior could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury.

 Violence and Threats
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

72357e8d71f57e58830baa7466d0fc7789817e57: @ 2022-01-15

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--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

3e68a848f6277e49df35737f49d2adcc5e3a79e4: @ 2022-01-15

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@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

63d683ecc107cd380713815cb10752f50cf09ba6: @ 2022-01-15

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@@ -1,90 +1,203 @@
-Terms of Service
-Community Guidelines
-Privacy Notice
-Privacy Choices
-California Privacy Disclosure
-DMCA Guidelines
-Trademark Policy
-Trademark Guidelines
-Terms of Sale
-Developer Agreement
-Affiliate Program Agreement
-Supplemental Fees Statement
-Ad Choices
-Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
-Bits Acceptable Use Policy
-Cookie Notice
-Photosensitive Seizure Warning
-Predictions Terms and Conditions
-Modern Day Slavery Statement
-Events Code Of Conduct
-Accessibility Statement
+Preferred Language  ↗
 Transparency Report
-Last modified on 03/02/2021
-Transparency Report 2020
-Note to Reader:
-This transparency report is the first of its kind for Twitch: it takes a hard look at how we think about safety; the product choices we made to create a safe space for all our communities, and how our safety staff, community moderators, and technological solutions help enforce the rules we set. The result is a wide-ranging overview of service-specific data intended to help give readers a meaningful understanding of safety-related matters on Twitch and the progress we are making. Future reports will build upon our endeavor of making Twitch an even safer place. 

+Transparency Reporting is an important measure of accountability that provides insight about how we are improving safety on Twitch.

 Safety at Twitch
 Safety Philosophy

-Twitch is a service that was built to encourage users to feel comfortable expressing themselves and entertain one another but we also want our community to always be and  feel safe. Our Community Guidelines attempt to balance the importance of letting users express themselves, while also conveying clearly the rules of what is not allowed on the service; such as saying anything that is harmful to others (or illegal). Our goal is to foster a community that supports and sustains creators, provides a welcoming and entertaining environment for viewers, and eliminates illegal, negative and harmful interactions.
+Twitch is a service that was built to encourage users to express themselves and entertain one another,  but we also want our community to be, and feel, safe. Our Community Guidelines attempt to balance these important needs, by allowing users to express themselves but without saying or doing anything that is harmful to others (or illegal). Our goal is to foster a community that supports and sustains creators, provides a welcoming and entertaining environment for viewers, and eliminates illegal, negative and harmful interactions.

-At Twitch, we believe everyone in our community - creators, viewers, moderators, and Twitch - plays a big role in promoting the health and safety of our community. Through the Community Guidelines, we try to make clear what expression and behavior are allowed on the service, and what is not. We then rely on community moderation actions and user reporting, along with technological solutions, such as machine learning and proactive detection, to ensure the Community Guidelines are upheld. Creators and moderators (colloquially known as “mods”) also use tools that we and third-parties provide, such as AutoMod, Mod View, and moderation bots, to enforce Twitch service wide standards, or to set higher standards in their own channels.  
+At Twitch, we believe everyone in our community - creators, viewers and Twitch - plays a role in promoting the safety and health of our community. Through the Community Guidelines, we try to make clear what expression and behavior are allowed on the service, and what is not. We then rely on community action and reporting, along with technological solutions, to ensure the Community Guidelines are upheld. Creators and moderators also use tools that we and third-parties provide to enforce Twitch service-wide standards, or to set higher standards in their own channels.  

 Our Approach to Safety 

-Twitch is a live-streaming service. The vast majority of the content that appears on Twitch is gone the moment it’s created and seen. That fact requires us to think about safety and community health in ways that are different from other services that are primarily based on pre-recorded and uploaded content. Content moderation solutions that work for uploaded, video-based services do not work, or work differently, on Twitch. Through experimentation and investment, we have learned that for Twitch, user safety is best protected, and most scalable, when we employ a range of tools and processes, and when we partner with, and empower, our community members.
+Twitch is a live-streaming service. The vast majority of the content that appears on Twitch is gone the moment it’s created and seen. That fact requires us to think about safety and community health in different ways than other services that are primarily based on pre-recorded and uploaded content. Content moderation solutions that work for uploaded, video-based services do not work, or work differently, on Twitch. Through experimentation and investment, we have learned that for Twitch, user safety is best protected, and most scalable, when we employ a range of tools and processes, and when we partner with, and empower, our community members.
+The result is a layered approach to safety - one that combines the efforts of both Twitch (through tooling and staffing) and members of the community, working together. It starts with our Community Guidelines, which balance user expression with community safety, and set expectations for the behavior we want on Twitch. Creators are expected to uphold these service-wide standards in their channels, and are invited to raise the bar if they choose. We provide creators with tools to set, communicate and enforce the standards of behavior in their channel. We also provide viewer-level controls that enable viewers to control the content they see. At the same time, Twitch applies various technologies to proactively detect and remove certain kinds of harmful content before users ever encounter it. Finally, we empower users to report harmful or inappropriate behavior to Twitch. These reports are reviewed and acted on by a team of skilled and trained professionals who can apply service-wide enforcement actions. 

-The result is a layered approach to safety - one that combines the efforts of both Twitch (through tooling and staffing) and members of the community, working together. It starts with new and existing creators learning our Community Guidelines, which seek to balance user expression with community safety, and set the expectations for behavior on Twitch. Each creator then applies Twitch service wide standards, or may set an even higher bar if they choose, in their channel. We provide creators with tools to set, communicate and enforce the minimum required standards of behavior in their channel. We also provide viewer-level controls that enable viewers to control the content they see browsing the service. At the same time, Twitch applies various machine learning algorithms to proactively detect and remove certain kinds of harmful content before users ever encounter it. Finally, we empower users to report harmful or inappropriate behavior to Twitch directly. These reports are reviewed and acted on by a team of skilled specialists who can apply service-wide enforcement actions. 

-We will discuss each of these pieces in detail (from bottom of the pyramid to top) and how they fit together in the following section.  
+We will discuss each of these pieces in detail (from bottom of the pyramid to top) and how they fit together in the following section.  

 Community Guidelines

-Twitch’s Community Guidelines are the foundation of our safety ecosystem on Twitch. These guidelines set the guardrails for all user generated content and activity on the service. Because the Community Guidelines communicate the expectations for behavior on Twitch, clarity is important - we have tried to maximize clarity by adding descriptions and specific examples of prohibited behavior (and specific exceptions) wherever possible. We also recognize that Twitch’s community culture is constantly changing - which leads us to review and update our Community Guidelines to meet the community’s needs. We believe that by setting clear expectations that are updated as necessary, Twitch users will understand the boundaries we have set, and feel free and confident in expressing themselves within those boundaries. We also believe that clear, relevant Community Guidelines are an important foundation for establishing consistency in our enforcement actions to keep the community safe. 
+Twitch’s Community Guidelines are the foundation of our safety ecosystem. These guidelines set the guardrails for all user generated content and activity on the service. Because the Community Guidelines communicate the expectations for behavior on Twitch, clarity is important - over time we have continued to try to increase  clarity by adding descriptions and specific examples of prohibited behavior and content (and specific exceptions) wherever possible. We also recognize that Twitch’s community culture is constantly changing - which leads us to continuously review and evolve our Community Guidelines. We believe that by communicating our expectations and clearly communicating updates, Twitch users will understand the boundaries we have set, and feel free and confident in expressing themselves within those boundaries. We also believe that clear, relevant Community Guidelines are critical to  establishing consistency in our enforcement actions. 

 Service Level Safety

-Service-level safety encompasses all the work we do to uphold the Community Guidelines across Twitch. It is composed of three parts: machine detection, user reporting and review and enforcement.
+Service-level safety consists of technology and operations used to uphold the Community Guidelines across Twitch. Service-level safety consists of three parts: machine detection, user reporting and review and enforcement.

-Machine Detection: Over the last two years, we have implemented “machine detection” technologies that scan content on the service to remove harmful or inappropriate  content, or flag it for review by human specialists. Examples of this are nudity, sexual content, gore and extreme violence. Twitch is predominantly a live-streaming service, and most of the content that is streamed is not recorded or uploaded. Because content is viewed as it is created, live-streaming provides a particularly challenging environment for machine detection to keep up. Nevertheless, we have found ways to use machine detection to bolster proactive moderation on Twitch, and we will continue to invest in these technologies to improve them.
+Machine Detection: Over the last two years, we have implemented technologies that scan content on the service and then flag it for review by human specialists (we call this “machine detection”). Examples of this are nudity, sexual content, gore and extreme violence. Twitch is predominantly a live-streaming service, and most of the content that is streamed is not recorded or uploaded. Because it’s ephemeral, live-streaming provides a particularly challenging environment for machine detection. Nevertheless, we have found ways to make machine detection viable and useful on Twitch, and we will continue to invest in these technologies to improve them.

-User Reporting: Community reports are a crucial part of maintaining the safety and trust of our community and upholding our Community Guidelines. We believe user reporting is particularly effective on Twitch because the vast majority of the content on Twitch - video and chat - is public. We encourage creators, moderators, and viewers to report content that violates our Community Guidelines so we can take appropriate service-wide action. User reports are sent to our team of content moderation professionals to review.  
+User Reporting: Community reports are a crucial part of maintaining the safety and trust of our community and upholding our Community Guidelines. We believe user reporting is particularly effective on Twitch because the vast majority of the content on Twitch - video and chat - is public. We encourage creators, mods, and viewers to report content that violates our Community Guidelines so we can take appropriate action on a service-wide basis. User reports are sent to our team of content moderation professionals to review.  

-Review and Enforcement: At Twitch, we have a group of highly trained and experienced professionals who review user reports, and content that is flagged by our machine detection tools. These content moderation professionals work across multiple locations, and support over 20 languages, in order to provide 24/7/365 capacity to review reports as they come in across the globe. Reports are prioritized so that the most harmful behavior can be dealt with most quickly. Review time for any given report is dependent on a number of factors including the severity of the report, the availability of evidence to support the report, and the current volume of the report queue.  We also employ a team of experienced investigators to delve into the most egregious reports, and work with law enforcement as necessary.
+Review and Enforcement: At Twitch, we have a group of highly trained and experienced professionals who review user reports and content that is flagged by our machine detection tools. These content moderation professionals work across multiple locations, and support over 20 languages, in order to provide 24/7/365 capacity to review reports as they come in across the globe. Reports are prioritized so that the most harmful behavior can be dealt with most quickly. Review time for any given report is dependent on a number of factors including the severity of the report, the availability of evidence to support the report, and the current volume of the report queue.  We also employ a team of experienced investigators to delve into the most egregious reports, and liaise with law enforcement as necessary.

-We recognize that our content moderation professionals spend a lot of time reviewing content that runs the gamut from negative to extremely disturbing, and we take their health and safety as seriously as we take the health and safety of the Twitch community. To fulfill this commitment, we have invested in tooling to reduce the harmful effects of certain content on reviewers - for example, by having the system our reviewers use automatically show potentially harmful videos in black-and-white, at lower resolution, and/or muted. We also provide programs and benefits to our reviewers that are designed to protect their mental well-being.  
+We recognize that our content moderation professionals spend a lot of time reviewing a wide range of content  that can be negative or disturbing, and we take their health and safety as seriously as we take the health and safety of the Twitch community. To fulfill this commitment, we have invested in tooling to reduce the harmful effects of certain content on reviewers - for example, by having the system our reviewers use automatically show potentially harmful videos in black-and-white, at lower resolution, and/or muted. We also prioritize  programs and benefits for our reviewers to protect their mental well-being, such as extensive access to dedicated counsellors and the structure of workflows, workplaces and processes that promote employee wellness by design.  

 Channel-Level Safety

-On Twitch, we believe safety should also be a reflection of the creator. We enable our creators to set their own standards of acceptable and unacceptable community behavior, with our Community Guidelines providing a baseline standard that all communities are required to uphold. To foster a culture of accountability, creators can leverage other members of their community and create a team of moderators, who assist the creator by moderating chat in the creator’s channel.  (Mods can be easily identified in chat by the green sword icon that appears next to their username.) Moderators play many roles, from welcoming new viewers to the channel, to answering questions, to modeling and enforcing community standards. We provide both creators and their mods with a powerful suite of tools such as AutoMod, Chat Modes, and Mod View to make their roles as easy and intuitive as possible. These tools provide the ability to automatically filter chat, allow creators and mods to see (and delete) questionable chat messages before they are displayed on the channel, give users “time outs” (lock them out of chat for a period of time) or permanently block them from the channel. 
+On Twitch, we believe safety should also be personal. We enable our creators to set their own standards of acceptable and unacceptable community behavior, as long as these standards also comply with our Community Guidelines. To foster a culture of accountability, creators can build a team of community moderators (colloquially known as “mods”), who moderate chat in the creator’s channel.  (Mods can be easily identified in chat by the green sword icon that appears next to their username.) Moderators play many roles, from welcoming new viewers to the channel, to answering questions, to modeling and enforcing channel-level standards. We provide both creators and their mods with a powerful suite of tools such as AutoMod, Chat Modes, and Mod View to make their roles as easy and intuitive as possible. These tools provide the ability to automatically filter chat, allow creators and mods to see (and delete) questionable chat messages before they are displayed on the channel, give users “time outs” (lock them out of chat for a period of time) or permanently block them from the channel. 

 Viewer-Level Safety 

-In addition to the tools that we provide creators and their mods, we also want viewers to be able to customize the safety of their experience. To enable that, we provide viewers with features - such as content warnings, chat filters, and blocking tools -  that they can use to customize content and interactions they encounter across the service. 
+In addition to the tools that we provide creators and their mods, we also want viewers to be able to customize the safety of their experience. To enable that, we provide viewers with features - such as mature flags, chat filters, and blocking other users -  that they can use to customize content and interactions they encounter across the service. 
+H1 2021 Transparency Report
+H1 2021 Safety Updates 
+Community Guidelines: In H1 2021, we made two updates to our Community Guidelines aimed at reducing the risk of severe harms to our community. These new policies address (1) harms that occur off of Twitch, and (2) the risk of severe harms that may occur from influential individuals’ use of Twitch:
+Off-Service Misconduct: launched in April 2021, our Off-Service Conduct Policy addresses serious offenses that pose a substantial physical safety risk to the Twitch community; such as extreme or deadly violence, acts of terrorism, leadership or membership in a known hate group, sexual assault, the sexual exploitation of minors, and other acts or credible threats that endanger members of the Twitch community or Twitch staff, even if these offenses occur entirely off Twitch.
+Investigating off-service offenses is complex and involves balancing important interests of safety and privacy. To ensure we were equipped to investigate these cases thoroughly, impartially and fairly, we have made a substantial investment in our investigations team. We increased the size of our team, which enhanced our internal enforcement response capabilities, and partnered with an outside law firm that specializes in investigations.
+Incitement to Violence: In May 2021, we introduced a policy that allows us to preemptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual’s use of Twitch poses a high likelihood of inciting real world violence. 
+We made both of these updates to better protect our communities on and off Twitch. We are constantly re-assessing our policies and processes, and evaluating the need for new policies, with the aim of reducing harm on Twitch and making it a place where healthy communities can thrive.
+Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that user safety reports are reviewed as quickly and thoroughly as possible, and we have continued to invest heavily in increasing our capacity to achieve this goal. 
+In our inaugural Transparency Report (covering H2 2020) we reported a 4x increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. In H1 2021 we continued to increase our capacity to keep pace with growth in usage of the Twitch service.  First, we invested in the teams responsible for deep-dive investigations for complex cases, reviewing suspension appeals, proactive content review, and our quality assurance program. Finally, from October 2020 to June 2021, we have quadrupled the capacity of our Law Enforcement Response team (LER), which focuses on harms against children, counter-terrorism, law enforcement interactions, and serious off-service violations.  
+Moderation in Channels: Coverage, Removals and Enforcements 
+On Twitch, we empower creators to build communities that are unique and personal, but paired with that is the expectation that those communities must be healthy and abide by the Twitch Community Guidelines. To accomplish this, many Twitch creators ask trusted members of their communities to help moderate chat in the creator’s channel. These channel moderators (“mods”) and moderation tools are the foundation of chat moderation in every creator’s Twitch channel. To make this model work, we invest heavily to provide our creators and their mods with tools that are flexible and powerful enough to enforce those community standards within their channel. We focus our moderator support tooling in two main areas: identifying potentially harmful content for moderator review, and scaling moderator controls to support fast-moving Twitch chat. 
+Creators and their mods can use tooling provided by Twitch to manage who can chat in their channel and what content can be seen in chat. To manage who is actively participating in their community, creators and their mods can remove bad actors from chat by issuing temporary and/or permanent bans - these bans delete a chatter’s recent messages from the channel, and prevent them from sending further messages in the channel during the time they are suspended. Creators and mods can also change certain settings to restrict who can chat to more trusted groups such as followers or subscribers only. Mods can send their own chat messages, which carry their green Moderator badge, to guide the tone of the chat. To control what messages can be seen in chat, creators and mods utilize two core features: AutoMod and Blocked Terms. When enabled, AutoMod pre-screens chat messages in 17 languages and holds messages that contain content detected as risky, preventing them from being visible on the channel unless they are approved by a mod. Blocked Terms allow creators to further tailor AutoMod by adding custom terms or phrases that will be always blocked in their channel. These features are best utilized through Mod View, a customizable channel interface that provides mods with a toolkit of ‘widgets’ for moderation tasks like reviewing messages held by AutoMod, keeping tabs on actions taken by other mods on their team, changing moderation settings, and more.
+It’s important to remember that actions taken by a creator and their moderator(s) can only affect a user’s access in that channel. Channel bans, time-outs and chat deletion only apply within a channel, and do not affect the user’s access to other channels or other parts of the Twitch service. However, creators and moderators (or any Twitch user) can report conduct that violates our Community Guidelines through the Twitch reporting tool, which can then be actioned on a service-wide basis by Twitch moderation staff. 
+The following sections provide additional information regarding how creators and their moderators set and enforce standards for the chat in their own channels.
+Moderation of Chat
+The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  
+In the past year, human moderators, and streamers using Twitch-provided channel moderation tools (such as AutoMod), have been making more streams safer. From H2 2020 to H1 2021, Automod coverage, measured as the portion of live minutes watched occurring on channels that have Twitch’s AutoMod feature actively monitoring chat, increased from 71.5% to 73.28%. We believe this increase in moderation coverage is attributable to the increase in new channels over this period, which have AutoMod enabled by default. Moderation coverage, by human moderators and/or third-party moderation bots, measured as the fraction of live minutes watched on channels which had moderation actions, increased from 85.9% to 87.8%. This is likely the result of an increase in viewership of large channels, which are more likely to have active human moderation and/or third-party moderation bots due to fast-paced chat. Combined, total moderation coverage (either AutoMod or active moderators) increased from 95.7% to 96.6%. This increase in coverage shows that moderation has scaled with channel growth on Twitch.
+Proactive and Manual Removals of Chat Messages
+The vast majority of content removals on Twitch are removals of chat messages by channel moderators (either manually or with the help of proactive channel moderation tools) within individual channels. Twitch provides tools such as customizable Blocked Terms and AutoMod (described in more detail above), which allow channels to apply filters that proactively screen messages out of chat before they are seen. Channel moderators can also actively monitor chat and delete harmful or disruptive messages within seconds after they are posted. 
+In H2 2020, 32.6 billion chat messages were sent on Twitch, and in H1 2021, that number increased to 37.5 billion (a 15% increase). From H2 2020 to H1 2021, the number of messages proactively removed, through tools such as Automod, blocked terms, and chat modes, increased from 98.8M to 132.4M (a 34% increase). Manual removal of messages by moderators increased from 31.5M to 37.1M (an 18% increase). Deletions per thousand messages sent increased from 4.0 to 4.5 (a 13% increase). A portion of this increase in chat message deletion reflects both improvements to Automod, which enabled streamers and moderators to remove more harmful messages, as well as increased human moderation coverage across the service. 
+Channel Enforcement Actions
+In addition to deleting messages, channel moderators can choose to remove harmful and disruptive users from a channel, either using a timeout for a customizable length of time, or an outright ban, to prevent any future harm that a disruptive user might cause in the channel. Banned users may submit an appeal, called an Unban Request, should they wish to return to the channel. Unban decisions are at the discretion of the channel owner and their moderators. 
+Across the service, channel-level bans increased from 3.9M to 4.7M (a 19% increase) from H2 2020 to H1 2021. Timeouts, or temporary suspensions, increased from 4.5M to 5.4M (also a 19% increase). The average number of enforcements per channel increased from 0.44 to 0.50 (a 12% increase).  We believe this increase in channel-level suspensions is the result of increased moderation coverage in channels (both active moderation and use of Twitch’s channel moderation tools). 
+Reports and Enforcements 
+It’s worth noting again that Twitch is a live-streaming service, thus the vast majority of the content on Twitch is ephemeral. For this reason, we do not consider content removal as the primary means of enforcing streamer adherence to our Community Guidelines. Content is flagged by either machine detection or via user-submitted reports, and our team of content moderation professionals is responsible for reviewing these reports and issuing the appropriate enforcements for verified violations. The type of enforcement issued is based on a number of factors and can range from a warning, to a timed suspension, to an indefinite suspension. If there is recorded content associated with the violation, such as a recorded video (VOD) or a clip, that content is removed. That said, most enforcements do not require content removal, given that apart from the report, there is no longer a record of the violation — the live, violative content is already gone. For this reason, we believe the most appropriate measure of our safety efforts is the total number of enforcements issued, and that is how we have oriented the following sections of this report.
+For clarity, please note that the statistics regarding enforcements in the following sections does not include, and are not duplicative of, the channel-level enforcements discussed in the previous section.
+Reports Made on Twitch 
+From H2 2020 to H1 2021, the total number of reports submitted by users increased from 7.4M to 10.4M (a 41% increase). When evaluating user report volume, we use Reports per Thousand Hours Watched (reports/KHW) because it shows whether reporting volumes are increasing or decreasing relative to the overall growth of Twitch usage. Reports per KHW increased from 0.76 to 0.79 (an 8% increase).  While we saw increases in report volumes across multiple report reasons, most report volumes were in line with the 30% growth of Twitch usage between H2 2020 and H1 2021. The exception was reports of sexual content, which increased at a much higher rate, leading to an overall increase of reports/KHW. 
+Over the course of H1 2021, we saw an increase in sexual content reports associated with the emergence of indoor hot tub streams, commonly referred to as “Hot Tub Meta.” In May we addressed this topic with the community. Under our current Nudity & Attire and Sexually Suggestive Content policies, streamers may appear in swimwear in contextually appropriate situations (at the beach, or in a hot tub, for example), but nudity or sexually explicit content (which we define as pornography, sex acts, and sexual services) are not allowed on Twitch. Our Sexually Suggestive Content policy seeks to prohibit content that is overtly or explicitly sexually suggestive, but does not go as far as to prohibit all content that could be viewed as sexually suggestive as this would significantly restrict other content that we believe is acceptable for the Twitch community. Many viewers reported streams focused on swimwear-clad streamers in hot tubs because they believed that this content is sexually suggestive to an extent that violates our policies. In some cases, the same content and streamers were reported hundreds of times through duplicative reports by the same reporter, or coordinated reporting “brigades”. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the content and behavior cited in these reports did not violate our Community Guidelines. For additional information related to enforcements in this category, see “Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct” below. 
+User reports are prioritized based on a number of factors, including the classification and severity of the reported behavior, and whether or not the behavior constitutes an illegal act. Each report, regardless of priority, is sent to our content moderation team for review. If the reviewer agrees that the report demonstrates a violation of the Community Guidelines, the reviewer will issue an enforcement action against the violator’s account.  The enforcement issued depends on the nature of the violation, and can range from a warning, a temporary suspension (1-30 days), or for the most serious offenses, an indefinite suspension from Twitch. If any content that contains the violation has been recorded on our service, we will remove it.  
+We also maintain an appeals process, so that if a user believes an enforcement is incorrect, unwarranted or unfair, they can appeal the enforcement. Appeals are managed by a separate group of specialists within our content moderation team. For more information on account enforcement, see our Account Enforcements page.
+The total number of enforcement actions increased from 1.1M in H2 2020 to 1.2M in H1 2021, but the number of Enforcement Actions per Thousand Hours Watched (enforcements/KHW) decreased from 0.114 enforcements/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.095 enforcements/KHW in H1 2021. While there were increases in enforcement/KHW in a few categories (notably in “Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment”, and in “Violence, Gore, Threats and other Extreme Content”), these were more than offset by decreases in the number of enforcements for Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations, as discussed more fully below. 
+In the sections below, we provide data and analysis on the various types of enforcement actions that Twitch has issued in 2020 and H1 2021.
+Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment, and Harassment
+We do not tolerate conduct or speech that is hateful or harassing, or that encourages or incites others to engage in hateful or harassing conduct. This includes unwanted sexual advances and solicitations, inciting targeted community abuse, and expressions of hatred based on an identity-based protected characteristic.
+User reports for hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment increased by 33% from H2 2020 to H1 2021, and reports per thousand hours watched were 0.225 reports/KHW in H1 (compared to 0.220 reports/KHW in H2 2020).  However, as shown in the chart below, enforcement actions in these categories have increased by 243% and 164% on both an absolute basis, and on an enforcements/KWH basis, respectively, across the same time periods. We attribute this increase in both reporting and enforcement actions to updates made to our Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policy, which launched in January 2021.
+In January 2021, we began enforcing our updated Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policy, and this drove a significant increase in both the number of user reports submitted and in enforcement actions taken.  The clearer examples of violative conduct that the updated policy provides improved overall comprehension of our guidelines among the community, which we saw reflected in increased validity in the reports filed. Reports in these categories were more likely to be actionable as they featured specific, relevant information related to the violation. This has allowed us to combat a wider range of online hate and harassment. More specifically, distinguishing sexual harassment as separate and distinct category from other forms of harassment both internally and externally allowed our internal safety teams to take action on more reports of instances of unwanted sexual objectification, sexual denigration, and sexual solicitations.  
+Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Extreme Conduct
+In an effort to limit community exposure to content that may be illegal, jarring or damaging, we prohibit media and conduct that focuses on extreme gore or violence, sexual violence, violent threats, self-harm behaviors, animal cruelty, dangerous or distracted driving, and other illegal, disturbing, or frightening content/conduct.
+Enforcements for Violence, Gore, Threats, and Other Shocking Conduct increased from 7.4K in H2 2020 to 10.7K in H1 2021 (a 44% increase). Enforcements/KHW increased from 0.00077 to 0.00085 (a 10% increase). This change was largely driven by enforcements for Serious Violent Threats, which increased from 517 to 4,274 (an increase of 727%). This increase is attributable to a number of real world factors, including high profile protests and elections, as well as the resumption of some in-person events and activities. 
+Terrorism, Terrorist Propaganda, and Recruitment
+Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  

-Advertiser Safety

-Advertising is an important part of Twitch, and brands that advertise on Twitch want to know how we are making our users safer, and promoting a more positive and less harmful environment. As a condition of advertising with us, they want to ensure that their brand is not being associated with content or conduct that doesn’t align with their brand values. We address these goals in several ways. First, we only serve advertising on channels that are run by streamers who have demonstrated a track record of streaming responsibly, and have provided us with pre-screened identity information. Further, we allow our advertisers to target the placement of their ads - toward streamers who stream particular games that fit the advertiser’s brand values, or to streamers streaming games that are rated as suitable for a general audience (based on ESRB or PEGI ratings). Advertisers can also make sure that their ads are not shown on channels with content that is flagged by the streamers as “Mature”, or when the streamer is playing a game that is not aligned with the advertiser’s brand values - such as first-person shooter games, or games rated for mature audiences.

-2020 Safety Updates 
+We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity.  In H1 2021, enforcements for this category decreased from 67 to 55 (an 18% decrease) and enforcements/KHW have decreased from 0.0000069 enforcements/KHW to 0.0000044 enforcements/KHW (a 36% decrease).  All of the enforcements in this category in H1 2021 were for terrorist propaganda.  Despite the decreasing numbers, we continued to invest in this area throughout 2021, increasing the capacity and resources available to our Law Enforcement Response (LER) team, which handles reports in this category.
+Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct
+We limit community exposure to content that is not appropriate for a diverse audience. This includes restricting content that involves nudity, insufficient coverage of the body, inappropriate attire or is overly sexual in nature.
+Enforcement actions increased from 16K in H2 2020 to 25K in H1 2021 (a 55% increase). On a reports per thousand-hours-watched basis, enforcements increased from 0.00166 enforcements/KHW to 0.00199 enforcements/KHW (a 20% increase). The increase can be attributed in part to a 2.9K increase in the number of enforcements against detailed ASCII depictions of body parts and sex acts within chat content. There was also a significant increase in the number of enforcements for pornography, which we believe was driven in part by improvements in our ability to proactively detect pornographic content.
+Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations
+Twitch prohibits disruptive activities such as spamming, because these types of activities violate the integrity of Twitch services, and diminish users’ experiences on Twitch. We also do not allow other dishonest or inappropriate behaviors such as: impersonation, broadcasting others against their wishes, ban evasion, misuse of Twitch tools, intentionally miscategorizing a stream, cheating on a game or playing a prohibited game, inappropriate usernames, and underaged user accounts.
+Total enforcements in this category decreased from 987K in H2 2020 to 819K in H1 2021 (a 17% decrease). Enforcements/KHW decreased from 0.102 enforcements/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.065 enforcements/KHW in H1 2021 (a 36% decrease). 
+In addition to the enforcement actions listed, Twitch uses technology to proactively identify large numbers of bot accounts. These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate follow counts and/or harass users, are identified and terminated. These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content. In H1 2021, Twitch took bulk actions resulting in the termination of 15.2 million bot accounts.  
+Law Enforcement and Government Requests
+Twitch’s Law Enforcement Response (LER) team is responsible for handling all cases related to any harm against a minor, escalation of violent threats or terrorist acts to appropriate authorities, any other legally required reporting to law enforcement, and responding to requests for user data from law enforcement agencies. Cases of these types are escalated to the Law Enforcement Response team from our content moderation team.
+The LER team is also responsible for investigating reports of violations of Twitch’s new Off-Service Conduct Policy, which launched in April 2021 and addresses serious offenses that pose a physical safety risk to the Twitch community or Twitch staff, even if these offenses occur entirely off Twitch. The policy covers offenses such as extreme or deadly violence, acts of terrorism, leadership or membership in a known hate group, sexual assault, the sexual exploitation of minors, and other acts or credible threats that endanger members of the Twitch community. These reports are made directly to the LER team through a dedicated reporting portal, or are referred to the LER team from the content moderation team if the offense is reported through Twitch’s user reporting tool. 
+NCMEC Reporting; Global Cooperation
+Twitch does not tolerate sexual exploitation of minors. When we are made aware of media depicting sexual exploitation of a minor, or grooming behavior, we remove the content, investigate, and report to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). We also work directly with aligned organizations throughout the world, such as INHOPE and ICMEC, to address and prevent exploitation media and grooming of minors from occurring on Twitch.
+The number of NCMEC Cyber Tips submitted by Twitch increased from 1,346 in H2 2020 to 2,615 in H1 2021 (a 94% increase). This also equates to a 94% increase in tips per thousand hours watched. Between October 2020 to June 2021, we have quadrupled the capacity of our Law Enforcement Response team (LER); these investments have enabled us to go deeper in our investigative work, and identify more victims and offenders with each case, which promotes a safer service overall.  
+Escalations to Law Enforcement
+When Twitch identifies credible threats of violence, a member of our Law Enforcement Response team will proactively send, or “escalate,” user data to appropriate law enforcement agencies. 
+Escalations to Law Enforcement increased from 16 in H2 2020 to 52 in H1 2021 (a 225% increase). This equates to a 218% increase in escalations per thousand hours watched, indicated by the red line in the chart above. Throughout 2020, we saw a dip in the number of escalations to law enforcement. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, public and social gatherings were restricted, which limited the potential for real world harm that would require escalation to law enforcement. As we look at results for H1 2021 as compared to pre-2020, the data suggests that 2020 was an outlier due to the pandemic. We will continue to closely monitor this area as public activities and gatherings become more prevalent.  
+Subpoenas/Preservation Holds
+Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.
+Subpoenas and preservation hold requests processed by Twitch decreased from 125 in H2 2020 to 100 in H1 2021 (a 20% decrease). Subpoenas and preservation hold requests per thousand hours watched (subpoenas/KHW) also decreased by 20%, from 0.0000129 subpoenas/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.0000103 subpoenas/KHW in H1 2021. This is within the expected variance for the number of valid subpoenas and reservation hold requests, and aligns with volumes we have received from law enforcement in the past. 
+2020 Transparency Report
+Note: This transparency report is the first of its kind for Twitch: it takes a hard look at how we think about safety; the product choices we made to create a safe space for all our communities, and how our safety staff, community moderators, and technological solutions help enforce the rules we set. The result is a wide-ranging overview of service-specific data intended to help give readers a meaningful understanding of safety-related matters on Twitch and the progress we are making. Future reports will build upon our endeavor of making Twitch an even safer place.

 Community Guidelines: In 2020, we’ve updated several key areas of our Community Guidelines with the intent to provide more clarity and make the policies easier to apply. To accomplish this we provide descriptions of prohibited behavior, further clarified with examples and exceptions. Key updates in 2020 included:

@@ -94,7 +207,7 @@ Harassment and Hateful Conduct - published revised guidelines in December 2020 t

 In our updates to the Nudity and Attire and the Harassment and Hateful Conduct policies, we started by convening and gathering feedback from focus groups made up of a diverse set of Twitch creators. We also reviewed draft guidelines with our Safety Advisory Council - an eight-member group of creators, academics, and NGO leaders. These steps helped to clarify our guidelines and better reflect the standards and ideals of the Twitch community. We recognize that our service, our community, and the world we live in are not static, and as such we will continue to review and evolve our standards and expectations, and update our Community Guidelines to reflect this evolution. 

-Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that review of safety reports happens in a timely manner and have invested heavily in increasing our capacity.  Over the past year alone, we have made a 4X increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. 
+Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that review of safety reports happens in a timely manner and have invested heavily in increasing our capacity.  Over the past year alone, we have made a 4X increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. 

 Moderation in Channels: Coverage, Removals and Enforcements 
@@ -109,7 +222,9 @@ The following sections provide additional information regarding how creators and

 Moderation of Chat

-The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  
+The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  

 In (H1) 2020, 65% of live content viewed on Twitch (measured in terms of minutes watched) occurred on channels that had Twitch’s AutoMod feature actively monitoring chat for harmful messages; in H2 2020, this increased to 71%. We believe this substantial increase can largely be attributed to having AutoMod enabled by default for new channels in H2 2020 that did not have any assigned users as channel moderators. As shown in the chart above, the percentage of hours watched in channels that had at least one active moderator increased slightly, from 82% in H1 to 86% in H2 - we believe this high percentage shows that larger channels are very likely to have active moderators. Most importantly, throughout 2020, over 92% of live content viewed on Twitch occurred in channels with chat that was moderated either by active moderators, or AutoMod, or both; and that coverage increased to over 95% in H2. 

@@ -117,12 +232,17 @@ Proactive and Manual Removals of Chat Messages

 The vast majority of content removals on Twitch are removals of chat messages by channel moderators acting within individual channels. Twitch provides tools such as customizable Blocked Terms and AutoMod (described in more detail above), which allow channels to apply filters that proactively screen messages out of chat before they are seen. Channel moderators can also actively monitor chat and delete harmful or disruptive messages within seconds after they are posted. 

 In H1 2020, 24.4 billion chat messages were sent on Twitch, and in H2, that number increased to 32.6 billion (a 33% increase). 61.5 million messages were proactively removed from chat using Blocked Terms and AutoMod in H12020; this number increased to 98.8 million in H2 (an increase of 61%). In H1 2020, channel moderators manually deleted 15.9 million chat messages; in H2 2020, this number increased to 31.5 million (an increase of 98%). These increases in the amount of objectionable chat content removed can be partially explained by the 33% growth in the number of chat messages sent on Twitch, and the 40% overall growth in the number of channels on Twitch, between H1 and H2 2020. We believe the remainder of the increase is due to the increase in moderation coverage discussed above, and to the March launch of the ModView dashboard, which makes it easier for mods to remove content. 

 Channel Enforcement Actions

 In addition to deleting messages, channel moderators can choose to remove harmful and disruptive users from a channel, either using a temporary timeout, or an outright ban, to prevent any future harm that they might cause in the channel. We have recently enhanced these tools to allow users who have been banned from a channel to appeal that decision to the channel moderator, and be reinstated if the moderator agrees.

 In H1 2020, creators and their mods imposed 2.3 million permanent channel bans; in H2 2020, this number increased to 3.9 million channel bans (an increase of 72%). Similarly, temporary channel timeouts increased from 3.2 million in H1 2020 to 4.5 million in H2 2020 (an increase of 40%). The overall increase in channel bans and timeouts can largely be attributed to the 29% increase in the number of unique channels streaming - from 14.6 million channels in H1 2020 to 18.8 million. 

 Reports and Enforcements 
@@ -133,6 +253,8 @@ For clarity, please note that the statistics regarding enforcements in the follo

 Increase in Hours Watched and Reports Made on Twitch 

 As shown in the chart above, user reports for all types of violations increased from 5.9M during H1 2020 to 7.4M during H2 2020 (a 25% increase). Over the same period, Twitch experienced rapid growth, as evidenced by a 22% increase in usage (measured as hours watched). While the absolute number of user reports increased from H1 to H2, the number of reports per thousand hours watched only increased from 0.74 to 0.76 (shown as the green line in the chart above). We interpret this to mean that while Twitch usage has grown rapidly in 2020, the rate of occurrence of reported behavior has remained relatively flat. 

@@ -143,9 +265,11 @@ We also run an appeals process, so that if a user believes an enforcement is mis

 For more information on account enforcement, see our Account Enforcements page.

-Total enforcement actions increased from 788 thousand in 1H 2020 to 1.1 million in 2H 2020, a 41% increase. The majority of this increase can be attributed to the 22% increase in overall growth in Twitch usage over that period.  This is shown by the increase in the number of enforcement actions per thousand hours watched (“KHW”): 0.099 per KHW in 1H 2020, up to 0.114 per KHW in 2H 2020 (as shown by the green line in the chart above).  We believe this 15% increase in the total number of enforcement actions per KWH is within normal operating variances, and overall is not attributable to any particular cause(s). We would also expect to see a slight up-tick in reporting, as we have made efforts throughout the year to educate the Twitch community on their options for reporting. In the sections below, we describe the causes of increases in certain types of enforcements.

-In addition to the enforcement actions listed above, on three occasions in 2020, Twitch programmatically identified large numbers of bot accounts.  These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate view counts, were identified and terminated.  These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content but these three programmatic bulk actions resulted in the  issuance of 5.8 million additional enforcements.  
+Total enforcement actions increased from 788 thousand in 1H 2020 to 1.1 million in 2H 2020, a 41% increase. The majority of this increase can be attributed to the 22% increase in overall growth in Twitch usage over that period.  This is shown by the increase in the number of enforcement actions per thousand hours watched (“KHW”): 0.099 per KHW in 1H 2020, up to 0.114 per KHW in 2H 2020 (as shown by the green line in the chart above).  We believe this 15% increase in the total number of enforcement actions per KWH is within normal operating variances, and overall is not attributable to any particular cause(s). We would also expect to see a slight up-tick in reporting, as we have made efforts throughout the year to educate the Twitch community on their options for reporting. In the sections below, we describe the causes of increases in certain types of enforcements.
+In addition to the enforcement actions listed above, on three occasions in 2020, Twitch programmatically identified large numbers of bot accounts.  These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate view counts, were identified and terminated.  These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content but these three programmatic bulk actions resulted in the  issuance of 5.8 million additional enforcements.  

 In the sections below, we provide data and analysis on the various types of enforcement actions that Twitch has issued in 2020.

@@ -155,33 +279,43 @@ We do not tolerate conduct or speech that is hateful or harassing, or that encou

 User reports for hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment increased by 19% from H1 to H2 2020, and reports per thousand hours watched were slightly down 0.219 per KHW in H2 (compared to 0.224 in H1). However, as shown in the chart below, enforcement actions in these categories have increased by 214% and 158%, on both an absolute basis, and on a per-KWH basis, respectively.

 The primary reasons for the increase in enforcement rate in H2 2020 are: (1) we made improvements to the user reporting and enforcement processes in early H2 that enabled our content moderation teams to identify and enforce more of these types of reports; and (2) from May - August 2020, we significantly increased our capacity to review user reports, which allowed us to respond to more reports of harassment and hateful conduct more quickly. We will continue to invest in enforcement tools and capacity that make it easier and faster to review reports of harassing and hateful behavior going forward. Additionally, in January 2021, we implemented a revised set of Community Guidelines regarding hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment, which we expect will further enhance our efforts - and those of the community - to keep these kinds of behaviors off of Twitch. 

 Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Extreme Conduct

 In an effort to limit community exposure to content that may be illegal, upsetting or damaging, we prohibit media and conduct that focuses on extreme gore or violence, sexual violence, violent threats, self-harm behaviors, animal cruelty, dangerous or distracted driving, and other illegal, disturbing or frightening content/conduct.

 The number of enforcement actions for this type of behavior increased from 3,825 enforcements in H1 2020, to 7,429 enforcement actions in H2 2020 (an increase of 94%). As with enforcements for Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment (detailed in the preceding section), this sizable jump in the number of enforcements is due to actions we took at the beginning of H2 to improve user reporting, moderation tools, and review capacity. Also during H2 2020, we made further improvements in our machine detection system for this type of content. We will continue to invest in all of these areas in 2021.

 Terrorism, Terrorist Propaganda, and Recruitment

-Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  
+Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  

-We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity. In October, Twitch released a revised policy regarding Terrorism and Extremist Content, providing increased clarity on how we define terrorist organizations and how our internal safety teams categorize related content.  These clarifications broadened the definition of content that fits in this category (including behaviors in this category that were previously categorized as other types of abuse), resulting in the substantial increase in enforcements of this kind (in percentage terms, if not in absolute number). In 2020, we have not had any instances of live-streamed terrorist activity in Twitch. The enforcements issued in this category have been for showing terrorist propaganda (77 enforcements in 2020), and for glorifying or advocating acts of terrorism, extreme violence or large-scale property destruction (10 enforcements in 2020).
+We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity. In October, Twitch released a revised policy regarding Terrorism and Extremist Content, providing increased clarity on how we define terrorist organizations and how our internal safety teams categorize related content. These clarifications broadened the definition of content that fits in this category (including behaviors in this category that were previously categorized as other types of abuse), resulting in the substantial increase in enforcements of this kind (in percentage terms, if not in absolute number). In 2020, we have not had any instances of live-streamed terrorist activity in Twitch. The enforcements issued in this category have been for showing terrorist propaganda (77 enforcements in 2020), and for glorifying or advocating acts of terrorism, extreme violence or large-scale property destruction (10 enforcements in 2020).

 Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct

 We limit community exposure to content that is not appropriate for a diverse audience. This includes restricting content that involves nudity, insufficient coverage of the body, inappropriate attire or is sexual in nature.

 In late October, we implemented improvements to our proactive detection of nudity, which resulted in an increased volume of enforcements in this category.   

 Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations

 Twitch prohibits disruptive activities such as spamming, because these types of activities violate the integrity of Twitch services, and diminish users’ experiences on Twitch. We also do not allow other dishonest or inappropriate behaviors such as: impersonation, broadcasting others against their wishes, ban evasion, misuse of Twitch tools, intentionally miscategorizing a stream, cheating on a game or playing a prohibited game, inappropriate usernames, and underaged user accounts.

 Overall enforcements in this category increased from 734 thousand in H1 2020 to 987 thousand in H2 2020 (an increase of 34%). This increase was higher than the 22% rate of growth of Twitch usage between 1H and 2H 2020. As shown by the green line in the chart above, the number of enforcements per thousand hours watched increased from 0.092 in H1 to 0.102 in H2 (an increase of 10%). Because of the variety of different violations that make up this category, there is a similarly long list of causes of the increase.

-Twitch has made strides in a number of different areas to combat these kinds of behaviors in 2020.  For example, Whispers, which is Twitch’s one-to-one private chat function, has historically been the primary mode for spam abuse due to the fact that these messages are private, and not subject to channel moderation. To combat spam in Whispers, in 2020 we launched multiple machine detection models that either block spam messages entirely, or flag the message to the recipient and urge the recipient to file a user report. The success of these models caused a 70% decline in Whisper-related spam reports from H1 2020 to H2 2020. We are continuing to develop proactive detection and other technological solutions to reduce the prevalence of spam, ban evasion, inappropriate usernames, and other violations.
+Twitch has made strides in a number of different areas to combat these kinds of behaviors in 2020.  For example, Whispers, which is Twitch’s one-to-one private chat function, has historically been the primary mode for spam abuse due to the fact that these messages are private, and not subject to channel moderation. To combat spam in Whispers, in 2020 we launched multiple machine detection models that either block spam messages entirely, or flag the message to the recipient and urge the recipient to file a user report. The success of these models caused a 70% decline in Whisper-related spam reports from H1 2020 to H2 2020. We are continuing to develop proactive detection and other technological solutions to reduce the prevalence of spam, ban evasion, inappropriate usernames, and other violations.

 Law Enforcement and Government Requests
@@ -192,16 +326,42 @@ NCMEC Reporting; Global Cooperation

 We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation. When we are made aware of media depicting child sexual exploitation, or grooming behavior, we remove the content, investigate, and report to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. We also work directly with aligned organizations throughout the world - like INHOPE and ICMEC - to address and prevent child exploitation media and grooming from occurring on Twitch.

-NCMEC reporting increased 66% between H1 and H2.  This increase is driven by improvements to Twitch’s investigation process for related escalations that allowed internal teams to more holistically identify patterns of behavior and therefore make an increased volume of NCMEC reports.  
+NCMEC reporting increased 66% between H1 and H2.  This increase is driven by improvements to Twitch’s investigation process for related escalations that allowed internal teams to more holistically identify patterns of behavior and therefore make an increased volume of NCMEC reports.  

 Escalations to Law Enforcement

 Whenever and wherever Twitch identifies credible threats of violence, Twitch will proactively send user data to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Twitch had 38 such cases in 2020.

-Escalations to Law Enforcement decreased 27% in H2.  We believe this is largely due to a decrease in public gatherings caused on account of COVID-19.  The lack of public gatherings means there are fewer places and events for people to direct violent threats toward.
+Escalations to Law Enforcement decreased 27% in H2.  We believe this is largely due to a decrease in public gatherings caused on account of COVID-19.  The lack of public gatherings means there are fewer places and events for people to direct violent threats toward.

 Subpoenas/Preservation Holds

 Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.

-Subpoenas and preservation requests processed by Twitch increased 37% in H2.  This is within the expected volumes of valid Subpoenas/Preservation Holds we have received from Law Enforcement.   
\ No newline at end of file
+Subpoenas and preservation requests processed by Twitch increased 37% in H2. This is within the expected volumes of valid Subpoenas/Preservation Holds we have received from Law Enforcement.   
+Safety at Twitch
+H1 2021 Transparency Report
+2020 Transparency Report
+Help  ↗
+Safety News
+Terms of Service
+Privacy Policy
+Ad Choices
+Cookie Policy
+© 2022 Twitch Interactive, Inc.
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milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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 Terms of Service
+Music Guidelines
 Community Guidelines
+Community Guidelines FAQ
 Privacy Notice
 Privacy Choices
 California Privacy Disclosure
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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-Terms of Service
-Community Guidelines
-Off-Service Conduct Policy
-Sexual Content
-Privacy Notice
-Privacy Choices
-California Privacy Disclosure
-DMCA Guidelines
-Trademark Policy
-Trademark Guidelines
-Terms of Sale
-Developer Agreement
-Affiliate Program Agreement
-Supplemental Fees Statement
-Ad Choices
-Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
-Bits Acceptable Use Policy
-Cookie Notice
-Photosensitive Seizure Warning
-Predictions Terms and Conditions
-Modern Day Slavery Statement
-Events Code Of Conduct
-Accessibility Statement
-Transparency Report
-Last modified on 12/16/2021
+Preferred Language  ↗
 Community Guidelines

 At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.

-In addition to our Terms of Service, we provide the following guidelines for our community. These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user generated content and activity on our services. This is considered a living document that we regularly update based on the evolution of the Twitch community and service. Additional guidelines or specific exceptions may be applicable for certain services or properties under the Twitch Service.
+In addition to our Terms of Service, we provide the following guidelines for our community. These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user generated content and activity on our services. This is considered a living document that we regularly update based on the evolution of the Twitch community and service. Additional guidelines or specific exceptions may be applicable for certain services or properties under the Twitch Service.

-To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, we at Twitch reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. Such actions may include: removal of content, a strike on the account, and/or suspension of account(s). Please refer to this page for more detail: About Suspensions.
+To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, we at Twitch reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. Such actions may include: removal of content, a strike on the account, and/or suspension of account(s). Please refer to this page for more detail: About Suspensions.

 Breaking the Law

 You must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.
 This includes committing or aiding in the malicious destruction, defacement, or theft of public or another person’s private property without permission on stream.

 Suspension Evasion
@@ -57,7 +21,7 @@ In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advert

 Self-Destructive Behavior

-Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, glorification or encouragement of self-harm, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving. We do not make exceptions for self destructive behavior performed as a stunt or gag made in jest, or meant to entertain, when the behavior could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury.
+Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, glorification or encouragement of self-harm, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving.

 Violence and Threats

@@ -75,7 +39,7 @@ In exceptional circumstances, we may preemptively suspend accounts when we belie

 Hateful Conduct and Harassment

-Hateful conduct and harassment are not allowed on Twitch. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Twitch has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protections under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics.
+Hateful conduct and harassment are not allowed on Twitch. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Twitch has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protections under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics.

 Harassment has many manifestations, including stalking, personal attacks, promotion of physical harm, hostile raids, and malicious false report brigading. Sexual harassment, specifically, can take the form of unwelcome sexual advances and solicitations, sexual objectification, or degrading attacks relating to a person’s perceived sexual practices.

@@ -117,7 +81,7 @@ Content or activities that threaten or promote sexual violence or exploitation a

 Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited, although they may be allowed in educational contexts or for pre-approved licensed content, in each case subject to additional restrictions.

-Learn more about our sexual content policies and enforcement.
+Learn more about our sexual content policies and enforcement.

 Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct

@@ -129,7 +93,7 @@ You should only share content on your Twitch channel that you own, or that you o

 Any unauthorized content you share on Twitch may be subject to a takedown by the rights holder(s) to remove the infringing content from Twitch, and is a violation of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account.

-Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the copyright owners or unless otherwise permitted by law include:
+Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the copyright owners or unless otherwise permitted by law include:

 Other Twitch creators’ content
 Pirated games or content from unauthorized private servers
@@ -137,7 +101,7 @@ Content from other sites
 Movies, television shows, or sports matches
 Music you do not own or do not have the rights to share

-Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.
+Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.

 Content Labeling

@@ -154,7 +118,7 @@ Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the a

 Closed Alphas/Betas and Pre-Release Games

-We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.
+We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.

 Off-Service Conduct

@@ -162,4 +126,36 @@ Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can o

 We will do our best to ensure that our enforcement decisions are accurate, which in some cases will necessitate us bringing in a third party investigator for thorough and impartial review. If we are able to verify reports of off-service statements or behaviors that relate to an incident that took place on Twitch, we will use this evidence to support and inform our enforcement decisions.

-Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
\ No newline at end of file
+Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
+Breaking the Law
+Suspension Evasion
+Self-Destructive Behavior
+Violence and Threats
+Hateful Conduct and Harassment
+Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
+Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
+Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
+Intellectual Property Rights
+Content Labeling
+Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
+Off-Service Conduct
+Help  ↗
+Safety News
+Terms of Service
+Privacy Policy
+Ad Choices
+Cookie Policy
+© 2022 Twitch Interactive, Inc.
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milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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 Terms of Service
+Music Guidelines
 Community Guidelines
+Community Guidelines FAQ
 Privacy Notice
 Privacy Choices
 California Privacy Disclosure
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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@@ -91,17 +91,22 @@ Intellectual Property Rights

 You should only share content on your Twitch channel that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to or are authorized to share on Twitch. If you share content on your Twitch channel that you do not own or otherwise do not have the rights to share on Twitch, you may be infringing another person’s intellectual property rights. This includes any third party content included in your content, derivative creations, or performances of others’ copyrighted content. We encourage you to assess your content for adherence to applicable intellectual property laws and the proper application of principles such as fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights needed, before sharing your content on Twitch.

-Any unauthorized content you share on Twitch may be subject to a takedown by the rights holder(s) to remove the infringing content from Twitch, and is a violation of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account.
+Any unauthorized content you share on Twitch violates our Terms of Service and is subject to removal. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Rights holders may request that Twitch remove unauthorized content and/or issue penalties through the following processes:

-Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the copyright owners or unless otherwise permitted by law include:
+For copyrighted works, the notice-and-takedown process described in our DMCA Guidelines.
+For trademarks, the process described in our Trademark Policy.
+For copyrighted works owned by rights holders with whom Twitch has contractual arrangements, we may have separate reporting and handling processes, for example, the Music Reporting Process.
+Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the rights holders or unless otherwise permitted by law include:

 Other Twitch creators’ content
 Pirated games or content from unauthorized private servers
 Content from other sites
 Movies, television shows, or sports matches
 Music you do not own or do not have the rights to share
+Goods or services protected by trademark

-Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.
+Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.

 Content Labeling

@@ -127,7 +132,6 @@ Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can o
 We will do our best to ensure that our enforcement decisions are accurate, which in some cases will necessitate us bringing in a third party investigator for thorough and impartial review. If we are able to verify reports of off-service statements or behaviors that relate to an incident that took place on Twitch, we will use this evidence to support and inform our enforcement decisions.

 Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.

 Breaking the Law
 Suspension Evasion
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Legal
 Terms of Service
 Music Guidelines
 Community Guidelines
+Account Usernames and Display Names Policy
 Community Guidelines FAQ
 Privacy Notice
 Privacy Choices
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Legal
 Terms of Service
 Music Guidelines
 Community Guidelines
+Account Usernames and Display Names Policy
 Community Guidelines FAQ
 Privacy Notice
 Privacy Choices
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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 Preferred Language
+English  ↗
 Community Guidelines

@@ -58,6 +59,23 @@ Impersonation

 Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Any attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Twitch representatives is a zero-tolerance violation and will result in indefinite suspension.

+Account Usernames and Display Names
+In order to ensure that our community is safe and inclusive, inappropriate account names that violate our Community Guidelines are prohibited. We also recognize that an account’s username has more impact across our services than many other forms of content because they are persistent, cross-functional, and, in most cases, much more visible. Because of this, we have additional, higher standards for usernames based on reducing harm across our services. Usernames and display names created on Twitch may not include:
+Breaking the Law, including Terrorism and Child Exploitation
+Violence and Threats
+Hateful Conduct
+Harassment and Sexual Harassment
+Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Glorification of natural or violent tragedies
+Self-Destructive Behavior
+References to recreational drugs, hard drugs, and drug abuse, with exceptions for alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana
+References to sexual acts, genital, or sexual fluids
+Learn more about our username policies and enforcement.
 Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct

 Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Twitch services or another user’s experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes:
@@ -140,6 +158,7 @@ Violence and Threats
 Hateful Conduct and Harassment
 Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Account Usernames and Display Names
 Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
 Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
 Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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 Preferred Language
+English  ↗
 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

8058840cf4a0e77a5112aebdacc93fb029b9a1df: @ 2022-03-05

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@@ -86,11 +86,31 @@ Phishing
 Defrauding others
 Spreading malware or viruses
 Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata, or intentional channel miscategorization)
+Harmful misinformation actors
 Tampering (such as artificially inflating follow or live viewer stats)
 Selling or sharing user accounts
 Reselling Twitch services or features (such as channel Moderator status)
 Defacing, or attempting to deface, website pages or other Twitch services (such as uploading inappropriate or malicious content)
 Cheating a Twitch rewards system (such as the Drops or channel points systems)
+Harmful Misinformation Actors
+In order to reduce harm to our community and the public without undermining our streamers’ open dialogue with their communities, we also prohibit harmful misinformation superspreaders who persistently share misinformation on or off of Twitch. We seek to remove users whose online presence is dedicated to (1) persistently sharing (2) widely disproven and broadly shared (3) harmful misinformation topics. 
+This policy is focused on Twitch users who persistently share harmful misinformation. It will not be applied to users based upon individual statements or discussions that occur on the channel. All three of the criteria listed above must be satisfied in order for us to take action on an account. We will evaluate whether a user violates the policy by assessing both their on-platform behavior as well as their off-platform behavior. You can report these actors by sending an email to with the account name and any available supporting evidence.
+Below we provide a short list of non-comprehensive examples of the types of content that harmful misinformation actors persistently share. However, misinformation evolves rapidly, and we will continue to update these guidelines and topic categories as new trends and behaviors emerge. 
+Misinformation that targets protected groups, which is already prohibited under our Hateful Conduct & Harassment Policy
+Harmful health misinformation and wide-spread conspiracy theories related to dangerous treatments, COVID-19, and COVID-19 vaccine misinformation
+Discussions of treatments that are known to be harmful without noting the dangers of such treatments
+For COVID-19—and any other WHO-declared Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)—misinformation that causes imminent physical harm or is part of a broad conspiracy
+Misinformation promoted by conspiracy networks tied to violence and/or promoting violence
+Civic misinformation that undermines the integrity of a civic or political process
+Promotion of verifiably false claims related to the outcome of a fully vetted political process, including election rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or election fraud*
+In instances of public emergencies (e.g., wildfires, earthquakes, active shootings), we may also act on misinformation that may impact public safety
+*Note: In order to evaluate civic misinformation claims, we work with independent misinformation experts such as the Global Disinformation Index, as well as information from election boards and congressional certification.
 Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content

 Nudity and sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited.
@@ -143,6 +163,8 @@ Closed Alphas/Betas and Pre-Release Games

 We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.

 Off-Service Conduct

 Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can only happen if our users feel secure and protected. In order to achieve this goal, Twitch enforces against severe offenses committed by members of the Twitch community that occur outside of our services, such as hate group membership, terrorist recruitment, sexual assault, and child grooming. We will investigate reports that include verifiable evidence of these behaviors and, if we are able to confirm, issue enforcements against the relevant users. We will also consider allegations of similarly severe conduct by those wishing to join the Twitch community and, if substantiated, we will terminate the account.
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

5255057f4990b12752346c4a2abf37bf5383e61a: @ 2022-05-07

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@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 10/19/2021
+Last modified on 04/29/2022
 Privacy Notice

 This Twitch Privacy Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided, owned, or operated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”) that link to this Privacy Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch values the privacy of users, subscribers, publishers, members, and others who visit and use the Twitch Services (collectively or individually, “you” or “users”) and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about you. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice, to the extent permitted by law.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Personal Information Twitch Collects About You
 We obtain information about you through the means discussed below when we provide the Twitch Services. Please note that we need certain types of information so that we can provide the Twitch Services to you. If you do not provide us with such information, or ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use the Twitch Services.

 User-provided Information: You may provide a variety of information about yourself to us, such as your name, voice and image (in any content you upload), Twitch username, email address, postal mailing address, telephone number, credit card number, and billing information when you register for Twitch Services; upload, purchase, view, or download certain content or products from the Twitch Services; enter contests or sweepstakes; or otherwise use the features and functionality of the Twitch Services.
-Automatically Collected Information: When you access the Twitch Services or open one of our emails, we automatically record and store certain information about your system by using cookies and other types of technologies. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters that are sent to your browser. For information about what cookies are, how they work, how Twitch uses them, and how to remove them, please see our Cookie Policy . Examples of such information we automatically collect include Internet Protocol address (“IP Address”), a unique user ID, device and browser types and identifiers, referring and exit page addresses, software and system type, and information about your usage of Twitch Services. Examples of how Twitch uses automatically collected information include to: (a) automatically update the Twitch application on your system; (b) remember your information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you access the Twitch Services; (c) provide customized advertisements, content, and information; (d) monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns; (e) monitor and store aggregate site usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages accessed; and (f) track your entries, submissions, and status in any promotions or other activities.
+Automatically Collected Information: When you access the Twitch Services or open one of our emails, we automatically record and store certain information about your system by using cookies and other types of technologies. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters that are sent to your browser. For information about what cookies are, how they work, how Twitch uses them, and how to remove them, please see our Cookie Policy. Examples of such information we automatically collect include Internet Protocol address (“IP Address”), a unique user ID, device and browser types and identifiers, referring and exit page addresses, software and system type, and information about your usage of Twitch Services. Examples of how Twitch uses automatically collected information include to: (a) automatically update the Twitch application on your system; (b) remember your information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you access the Twitch Services; (c) provide customized advertisements, content, and information; (d) monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns; (e) monitor and store aggregate site usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages accessed; and (f) track your entries, submissions, and status in any promotions or other activities.
 Information from Other Sources: We may obtain additional information from third parties and sources other than the Twitch Services. For example, we may obtain additional information from advertisers, games or services you use, or social media networks (such as Facebook) for which you have approved our access. When you access the Twitch Services through social media networks or when you connect the Twitch Services to social media networks, you are authorizing Twitch to collect, store, and use such additional information and content in accordance with this Privacy Notice. We may also obtain information from third-party services (such as Riot or Steam) regarding your use of such services, including about your use of the content you choose to broadcast through the Twitch Services. We use this information to supplement the information we collect about you in order to provide more relevant, safer experiences for you with the Twitch Services and improve the Twitch Services, analytics, and advertising. If we combine or associate information from other sources with information that we collect through the Twitch Services, we will treat the combined information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
 How Twitch Uses Personal Information
 Twitch uses such information to operate, maintain, enhance, provide, create, and develop all of the features, functionality, and services (new or existing) found on the Twitch Services; provide security for our websites, products, software, or applications; manage relationships with Twitch account holders (e.g., Partners, Affiliates), including making or receiving payment; improve users’ experience with Twitch by providing content recommendations and by delivering content that we hope users will find relevant and interesting, including advertising and marketing messages; allow you to comment on content, and participate in online games, contests, or rewards programs; prevent fraud and abuse; and understand the usage trends of our users.
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

90f0b600ab257934adb13f6db14fc9502cb6ad8a: @ 2022-05-28

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@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
+Contact Us
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

f8cca8c7c3956513e9336fb592e3cbe73c350c39: @ 2022-05-28

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@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
+Contact Us
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

f865179a5a45ed0ab5138e430cc32d2820c3160c: @ 2022-06-11

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@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
+Inhalte auf Twitch Entdecken
 Contact Us
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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 Preferred Language
 English  ↗
-Community Guidelines
-At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
-In addition to our Terms of Service, we provide the following guidelines for our community. These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user generated content and activity on our services. This is considered a living document that we regularly update based on the evolution of the Twitch community and service. Additional guidelines or specific exceptions may be applicable for certain services or properties under the Twitch Service.
-To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, we at Twitch reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. Such actions may include: removal of content, a strike on the account, and/or suspension of account(s). Please refer to this page for more detail: About Suspensions.
-Breaking the Law
-You must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.
-This includes committing or aiding in the malicious destruction, defacement, or theft of public or another person’s private property without permission on stream.
-Suspension Evasion
-All suspensions are binding until expiration or removal upon successful appeal. Any attempt to circumvent an account suspension or chat ban by using other accounts, identities, or by appearing on another user’s account will also result in an additional enforcement against your accounts, up to an indefinite suspension. 
-In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advertise a suspended user. We understand that there may be instances where suspended users may appear on your stream due to circumstances beyond your control, such as through third-party gaming tournaments, but we expect that you make a good faith effort to remove them from your broadcast, mute them, or otherwise limit their interactions with your stream.
-Self-Destructive Behavior
-Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, glorification or encouragement of self-harm, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving.
-Violence and Threats
-Acts and threats of violence will be taken seriously and are considered zero-tolerance violations and all accounts associated with such activities will be indefinitely suspended. This includes, but is not limited to:
-Attempts or threats to physically harm or kill others
-Attempts or threats to hack, DDOS, or SWAT others
-Use of weapons to physically threaten, intimidate, harm, or kill others
-Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. You may not display or link terrorist or extremist propaganda, including graphic pictures or footage of terrorist or extremist violence, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.
-In situations where a user has lost control of their broadcast due to severe injury, medical emergency, police action, or being targeted with serious violence, we will temporarily remove the channel and associated content.
-In exceptional circumstances, we may preemptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual’s use of Twitch poses a high likelihood of inciting violence. In weighing the risk of harm, we consider an individual’s influence, the level of recklessness in their past behaviors (regardless of whether any past behavior occurred on Twitch), whether or not there continues to be a risk of harm, and the scale of ongoing threats.
-Hateful Conduct and Harassment
-Hateful conduct and harassment are not allowed on Twitch. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Twitch has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protections under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics.
-Harassment has many manifestations, including stalking, personal attacks, promotion of physical harm, hostile raids, and malicious false report brigading. Sexual harassment, specifically, can take the form of unwelcome sexual advances and solicitations, sexual objectification, or degrading attacks relating to a person’s perceived sexual practices.
-We will take action on all instances of hateful conduct and harassment, with an increasing severity of enforcement when the behavior is targeted, personal, graphic, or repeated/prolonged, incites further abuse, or involves threats of violence or coercion. The most egregious violations may result in an indefinite suspension on the first offense. 
-Learn more about our hateful conduct and harassment policies and enforcement.
-Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
-Do not invade the privacy of others. It is prohibited to share content that may reveal private personal information about individuals, or their private property, without permission. This includes but is not limited to:
-Sharing personally identifiable information (such as real name, location, or ID)
-Sharing restricted or protected social profiles or any information from those profiles
-Sharing content that violates another’s reasonable expectation of privacy, for example streaming from a private space, without permission
-Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Any attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Twitch representatives is a zero-tolerance violation and will result in indefinite suspension.
-Account Usernames and Display Names
-In order to ensure that our community is safe and inclusive, inappropriate account names that violate our Community Guidelines are prohibited. We also recognize that an account’s username has more impact across our services than many other forms of content because they are persistent, cross-functional, and, in most cases, much more visible. Because of this, we have additional, higher standards for usernames based on reducing harm across our services. Usernames and display names created on Twitch may not include:
-Breaking the Law, including Terrorism and Child Exploitation
-Violence and Threats
-Hateful Conduct
-Harassment and Sexual Harassment
-Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
-Glorification of natural or violent tragedies
-Self-Destructive Behavior
-References to recreational drugs, hard drugs, and drug abuse, with exceptions for alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana
-References to sexual acts, genital, or sexual fluids
-Learn more about our username policies and enforcement.
-Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
-Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Twitch services or another user’s experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes:
-Posting large amounts of repetitive, unwanted messages or user reports
-Distributing unauthorized advertisements
-Defrauding others
-Spreading malware or viruses
-Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata, or intentional channel miscategorization)
-Harmful misinformation actors
-Tampering (such as artificially inflating follow or live viewer stats)
-Selling or sharing user accounts
-Reselling Twitch services or features (such as channel Moderator status)
-Defacing, or attempting to deface, website pages or other Twitch services (such as uploading inappropriate or malicious content)
-Cheating a Twitch rewards system (such as the Drops or channel points systems)
-Harmful Misinformation Actors
-In order to reduce harm to our community and the public without undermining our streamers’ open dialogue with their communities, we also prohibit harmful misinformation superspreaders who persistently share misinformation on or off of Twitch. We seek to remove users whose online presence is dedicated to (1) persistently sharing (2) widely disproven and broadly shared (3) harmful misinformation topics. 
-This policy is focused on Twitch users who persistently share harmful misinformation. It will not be applied to users based upon individual statements or discussions that occur on the channel. All three of the criteria listed above must be satisfied in order for us to take action on an account. We will evaluate whether a user violates the policy by assessing both their on-platform behavior as well as their off-platform behavior. You can report these actors by sending an email to with the account name and any available supporting evidence.
-Below we provide a short list of non-comprehensive examples of the types of content that harmful misinformation actors persistently share. However, misinformation evolves rapidly, and we will continue to update these guidelines and topic categories as new trends and behaviors emerge. 
-Misinformation that targets protected groups, which is already prohibited under our Hateful Conduct & Harassment Policy
-Harmful health misinformation and wide-spread conspiracy theories related to dangerous treatments, COVID-19, and COVID-19 vaccine misinformation
-Discussions of treatments that are known to be harmful without noting the dangers of such treatments
-For COVID-19—and any other WHO-declared Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)—misinformation that causes imminent physical harm or is part of a broad conspiracy
-Misinformation promoted by conspiracy networks tied to violence and/or promoting violence
-Civic misinformation that undermines the integrity of a civic or political process
-Promotion of verifiably false claims related to the outcome of a fully vetted political process, including election rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or election fraud*
-In instances of public emergencies (e.g., wildfires, earthquakes, active shootings), we may also act on misinformation that may impact public safety
-*Note: In order to evaluate civic misinformation claims, we work with independent misinformation experts such as the Global Disinformation Index, as well as information from election boards and congressional certification.
-Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
-Nudity and sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited.
-Content or activities that threaten or promote sexual violence or exploitation are strictly prohibited and may be reported to law enforcement. Child exploitation will be reported to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
-Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited, although they may be allowed in educational contexts or for pre-approved licensed content, in each case subject to additional restrictions.
-Learn more about our sexual content policies and enforcement.
-Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
-Content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence is prohibited.
-Intellectual Property Rights
-You should only share content on your Twitch channel that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to or are authorized to share on Twitch. If you share content on your Twitch channel that you do not own or otherwise do not have the rights to share on Twitch, you may be infringing another person’s intellectual property rights. This includes any third party content included in your content, derivative creations, or performances of others’ copyrighted content. We encourage you to assess your content for adherence to applicable intellectual property laws and the proper application of principles such as fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights needed, before sharing your content on Twitch.
-Any unauthorized content you share on Twitch violates our Terms of Service and is subject to removal. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Rights holders may request that Twitch remove unauthorized content and/or issue penalties through the following processes:
-For copyrighted works, the notice-and-takedown process described in our DMCA Guidelines.
-For trademarks, the process described in our Trademark Policy.
-For copyrighted works owned by rights holders with whom Twitch has contractual arrangements, we may have separate reporting and handling processes, for example, the Music Reporting Process.
-Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the rights holders or unless otherwise permitted by law include:
-Other Twitch creators’ content
-Pirated games or content from unauthorized private servers
-Content from other sites
-Movies, television shows, or sports matches
-Music you do not own or do not have the rights to share
-Goods or services protected by trademark
-Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.
-Content Labeling
-You are expected to accurately label your content to the best of your ability. When choosing a category or tag, please choose whichever best describes your content. Deliberate or extensive misuse of titles, tags, games/categories, or other metadata are prohibited.
-Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
-Referring Viewers to Slots, Roulette, and Dice Games
-Linking to sites that include slots, roulette, or dice games, or sharing affiliate links or referral codes to such sites is not allowed.
-Cheating in Online Games
-Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster’s live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.
-Closed Alphas/Betas and Pre-Release Games
-We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.
-Off-Service Conduct
-Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can only happen if our users feel secure and protected. In order to achieve this goal, Twitch enforces against severe offenses committed by members of the Twitch community that occur outside of our services, such as hate group membership, terrorist recruitment, sexual assault, and child grooming. We will investigate reports that include verifiable evidence of these behaviors and, if we are able to confirm, issue enforcements against the relevant users. We will also consider allegations of similarly severe conduct by those wishing to join the Twitch community and, if substantiated, we will terminate the account.
-We will do our best to ensure that our enforcement decisions are accurate, which in some cases will necessitate us bringing in a third party investigator for thorough and impartial review. If we are able to verify reports of off-service statements or behaviors that relate to an incident that took place on Twitch, we will use this evidence to support and inform our enforcement decisions.
-Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
-Breaking the Law
-Suspension Evasion
-Self-Destructive Behavior
-Violence and Threats
-Hateful Conduct and Harassment
-Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
-Account Usernames and Display Names
-Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
-Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
-Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
-Intellectual Property Rights
-Content Labeling
-Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
-Off-Service Conduct
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

b7658aacb827e8fb9f798bba74df3c504c7e9e97: @ 2022-06-11

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@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
 Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
+Inhalte auf Twitch Entdecken
 Contact Us
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

c87bd579b339612654a4bccf600c528a648142ea: @ 2022-06-11

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 Preferred Language
 English  ↗
-Transparency Report
-Transparency Reporting is an important measure of accountability that provides insight about how we are improving safety on Twitch.
-Safety at Twitch
-Safety Philosophy
-Twitch is a service that was built to encourage users to express themselves and entertain one another,  but we also want our community to be, and feel, safe. Our Community Guidelines attempt to balance these important needs, by allowing users to express themselves but without saying or doing anything that is harmful to others (or illegal). Our goal is to foster a community that supports and sustains creators, provides a welcoming and entertaining environment for viewers, and eliminates illegal, negative and harmful interactions.
-At Twitch, we believe everyone in our community - creators, viewers and Twitch - plays a role in promoting the safety and health of our community. Through the Community Guidelines, we try to make clear what expression and behavior are allowed on the service, and what is not. We then rely on community action and reporting, along with technological solutions, to ensure the Community Guidelines are upheld. Creators and moderators also use tools that we and third-parties provide to enforce Twitch service-wide standards, or to set higher standards in their own channels.  
-Our Approach to Safety 
-Twitch is a live-streaming service. The vast majority of the content that appears on Twitch is gone the moment it’s created and seen. That fact requires us to think about safety and community health in different ways than other services that are primarily based on pre-recorded and uploaded content. Content moderation solutions that work for uploaded, video-based services do not work, or work differently, on Twitch. Through experimentation and investment, we have learned that for Twitch, user safety is best protected, and most scalable, when we employ a range of tools and processes, and when we partner with, and empower, our community members.
-The result is a layered approach to safety - one that combines the efforts of both Twitch (through tooling and staffing) and members of the community, working together. It starts with our Community Guidelines, which balance user expression with community safety, and set expectations for the behavior we want on Twitch. Creators are expected to uphold these service-wide standards in their channels, and are invited to raise the bar if they choose. We provide creators with tools to set, communicate and enforce the standards of behavior in their channel. We also provide viewer-level controls that enable viewers to control the content they see. At the same time, Twitch applies various technologies to proactively detect and remove certain kinds of harmful content before users ever encounter it. Finally, we empower users to report harmful or inappropriate behavior to Twitch. These reports are reviewed and acted on by a team of skilled and trained professionals who can apply service-wide enforcement actions. 
-We will discuss each of these pieces in detail (from bottom of the pyramid to top) and how they fit together in the following section.  
-Community Guidelines
-Twitch’s Community Guidelines are the foundation of our safety ecosystem. These guidelines set the guardrails for all user generated content and activity on the service. Because the Community Guidelines communicate the expectations for behavior on Twitch, clarity is important - over time we have continued to try to increase  clarity by adding descriptions and specific examples of prohibited behavior and content (and specific exceptions) wherever possible. We also recognize that Twitch’s community culture is constantly changing - which leads us to continuously review and evolve our Community Guidelines. We believe that by communicating our expectations and clearly communicating updates, Twitch users will understand the boundaries we have set, and feel free and confident in expressing themselves within those boundaries. We also believe that clear, relevant Community Guidelines are critical to  establishing consistency in our enforcement actions. 
-Service Level Safety
-Service-level safety consists of technology and operations used to uphold the Community Guidelines across Twitch. Service-level safety consists of three parts: machine detection, user reporting and review and enforcement.
-Machine Detection: Over the last two years, we have implemented technologies that scan content on the service and then flag it for review by human specialists (we call this “machine detection”). Examples of this are nudity, sexual content, gore and extreme violence. Twitch is predominantly a live-streaming service, and most of the content that is streamed is not recorded or uploaded. Because it’s ephemeral, live-streaming provides a particularly challenging environment for machine detection. Nevertheless, we have found ways to make machine detection viable and useful on Twitch, and we will continue to invest in these technologies to improve them.
-User Reporting: Community reports are a crucial part of maintaining the safety and trust of our community and upholding our Community Guidelines. We believe user reporting is particularly effective on Twitch because the vast majority of the content on Twitch - video and chat - is public. We encourage creators, mods, and viewers to report content that violates our Community Guidelines so we can take appropriate action on a service-wide basis. User reports are sent to our team of content moderation professionals to review.  
-Review and Enforcement: At Twitch, we have a group of highly trained and experienced professionals who review user reports and content that is flagged by our machine detection tools. These content moderation professionals work across multiple locations, and support over 20 languages, in order to provide 24/7/365 capacity to review reports as they come in across the globe. Reports are prioritized so that the most harmful behavior can be dealt with most quickly. Review time for any given report is dependent on a number of factors including the severity of the report, the availability of evidence to support the report, and the current volume of the report queue.  We also employ a team of experienced investigators to delve into the most egregious reports, and liaise with law enforcement as necessary.
-We recognize that our content moderation professionals spend a lot of time reviewing a wide range of content  that can be negative or disturbing, and we take their health and safety as seriously as we take the health and safety of the Twitch community. To fulfill this commitment, we have invested in tooling to reduce the harmful effects of certain content on reviewers - for example, by having the system our reviewers use automatically show potentially harmful videos in black-and-white, at lower resolution, and/or muted. We also prioritize  programs and benefits for our reviewers to protect their mental well-being, such as extensive access to dedicated counsellors and the structure of workflows, workplaces and processes that promote employee wellness by design.  
-Channel-Level Safety
-On Twitch, we believe safety should also be personal. We enable our creators to set their own standards of acceptable and unacceptable community behavior, as long as these standards also comply with our Community Guidelines. To foster a culture of accountability, creators can build a team of community moderators (colloquially known as “mods”), who moderate chat in the creator’s channel.  (Mods can be easily identified in chat by the green sword icon that appears next to their username.) Moderators play many roles, from welcoming new viewers to the channel, to answering questions, to modeling and enforcing channel-level standards. We provide both creators and their mods with a powerful suite of tools such as AutoMod, Chat Modes, and Mod View to make their roles as easy and intuitive as possible. These tools provide the ability to automatically filter chat, allow creators and mods to see (and delete) questionable chat messages before they are displayed on the channel, give users “time outs” (lock them out of chat for a period of time) or permanently block them from the channel. 
-Viewer-Level Safety 
-In addition to the tools that we provide creators and their mods, we also want viewers to be able to customize the safety of their experience. To enable that, we provide viewers with features - such as mature flags, chat filters, and blocking other users -  that they can use to customize content and interactions they encounter across the service. 
-H1 2021 Transparency Report
-H1 2021 Safety Updates 
-Community Guidelines: In H1 2021, we made two updates to our Community Guidelines aimed at reducing the risk of severe harms to our community. These new policies address (1) harms that occur off of Twitch, and (2) the risk of severe harms that may occur from influential individuals’ use of Twitch:
-Off-Service Misconduct: launched in April 2021, our Off-Service Conduct Policy addresses serious offenses that pose a substantial physical safety risk to the Twitch community; such as extreme or deadly violence, acts of terrorism, leadership or membership in a known hate group, sexual assault, the sexual exploitation of minors, and other acts or credible threats that endanger members of the Twitch community or Twitch staff, even if these offenses occur entirely off Twitch.
-Investigating off-service offenses is complex and involves balancing important interests of safety and privacy. To ensure we were equipped to investigate these cases thoroughly, impartially and fairly, we have made a substantial investment in our investigations team. We increased the size of our team, which enhanced our internal enforcement response capabilities, and partnered with an outside law firm that specializes in investigations.
-Incitement to Violence: In May 2021, we introduced a policy that allows us to preemptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual’s use of Twitch poses a high likelihood of inciting real world violence. 
-We made both of these updates to better protect our communities on and off Twitch. We are constantly re-assessing our policies and processes, and evaluating the need for new policies, with the aim of reducing harm on Twitch and making it a place where healthy communities can thrive.
-Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that user safety reports are reviewed as quickly and thoroughly as possible, and we have continued to invest heavily in increasing our capacity to achieve this goal. 
-In our inaugural Transparency Report (covering H2 2020) we reported a 4x increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. In H1 2021 we continued to increase our capacity to keep pace with growth in usage of the Twitch service.  First, we invested in the teams responsible for deep-dive investigations for complex cases, reviewing suspension appeals, proactive content review, and our quality assurance program. Finally, from October 2020 to June 2021, we have quadrupled the capacity of our Law Enforcement Response team (LER), which focuses on harms against children, counter-terrorism, law enforcement interactions, and serious off-service violations.  
-Moderation in Channels: Coverage, Removals and Enforcements 
-On Twitch, we empower creators to build communities that are unique and personal, but paired with that is the expectation that those communities must be healthy and abide by the Twitch Community Guidelines. To accomplish this, many Twitch creators ask trusted members of their communities to help moderate chat in the creator’s channel. These channel moderators (“mods”) and moderation tools are the foundation of chat moderation in every creator’s Twitch channel. To make this model work, we invest heavily to provide our creators and their mods with tools that are flexible and powerful enough to enforce those community standards within their channel. We focus our moderator support tooling in two main areas: identifying potentially harmful content for moderator review, and scaling moderator controls to support fast-moving Twitch chat. 
-Creators and their mods can use tooling provided by Twitch to manage who can chat in their channel and what content can be seen in chat. To manage who is actively participating in their community, creators and their mods can remove bad actors from chat by issuing temporary and/or permanent bans - these bans delete a chatter’s recent messages from the channel, and prevent them from sending further messages in the channel during the time they are suspended. Creators and mods can also change certain settings to restrict who can chat to more trusted groups such as followers or subscribers only. Mods can send their own chat messages, which carry their green Moderator badge, to guide the tone of the chat. To control what messages can be seen in chat, creators and mods utilize two core features: AutoMod and Blocked Terms. When enabled, AutoMod pre-screens chat messages in 17 languages and holds messages that contain content detected as risky, preventing them from being visible on the channel unless they are approved by a mod. Blocked Terms allow creators to further tailor AutoMod by adding custom terms or phrases that will be always blocked in their channel. These features are best utilized through Mod View, a customizable channel interface that provides mods with a toolkit of ‘widgets’ for moderation tasks like reviewing messages held by AutoMod, keeping tabs on actions taken by other mods on their team, changing moderation settings, and more.
-It’s important to remember that actions taken by a creator and their moderator(s) can only affect a user’s access in that channel. Channel bans, time-outs and chat deletion only apply within a channel, and do not affect the user’s access to other channels or other parts of the Twitch service. However, creators and moderators (or any Twitch user) can report conduct that violates our Community Guidelines through the Twitch reporting tool, which can then be actioned on a service-wide basis by Twitch moderation staff. 
-The following sections provide additional information regarding how creators and their moderators set and enforce standards for the chat in their own channels.
-Moderation of Chat
-The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  
-In the past year, human moderators, and streamers using Twitch-provided channel moderation tools (such as AutoMod), have been making more streams safer. From H2 2020 to H1 2021, Automod coverage, measured as the portion of live minutes watched occurring on channels that have Twitch’s AutoMod feature actively monitoring chat, increased from 71.5% to 73.28%. We believe this increase in moderation coverage is attributable to the increase in new channels over this period, which have AutoMod enabled by default. Moderation coverage, by human moderators and/or third-party moderation bots, measured as the fraction of live minutes watched on channels which had moderation actions, increased from 85.9% to 87.8%. This is likely the result of an increase in viewership of large channels, which are more likely to have active human moderation and/or third-party moderation bots due to fast-paced chat. Combined, total moderation coverage (either AutoMod or active moderators) increased from 95.7% to 96.6%. This increase in coverage shows that moderation has scaled with channel growth on Twitch.
-Proactive and Manual Removals of Chat Messages
-The vast majority of content removals on Twitch are removals of chat messages by channel moderators (either manually or with the help of proactive channel moderation tools) within individual channels. Twitch provides tools such as customizable Blocked Terms and AutoMod (described in more detail above), which allow channels to apply filters that proactively screen messages out of chat before they are seen. Channel moderators can also actively monitor chat and delete harmful or disruptive messages within seconds after they are posted. 
-In H2 2020, 32.6 billion chat messages were sent on Twitch, and in H1 2021, that number increased to 37.5 billion (a 15% increase). From H2 2020 to H1 2021, the number of messages proactively removed, through tools such as Automod, blocked terms, and chat modes, increased from 98.8M to 132.4M (a 34% increase). Manual removal of messages by moderators increased from 31.5M to 37.1M (an 18% increase). Deletions per thousand messages sent increased from 4.0 to 4.5 (a 13% increase). A portion of this increase in chat message deletion reflects both improvements to Automod, which enabled streamers and moderators to remove more harmful messages, as well as increased human moderation coverage across the service. 
-Channel Enforcement Actions
-In addition to deleting messages, channel moderators can choose to remove harmful and disruptive users from a channel, either using a timeout for a customizable length of time, or an outright ban, to prevent any future harm that a disruptive user might cause in the channel. Banned users may submit an appeal, called an Unban Request, should they wish to return to the channel. Unban decisions are at the discretion of the channel owner and their moderators. 
-Across the service, channel-level bans increased from 3.9M to 4.7M (a 19% increase) from H2 2020 to H1 2021. Timeouts, or temporary suspensions, increased from 4.5M to 5.4M (also a 19% increase). The average number of enforcements per channel increased from 0.44 to 0.50 (a 12% increase).  We believe this increase in channel-level suspensions is the result of increased moderation coverage in channels (both active moderation and use of Twitch’s channel moderation tools). 
-Reports and Enforcements 
-It’s worth noting again that Twitch is a live-streaming service, thus the vast majority of the content on Twitch is ephemeral. For this reason, we do not consider content removal as the primary means of enforcing streamer adherence to our Community Guidelines. Content is flagged by either machine detection or via user-submitted reports, and our team of content moderation professionals is responsible for reviewing these reports and issuing the appropriate enforcements for verified violations. The type of enforcement issued is based on a number of factors and can range from a warning, to a timed suspension, to an indefinite suspension. If there is recorded content associated with the violation, such as a recorded video (VOD) or a clip, that content is removed. That said, most enforcements do not require content removal, given that apart from the report, there is no longer a record of the violation — the live, violative content is already gone. For this reason, we believe the most appropriate measure of our safety efforts is the total number of enforcements issued, and that is how we have oriented the following sections of this report.
-For clarity, please note that the statistics regarding enforcements in the following sections does not include, and are not duplicative of, the channel-level enforcements discussed in the previous section.
-Reports Made on Twitch 
-From H2 2020 to H1 2021, the total number of reports submitted by users increased from 7.4M to 10.4M (a 41% increase). When evaluating user report volume, we use Reports per Thousand Hours Watched (reports/KHW) because it shows whether reporting volumes are increasing or decreasing relative to the overall growth of Twitch usage. Reports per KHW increased from 0.76 to 0.79 (an 8% increase).  While we saw increases in report volumes across multiple report reasons, most report volumes were in line with the 30% growth of Twitch usage between H2 2020 and H1 2021. The exception was reports of sexual content, which increased at a much higher rate, leading to an overall increase of reports/KHW. 
-Over the course of H1 2021, we saw an increase in sexual content reports associated with the emergence of indoor hot tub streams, commonly referred to as “Hot Tub Meta.” In May we addressed this topic with the community. Under our current Nudity & Attire and Sexually Suggestive Content policies, streamers may appear in swimwear in contextually appropriate situations (at the beach, or in a hot tub, for example), but nudity or sexually explicit content (which we define as pornography, sex acts, and sexual services) are not allowed on Twitch. Our Sexually Suggestive Content policy seeks to prohibit content that is overtly or explicitly sexually suggestive, but does not go as far as to prohibit all content that could be viewed as sexually suggestive as this would significantly restrict other content that we believe is acceptable for the Twitch community. Many viewers reported streams focused on swimwear-clad streamers in hot tubs because they believed that this content is sexually suggestive to an extent that violates our policies. In some cases, the same content and streamers were reported hundreds of times through duplicative reports by the same reporter, or coordinated reporting “brigades”. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the content and behavior cited in these reports did not violate our Community Guidelines. For additional information related to enforcements in this category, see “Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct” below. 
-User reports are prioritized based on a number of factors, including the classification and severity of the reported behavior, and whether or not the behavior constitutes an illegal act. Each report, regardless of priority, is sent to our content moderation team for review. If the reviewer agrees that the report demonstrates a violation of the Community Guidelines, the reviewer will issue an enforcement action against the violator’s account.  The enforcement issued depends on the nature of the violation, and can range from a warning, a temporary suspension (1-30 days), or for the most serious offenses, an indefinite suspension from Twitch. If any content that contains the violation has been recorded on our service, we will remove it.  
-We also maintain an appeals process, so that if a user believes an enforcement is incorrect, unwarranted or unfair, they can appeal the enforcement. Appeals are managed by a separate group of specialists within our content moderation team. For more information on account enforcement, see our Account Enforcements page.
-The total number of enforcement actions increased from 1.1M in H2 2020 to 1.2M in H1 2021, but the number of Enforcement Actions per Thousand Hours Watched (enforcements/KHW) decreased from 0.114 enforcements/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.095 enforcements/KHW in H1 2021. While there were increases in enforcement/KHW in a few categories (notably in “Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment”, and in “Violence, Gore, Threats and other Extreme Content”), these were more than offset by decreases in the number of enforcements for Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations, as discussed more fully below. 
-In the sections below, we provide data and analysis on the various types of enforcement actions that Twitch has issued in 2020 and H1 2021.
-Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment, and Harassment
-We do not tolerate conduct or speech that is hateful or harassing, or that encourages or incites others to engage in hateful or harassing conduct. This includes unwanted sexual advances and solicitations, inciting targeted community abuse, and expressions of hatred based on an identity-based protected characteristic.
-User reports for hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment increased by 33% from H2 2020 to H1 2021, and reports per thousand hours watched were 0.225 reports/KHW in H1 (compared to 0.220 reports/KHW in H2 2020).  However, as shown in the chart below, enforcement actions in these categories have increased by 243% and 164% on both an absolute basis, and on an enforcements/KWH basis, respectively, across the same time periods. We attribute this increase in both reporting and enforcement actions to updates made to our Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policy, which launched in January 2021.
-In January 2021, we began enforcing our updated Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policy, and this drove a significant increase in both the number of user reports submitted and in enforcement actions taken.  The clearer examples of violative conduct that the updated policy provides improved overall comprehension of our guidelines among the community, which we saw reflected in increased validity in the reports filed. Reports in these categories were more likely to be actionable as they featured specific, relevant information related to the violation. This has allowed us to combat a wider range of online hate and harassment. More specifically, distinguishing sexual harassment as separate and distinct category from other forms of harassment both internally and externally allowed our internal safety teams to take action on more reports of instances of unwanted sexual objectification, sexual denigration, and sexual solicitations.  
-Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Extreme Conduct
-In an effort to limit community exposure to content that may be illegal, jarring or damaging, we prohibit media and conduct that focuses on extreme gore or violence, sexual violence, violent threats, self-harm behaviors, animal cruelty, dangerous or distracted driving, and other illegal, disturbing, or frightening content/conduct.
-Enforcements for Violence, Gore, Threats, and Other Shocking Conduct increased from 7.4K in H2 2020 to 10.7K in H1 2021 (a 44% increase). Enforcements/KHW increased from 0.00077 to 0.00085 (a 10% increase). This change was largely driven by enforcements for Serious Violent Threats, which increased from 517 to 4,274 (an increase of 727%). This increase is attributable to a number of real world factors, including high profile protests and elections, as well as the resumption of some in-person events and activities. 
-Terrorism, Terrorist Propaganda, and Recruitment
-Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  
-We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity.  In H1 2021, enforcements for this category decreased from 67 to 55 (an 18% decrease) and enforcements/KHW have decreased from 0.0000069 enforcements/KHW to 0.0000044 enforcements/KHW (a 36% decrease).  All of the enforcements in this category in H1 2021 were for terrorist propaganda.  Despite the decreasing numbers, we continued to invest in this area throughout 2021, increasing the capacity and resources available to our Law Enforcement Response (LER) team, which handles reports in this category.
-Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct
-We limit community exposure to content that is not appropriate for a diverse audience. This includes restricting content that involves nudity, insufficient coverage of the body, inappropriate attire or is overly sexual in nature.
-Enforcement actions increased from 16K in H2 2020 to 25K in H1 2021 (a 55% increase). On a reports per thousand-hours-watched basis, enforcements increased from 0.00166 enforcements/KHW to 0.00199 enforcements/KHW (a 20% increase). The increase can be attributed in part to a 2.9K increase in the number of enforcements against detailed ASCII depictions of body parts and sex acts within chat content. There was also a significant increase in the number of enforcements for pornography, which we believe was driven in part by improvements in our ability to proactively detect pornographic content.
-Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations
-Twitch prohibits disruptive activities such as spamming, because these types of activities violate the integrity of Twitch services, and diminish users’ experiences on Twitch. We also do not allow other dishonest or inappropriate behaviors such as: impersonation, broadcasting others against their wishes, ban evasion, misuse of Twitch tools, intentionally miscategorizing a stream, cheating on a game or playing a prohibited game, inappropriate usernames, and underaged user accounts.
-Total enforcements in this category decreased from 987K in H2 2020 to 819K in H1 2021 (a 17% decrease). Enforcements/KHW decreased from 0.102 enforcements/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.065 enforcements/KHW in H1 2021 (a 36% decrease). 
-In addition to the enforcement actions listed, Twitch uses technology to proactively identify large numbers of bot accounts. These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate follow counts and/or harass users, are identified and terminated. These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content. In H1 2021, Twitch took bulk actions resulting in the termination of 15.2 million bot accounts.  
-Law Enforcement and Government Requests
-Twitch’s Law Enforcement Response (LER) team is responsible for handling all cases related to any harm against a minor, escalation of violent threats or terrorist acts to appropriate authorities, any other legally required reporting to law enforcement, and responding to requests for user data from law enforcement agencies. Cases of these types are escalated to the Law Enforcement Response team from our content moderation team.
-The LER team is also responsible for investigating reports of violations of Twitch’s new Off-Service Conduct Policy, which launched in April 2021 and addresses serious offenses that pose a physical safety risk to the Twitch community or Twitch staff, even if these offenses occur entirely off Twitch. The policy covers offenses such as extreme or deadly violence, acts of terrorism, leadership or membership in a known hate group, sexual assault, the sexual exploitation of minors, and other acts or credible threats that endanger members of the Twitch community. These reports are made directly to the LER team through a dedicated reporting portal, or are referred to the LER team from the content moderation team if the offense is reported through Twitch’s user reporting tool. 
-NCMEC Reporting; Global Cooperation
-Twitch does not tolerate sexual exploitation of minors. When we are made aware of media depicting sexual exploitation of a minor, or grooming behavior, we remove the content, investigate, and report to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). We also work directly with aligned organizations throughout the world, such as INHOPE and ICMEC, to address and prevent exploitation media and grooming of minors from occurring on Twitch.
-The number of NCMEC Cyber Tips submitted by Twitch increased from 1,346 in H2 2020 to 2,615 in H1 2021 (a 94% increase). This also equates to a 94% increase in tips per thousand hours watched. Between October 2020 to June 2021, we have quadrupled the capacity of our Law Enforcement Response team (LER); these investments have enabled us to go deeper in our investigative work, and identify more victims and offenders with each case, which promotes a safer service overall.  
-Escalations to Law Enforcement
-When Twitch identifies credible threats of violence, a member of our Law Enforcement Response team will proactively send, or “escalate,” user data to appropriate law enforcement agencies. 
-Escalations to Law Enforcement increased from 16 in H2 2020 to 52 in H1 2021 (a 225% increase). This equates to a 218% increase in escalations per thousand hours watched, indicated by the red line in the chart above. Throughout 2020, we saw a dip in the number of escalations to law enforcement. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, public and social gatherings were restricted, which limited the potential for real world harm that would require escalation to law enforcement. As we look at results for H1 2021 as compared to pre-2020, the data suggests that 2020 was an outlier due to the pandemic. We will continue to closely monitor this area as public activities and gatherings become more prevalent.  
-Subpoenas/Preservation Holds
-Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.
-Subpoenas and preservation hold requests processed by Twitch decreased from 125 in H2 2020 to 100 in H1 2021 (a 20% decrease). Subpoenas and preservation hold requests per thousand hours watched (subpoenas/KHW) also decreased by 20%, from 0.0000129 subpoenas/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.0000103 subpoenas/KHW in H1 2021. This is within the expected variance for the number of valid subpoenas and reservation hold requests, and aligns with volumes we have received from law enforcement in the past. 
-2020 Transparency Report
-Note: This transparency report is the first of its kind for Twitch: it takes a hard look at how we think about safety; the product choices we made to create a safe space for all our communities, and how our safety staff, community moderators, and technological solutions help enforce the rules we set. The result is a wide-ranging overview of service-specific data intended to help give readers a meaningful understanding of safety-related matters on Twitch and the progress we are making. Future reports will build upon our endeavor of making Twitch an even safer place.
-Community Guidelines: In 2020, we’ve updated several key areas of our Community Guidelines with the intent to provide more clarity and make the policies easier to apply. To accomplish this we provide descriptions of prohibited behavior, further clarified with examples and exceptions. Key updates in 2020 included:
-Nudity and Attire - revised guidelines rolled-out in April 2020;
-Terrorism and Extreme Violence - updated guidelines launched in October 2020;
-Harassment and Hateful Conduct - published revised guidelines in December 2020 that took effect in January 2021.
-In our updates to the Nudity and Attire and the Harassment and Hateful Conduct policies, we started by convening and gathering feedback from focus groups made up of a diverse set of Twitch creators. We also reviewed draft guidelines with our Safety Advisory Council - an eight-member group of creators, academics, and NGO leaders. These steps helped to clarify our guidelines and better reflect the standards and ideals of the Twitch community. We recognize that our service, our community, and the world we live in are not static, and as such we will continue to review and evolve our standards and expectations, and update our Community Guidelines to reflect this evolution. 
-Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that review of safety reports happens in a timely manner and have invested heavily in increasing our capacity.  Over the past year alone, we have made a 4X increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. 
-Moderation in Channels: Coverage, Removals and Enforcements 
-On Twitch, we empower creators to build communities that are unique and personal, but paired with that freedom is the expectation that those communities must be healthy and abide by the Twitch Community Guidelines. To accomplish this, many Twitch creators ask trusted members of their communities to help moderate chat in the creator’s channel. These channel moderators (“mods”) and moderation tools are the foundation of chat moderation in every creator’s Twitch channel. To make this model work, we invest heavily to provide our creators and their mods with tools that are flexible and powerful enough to enforce both Twitch’s Community Guidelines and the channel-specific standards established by the creator. Our suite of moderation tools supports two objectives: identifying potentially harmful content for moderator review, and scaling moderator controls to support fast-moving Twitch chat messages. 
-Creators and their mods can use tools- provided by Twitch - to manage who can chat in their channel and what content can be seen in chat. To manage who is actively participating in their community, creators and their mods can remove bad actors from chat by issuing temporary and permanent bans - these bans delete a chatter’s recent messages from the channel, and prevent them from sending further messages in the channel during the time they are suspended. Creators and mods can also change certain settings to restrict who can chat to more trusted groups such as followers or subscribers only. Mods can send their own chat messages, which carry their green Moderator badge, to guide the tone of the chat. To control what messages can be seen in chat, creators and mods utilize two core features: AutoMod and Blocked Terms. When enabled, AutoMod pre-screens chat messages and holds messages that contain content detected as risky, preventing them from being visible on the channel unless they are approved by a mod. Blocked Terms allow creators to further tailor AutoMod by adding custom terms or phrases that will be always blocked in their channel. These features are best utilized through Mod View, a customizable channel interface that provides mods with a toolbelt of ‘widgets’ for moderation tasks like reviewing messages held by AutoMod, keeping tabs on actions taken by other mods on their team, changing moderation settings, and more.
-It’s important to remember that actions taken by a creator and their moderator(s) can only affect a user’s access in that channel. Channel bans, time-outs and chat deletion only apply within a channel, and do not affect the user’s access to other channels or other parts of the Twitch service. However, creators and moderators (or any Twitch user) can report conduct that violates our Community Guidelines through the Twitch reporting tool, which can then be actioned on a service-wide basis by Twitch moderation staff. 
-The following sections provide additional information regarding how creators and their moderators set and enforce standards for the chat in their own channels.
-Moderation of Chat
-The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  
-In (H1) 2020, 65% of live content viewed on Twitch (measured in terms of minutes watched) occurred on channels that had Twitch’s AutoMod feature actively monitoring chat for harmful messages; in H2 2020, this increased to 71%. We believe this substantial increase can largely be attributed to having AutoMod enabled by default for new channels in H2 2020 that did not have any assigned users as channel moderators. As shown in the chart above, the percentage of hours watched in channels that had at least one active moderator increased slightly, from 82% in H1 to 86% in H2 - we believe this high percentage shows that larger channels are very likely to have active moderators. Most importantly, throughout 2020, over 92% of live content viewed on Twitch occurred in channels with chat that was moderated either by active moderators, or AutoMod, or both; and that coverage increased to over 95% in H2. 
-Proactive and Manual Removals of Chat Messages
-The vast majority of content removals on Twitch are removals of chat messages by channel moderators acting within individual channels. Twitch provides tools such as customizable Blocked Terms and AutoMod (described in more detail above), which allow channels to apply filters that proactively screen messages out of chat before they are seen. Channel moderators can also actively monitor chat and delete harmful or disruptive messages within seconds after they are posted. 
-In H1 2020, 24.4 billion chat messages were sent on Twitch, and in H2, that number increased to 32.6 billion (a 33% increase). 61.5 million messages were proactively removed from chat using Blocked Terms and AutoMod in H12020; this number increased to 98.8 million in H2 (an increase of 61%). In H1 2020, channel moderators manually deleted 15.9 million chat messages; in H2 2020, this number increased to 31.5 million (an increase of 98%). These increases in the amount of objectionable chat content removed can be partially explained by the 33% growth in the number of chat messages sent on Twitch, and the 40% overall growth in the number of channels on Twitch, between H1 and H2 2020. We believe the remainder of the increase is due to the increase in moderation coverage discussed above, and to the March launch of the ModView dashboard, which makes it easier for mods to remove content. 
-Channel Enforcement Actions
-In addition to deleting messages, channel moderators can choose to remove harmful and disruptive users from a channel, either using a temporary timeout, or an outright ban, to prevent any future harm that they might cause in the channel. We have recently enhanced these tools to allow users who have been banned from a channel to appeal that decision to the channel moderator, and be reinstated if the moderator agrees.
-In H1 2020, creators and their mods imposed 2.3 million permanent channel bans; in H2 2020, this number increased to 3.9 million channel bans (an increase of 72%). Similarly, temporary channel timeouts increased from 3.2 million in H1 2020 to 4.5 million in H2 2020 (an increase of 40%). The overall increase in channel bans and timeouts can largely be attributed to the 29% increase in the number of unique channels streaming - from 14.6 million channels in H1 2020 to 18.8 million. 
-Reports and Enforcements 
-Here again, it’s worth noting that Twitch is a live-streaming service, and the vast majority of the content on Twitch is ephemeral. For this reason, we do not focus on “content removal” as the primary means of enforcing streamer adherence to our Community Guidelines. Rather, live content is flagged by either machine detection or user reports, to our team of content moderation professionals, who then issue “enforcements” (typically a warning or timed channel suspension) for verified violations. If there happens to be recorded content that accompanies a violation, that content is removed. But most enforcements do not require content removal, because apart from the report, there is no longer a record of the violation - the live, violative content is already gone. For this reason, we believe the most appropriate measure of our safety efforts is enforcements - and that is how we have oriented the following sections of this report.
-For clarity, please note that the statistics regarding enforcements in the following sections do not include, and are not duplicative of, the channel-level enforcements discussed in the previous section.
-Increase in Hours Watched and Reports Made on Twitch 
-As shown in the chart above, user reports for all types of violations increased from 5.9M during H1 2020 to 7.4M during H2 2020 (a 25% increase). Over the same period, Twitch experienced rapid growth, as evidenced by a 22% increase in usage (measured as hours watched). While the absolute number of user reports increased from H1 to H2, the number of reports per thousand hours watched only increased from 0.74 to 0.76 (shown as the green line in the chart above). We interpret this to mean that while Twitch usage has grown rapidly in 2020, the rate of occurrence of reported behavior has remained relatively flat. 
-User reports are prioritized (based on a number of factors, including the classification and severity of the reported behavior, and whether or not the behavior is illegal) and sent to our content moderation team for review. If the reviewer agrees that the report demonstrates a violation of the Community Guidelines, then the reviewer will issue an enforcement action against the violator’s account. Depending on the nature of the violation, we take a range of actions including issuing a warning, a temporary suspension (1-30 days), and for the most serious offenses, an indefinite suspension from Twitch. If any content that contains the violation has been recorded on the service, we will remove it. 
-We also run an appeals process, so that if a user believes an enforcement is mistaken, unwarranted or unfair, they can appeal the enforcement. Appeals are managed by a separate group of specialists within our content moderation team.
-For more information on account enforcement, see our Account Enforcements page.
-Total enforcement actions increased from 788 thousand in 1H 2020 to 1.1 million in 2H 2020, a 41% increase. The majority of this increase can be attributed to the 22% increase in overall growth in Twitch usage over that period.  This is shown by the increase in the number of enforcement actions per thousand hours watched (“KHW”): 0.099 per KHW in 1H 2020, up to 0.114 per KHW in 2H 2020 (as shown by the green line in the chart above).  We believe this 15% increase in the total number of enforcement actions per KWH is within normal operating variances, and overall is not attributable to any particular cause(s). We would also expect to see a slight up-tick in reporting, as we have made efforts throughout the year to educate the Twitch community on their options for reporting. In the sections below, we describe the causes of increases in certain types of enforcements.
-In addition to the enforcement actions listed above, on three occasions in 2020, Twitch programmatically identified large numbers of bot accounts.  These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate view counts, were identified and terminated.  These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content but these three programmatic bulk actions resulted in the  issuance of 5.8 million additional enforcements.  
-In the sections below, we provide data and analysis on the various types of enforcement actions that Twitch has issued in 2020.
-Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment, and Harassment
-We do not tolerate conduct or speech that is hateful or harassing, or that encourages or incites others to engage in hateful or harassing conduct. This includes unwanted sexual advances and solicitations, inciting targeted community abuse, and expressions of hatred based on an identity-based protected characteristic.
-User reports for hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment increased by 19% from H1 to H2 2020, and reports per thousand hours watched were slightly down 0.219 per KHW in H2 (compared to 0.224 in H1). However, as shown in the chart below, enforcement actions in these categories have increased by 214% and 158%, on both an absolute basis, and on a per-KWH basis, respectively.
-The primary reasons for the increase in enforcement rate in H2 2020 are: (1) we made improvements to the user reporting and enforcement processes in early H2 that enabled our content moderation teams to identify and enforce more of these types of reports; and (2) from May - August 2020, we significantly increased our capacity to review user reports, which allowed us to respond to more reports of harassment and hateful conduct more quickly. We will continue to invest in enforcement tools and capacity that make it easier and faster to review reports of harassing and hateful behavior going forward. Additionally, in January 2021, we implemented a revised set of Community Guidelines regarding hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment, which we expect will further enhance our efforts - and those of the community - to keep these kinds of behaviors off of Twitch. 
-Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Extreme Conduct
-In an effort to limit community exposure to content that may be illegal, upsetting or damaging, we prohibit media and conduct that focuses on extreme gore or violence, sexual violence, violent threats, self-harm behaviors, animal cruelty, dangerous or distracted driving, and other illegal, disturbing or frightening content/conduct.
-The number of enforcement actions for this type of behavior increased from 3,825 enforcements in H1 2020, to 7,429 enforcement actions in H2 2020 (an increase of 94%). As with enforcements for Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment (detailed in the preceding section), this sizable jump in the number of enforcements is due to actions we took at the beginning of H2 to improve user reporting, moderation tools, and review capacity. Also during H2 2020, we made further improvements in our machine detection system for this type of content. We will continue to invest in all of these areas in 2021.
-Terrorism, Terrorist Propaganda, and Recruitment
-Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  
-We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity. In October, Twitch released a revised policy regarding Terrorism and Extremist Content, providing increased clarity on how we define terrorist organizations and how our internal safety teams categorize related content. These clarifications broadened the definition of content that fits in this category (including behaviors in this category that were previously categorized as other types of abuse), resulting in the substantial increase in enforcements of this kind (in percentage terms, if not in absolute number). In 2020, we have not had any instances of live-streamed terrorist activity in Twitch. The enforcements issued in this category have been for showing terrorist propaganda (77 enforcements in 2020), and for glorifying or advocating acts of terrorism, extreme violence or large-scale property destruction (10 enforcements in 2020).
-Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct
-We limit community exposure to content that is not appropriate for a diverse audience. This includes restricting content that involves nudity, insufficient coverage of the body, inappropriate attire or is sexual in nature.
-In late October, we implemented improvements to our proactive detection of nudity, which resulted in an increased volume of enforcements in this category.   
-Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations
-Twitch prohibits disruptive activities such as spamming, because these types of activities violate the integrity of Twitch services, and diminish users’ experiences on Twitch. We also do not allow other dishonest or inappropriate behaviors such as: impersonation, broadcasting others against their wishes, ban evasion, misuse of Twitch tools, intentionally miscategorizing a stream, cheating on a game or playing a prohibited game, inappropriate usernames, and underaged user accounts.
-Overall enforcements in this category increased from 734 thousand in H1 2020 to 987 thousand in H2 2020 (an increase of 34%). This increase was higher than the 22% rate of growth of Twitch usage between 1H and 2H 2020. As shown by the green line in the chart above, the number of enforcements per thousand hours watched increased from 0.092 in H1 to 0.102 in H2 (an increase of 10%). Because of the variety of different violations that make up this category, there is a similarly long list of causes of the increase.
-Twitch has made strides in a number of different areas to combat these kinds of behaviors in 2020.  For example, Whispers, which is Twitch’s one-to-one private chat function, has historically been the primary mode for spam abuse due to the fact that these messages are private, and not subject to channel moderation. To combat spam in Whispers, in 2020 we launched multiple machine detection models that either block spam messages entirely, or flag the message to the recipient and urge the recipient to file a user report. The success of these models caused a 70% decline in Whisper-related spam reports from H1 2020 to H2 2020. We are continuing to develop proactive detection and other technological solutions to reduce the prevalence of spam, ban evasion, inappropriate usernames, and other violations.
-Law Enforcement and Government Requests
-Twitch’s Law Enforcement Response team is responsible for handling all cases related to any harm against a child, escalation of violent threats or terrorist acts to appropriate authorities, any other legally required reporting to law enforcement, and requests for user data from law enforcement agencies. Our content moderation team escalates these types of cases to our Law Enforcement Response team.
-NCMEC Reporting; Global Cooperation
-We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation. When we are made aware of media depicting child sexual exploitation, or grooming behavior, we remove the content, investigate, and report to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. We also work directly with aligned organizations throughout the world - like INHOPE and ICMEC - to address and prevent child exploitation media and grooming from occurring on Twitch.
-NCMEC reporting increased 66% between H1 and H2.  This increase is driven by improvements to Twitch’s investigation process for related escalations that allowed internal teams to more holistically identify patterns of behavior and therefore make an increased volume of NCMEC reports.  
-Escalations to Law Enforcement
-Whenever and wherever Twitch identifies credible threats of violence, Twitch will proactively send user data to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Twitch had 38 such cases in 2020.
-Escalations to Law Enforcement decreased 27% in H2.  We believe this is largely due to a decrease in public gatherings caused on account of COVID-19.  The lack of public gatherings means there are fewer places and events for people to direct violent threats toward.
-Subpoenas/Preservation Holds
-Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.
-Subpoenas and preservation requests processed by Twitch increased 37% in H2. This is within the expected volumes of valid Subpoenas/Preservation Holds we have received from Law Enforcement.   
-Safety at Twitch
-H1 2021 Transparency Report
-2020 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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difference captured:

diff --git a/ b/
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 English  ↗
+Transparency Report
+Transparency Reporting is an important measure of accountability that provides insight about how we are improving safety on Twitch.
+H2 2021 Transparency Report
+H2 2021 Transparency Report
+H1 2021 Transparency Report
+Safety Philosophy
+Twitch is a service that was built to encourage users to express themselves and entertain one another,  but we also want our community to be, and feel, safe. Our Community Guidelines attempt to balance these important needs, by allowing users to express themselves but without saying or doing anything that is harmful to others (or illegal). Our goal is to foster a community that supports and sustains creators, provides a welcoming and entertaining environment for viewers, and eliminates illegal, negative and harmful interactions.
+At Twitch, we believe everyone in our community - creators, viewers and Twitch - plays a role in promoting the safety and health of our community. Through the Community Guidelines, we try to make clear what expression and behavior are allowed on the service, and what is not. We then rely on community action and reporting, along with technological solutions, to ensure the Community Guidelines are upheld. Creators and moderators also use tools that we and third-parties provide to enforce Twitch service-wide standards, or to set higher standards in their own channels.  
+Our Approach to Safety 
+Twitch is a live-streaming service. The vast majority of the content that appears on Twitch is gone the moment it’s created and seen. That fact requires us to think about safety and community health in different ways than other services that are primarily based on pre-recorded and uploaded content. Content moderation solutions that work for uploaded, video-based services do not work, or work differently, on Twitch. Through experimentation and investment, we have learned that for Twitch, user safety is best protected, and most scalable, when we employ a range of tools and processes, and when we partner with, and empower, our community members.
+The result is a layered approach to safety - one that combines the efforts of both Twitch (through tooling and staffing) and members of the community, working together. It starts with our Community Guidelines, which balance user expression with community safety, and set expectations for the behavior we want on Twitch. Creators are expected to uphold these service-wide standards in their channels, and are invited to raise the bar if they choose. We provide creators with tools to set, communicate and enforce the standards of behavior in their channel. We also provide viewer-level controls that enable viewers to control the content they see. At the same time, Twitch applies various technologies to proactively detect and remove certain kinds of harmful content before users ever encounter it. Finally, we empower users to report harmful or inappropriate behavior to Twitch. These reports are reviewed and acted on by a team of skilled and trained professionals who can apply service-wide enforcement actions. 
+We will discuss each of these pieces in detail (from bottom of the pyramid to top) and how they fit together in the following section.  
+Community Guidelines
+Twitch’s Community Guidelines are the foundation of our safety ecosystem. These guidelines set the guardrails for all user generated content and activity on the service. Because the Community Guidelines communicate the expectations for behavior on Twitch, clarity is important - over time we have continued to try to increase  clarity by adding descriptions and specific examples of prohibited behavior and content (and specific exceptions) wherever possible. We also recognize that Twitch’s community culture is constantly changing - which leads us to continuously review and evolve our Community Guidelines. We believe that by communicating our expectations and clearly communicating updates, Twitch users will understand the boundaries we have set, and feel free and confident in expressing themselves within those boundaries. We also believe that clear, relevant Community Guidelines are critical to  establishing consistency in our enforcement actions. 
+Service Level Safety
+Service-level safety consists of technology and operations used to uphold the Community Guidelines across Twitch. Service-level safety consists of three parts: machine detection, user reporting and review and enforcement.
+Machine Detection: Over the last two years, we have implemented technologies that scan content on the service and then flag it for review by human specialists (we call this “machine detection”). Examples of this are nudity, sexual content, gore and extreme violence. Twitch is predominantly a live-streaming service, and most of the content that is streamed is not recorded or uploaded. Because it’s ephemeral, live-streaming provides a particularly challenging environment for machine detection. Nevertheless, we have found ways to make machine detection viable and useful on Twitch, and we will continue to invest in these technologies to improve them.
+User Reporting: Community reports are a crucial part of maintaining the safety and trust of our community and upholding our Community Guidelines. We believe user reporting is particularly effective on Twitch because the vast majority of the content on Twitch - video and chat - is public. We encourage creators, mods, and viewers to report content that violates our Community Guidelines so we can take appropriate action on a service-wide basis. User reports are sent to our team of content moderation professionals to review.  
+Review and Enforcement: At Twitch, we have a group of highly trained and experienced professionals who review user reports and content that is flagged by our machine detection tools. These content moderation professionals work across multiple locations, and support over 20 languages, in order to provide 24/7/365 capacity to review reports as they come in across the globe. Reports are prioritized so that the most harmful behavior can be dealt with most quickly. Review time for any given report is dependent on a number of factors including the severity of the report, the availability of evidence to support the report, and the current volume of the report queue.  We also employ a team of experienced investigators to delve into the most egregious reports, and liaise with law enforcement as necessary.
+We recognize that our content moderation professionals spend a lot of time reviewing a wide range of content  that can be negative or disturbing, and we take their health and safety as seriously as we take the health and safety of the Twitch community. To fulfill this commitment, we have invested in tooling to reduce the harmful effects of certain content on reviewers - for example, by having the system our reviewers use automatically show potentially harmful videos in black-and-white, at lower resolution, and/or muted. We also prioritize  programs and benefits for our reviewers to protect their mental well-being, such as extensive access to dedicated counsellors and the structure of workflows, workplaces and processes that promote employee wellness by design.  
+Channel-Level Safety
+On Twitch, we believe safety should also be personal. We enable our creators to set their own standards of acceptable and unacceptable community behavior, as long as these standards also comply with our Community Guidelines. To foster a culture of accountability, creators can build a team of community moderators (colloquially known as “mods”), who moderate chat in the creator’s channel.  (Mods can be easily identified in chat by the green sword icon that appears next to their username.) Moderators play many roles, from welcoming new viewers to the channel, to answering questions, to modeling and enforcing channel-level standards. We provide both creators and their mods with a powerful suite of tools such as AutoMod, Chat Modes, and Mod View to make their roles as easy and intuitive as possible. These tools provide the ability to automatically filter chat, allow creators and mods to see (and delete) questionable chat messages before they are displayed on the channel, give users “time outs” (lock them out of chat for a period of time) or permanently block them from the channel. 
+Viewer-Level Safety 
+In addition to the tools that we provide creators and their mods, we also want viewers to be able to customize the safety of their experience. To enable that, we provide viewers with features - such as mature flags, chat filters, and blocking other users -  that they can use to customize content and interactions they encounter across the service. 
+H1 2021 Safety Updates 
+Community Guidelines: In H1 2021, we made two updates to our Community Guidelines aimed at reducing the risk of severe harms to our community. These new policies address (1) harms that occur off of Twitch, and (2) the risk of severe harms that may occur from influential individuals’ use of Twitch:
+Off-Service Misconduct: launched in April 2021, our Off-Service Conduct Policy addresses serious offenses that pose a substantial physical safety risk to the Twitch community; such as extreme or deadly violence, acts of terrorism, leadership or membership in a known hate group, sexual assault, the sexual exploitation of minors, and other acts or credible threats that endanger members of the Twitch community or Twitch staff, even if these offenses occur entirely off Twitch.
+Investigating off-service offenses is complex and involves balancing important interests of safety and privacy. To ensure we were equipped to investigate these cases thoroughly, impartially and fairly, we have made a substantial investment in our investigations team. We increased the size of our team, which enhanced our internal enforcement response capabilities, and partnered with an outside law firm that specializes in investigations.
+Incitement to Violence: In May 2021, we introduced a policy that allows us to preemptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual’s use of Twitch poses a high likelihood of inciting real world violence. 
+We made both of these updates to better protect our communities on and off Twitch. We are constantly re-assessing our policies and processes, and evaluating the need for new policies, with the aim of reducing harm on Twitch and making it a place where healthy communities can thrive.
+Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that user safety reports are reviewed as quickly and thoroughly as possible, and we have continued to invest heavily in increasing our capacity to achieve this goal. 
+In our inaugural Transparency Report (covering H2 2020) we reported a 4x increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. In H1 2021 we continued to increase our capacity to keep pace with growth in usage of the Twitch service.  First, we invested in the teams responsible for deep-dive investigations for complex cases, reviewing suspension appeals, proactive content review, and our quality assurance program. Finally, from October 2020 to June 2021, we have quadrupled the capacity of our Law Enforcement Response team (LER), which focuses on harms against children, counter-terrorism, law enforcement interactions, and serious off-service violations.  
+Moderation in Channels: Coverage, Removals and Enforcements 
+On Twitch, we empower creators to build communities that are unique and personal, but paired with that is the expectation that those communities must be healthy and abide by the Twitch Community Guidelines. To accomplish this, many Twitch creators ask trusted members of their communities to help moderate chat in the creator’s channel. These channel moderators (“mods”) and moderation tools are the foundation of chat moderation in every creator’s Twitch channel. To make this model work, we invest heavily to provide our creators and their mods with tools that are flexible and powerful enough to enforce those community standards within their channel. We focus our moderator support tooling in two main areas: identifying potentially harmful content for moderator review, and scaling moderator controls to support fast-moving Twitch chat. 
+Creators and their mods can use tooling provided by Twitch to manage who can chat in their channel and what content can be seen in chat. To manage who is actively participating in their community, creators and their mods can remove bad actors from chat by issuing temporary and/or permanent bans - these bans delete a chatter’s recent messages from the channel, and prevent them from sending further messages in the channel during the time they are suspended. Creators and mods can also change certain settings to restrict who can chat to more trusted groups such as followers or subscribers only. Mods can send their own chat messages, which carry their green Moderator badge, to guide the tone of the chat. To control what messages can be seen in chat, creators and mods utilize two core features: AutoMod and Blocked Terms. When enabled, AutoMod pre-screens chat messages in 17 languages and holds messages that contain content detected as risky, preventing them from being visible on the channel unless they are approved by a mod. Blocked Terms allow creators to further tailor AutoMod by adding custom terms or phrases that will be always blocked in their channel. These features are best utilized through Mod View, a customizable channel interface that provides mods with a toolkit of ‘widgets’ for moderation tasks like reviewing messages held by AutoMod, keeping tabs on actions taken by other mods on their team, changing moderation settings, and more.
+It’s important to remember that actions taken by a creator and their moderator(s) can only affect a user’s access in that channel. Channel bans, time-outs and chat deletion only apply within a channel, and do not affect the user’s access to other channels or other parts of the Twitch service. However, creators and moderators (or any Twitch user) can report conduct that violates our Community Guidelines through the Twitch reporting tool, which can then be actioned on a service-wide basis by Twitch moderation staff. 
+The following sections provide additional information regarding how creators and their moderators set and enforce standards for the chat in their own channels.
+Moderation of Chat
+The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  
+In the past year, human moderators, and streamers using Twitch-provided channel moderation tools (such as AutoMod), have been making more streams safer. From H2 2020 to H1 2021, Automod coverage, measured as the portion of live minutes watched occurring on channels that have Twitch’s AutoMod feature actively monitoring chat, increased from 71.5% to 73.28%. We believe this increase in moderation coverage is attributable to the increase in new channels over this period, which have AutoMod enabled by default. Moderation coverage, by human moderators and/or third-party moderation bots, measured as the fraction of live minutes watched on channels which had moderation actions, increased from 85.9% to 87.8%. This is likely the result of an increase in viewership of large channels, which are more likely to have active human moderation and/or third-party moderation bots due to fast-paced chat. Combined, total moderation coverage (either AutoMod or active moderators) increased from 95.7% to 96.6%. This increase in coverage shows that moderation has scaled with channel growth on Twitch.
+Proactive and Manual Removals of Chat Messages
+The vast majority of content removals on Twitch are removals of chat messages by channel moderators (either manually or with the help of proactive channel moderation tools) within individual channels. Twitch provides tools such as customizable Blocked Terms and AutoMod (described in more detail above), which allow channels to apply filters that proactively screen messages out of chat before they are seen. Channel moderators can also actively monitor chat and delete harmful or disruptive messages within seconds after they are posted. 
+In H2 2020, 32.6 billion chat messages were sent on Twitch, and in H1 2021, that number increased to 37.5 billion (a 15% increase). From H2 2020 to H1 2021, the number of messages proactively removed, through tools such as Automod, blocked terms, and chat modes, increased from 98.8M to 132.4M (a 34% increase). Manual removal of messages by moderators increased from 31.5M to 37.1M (an 18% increase). Deletions per thousand messages sent increased from 4.0 to 4.5 (a 13% increase). A portion of this increase in chat message deletion reflects both improvements to Automod, which enabled streamers and moderators to remove more harmful messages, as well as increased human moderation coverage across the service. 
+Channel Enforcement Actions
+In addition to deleting messages, channel moderators can choose to remove harmful and disruptive users from a channel, either using a timeout for a customizable length of time, or an outright ban, to prevent any future harm that a disruptive user might cause in the channel. Banned users may submit an appeal, called an Unban Request, should they wish to return to the channel. Unban decisions are at the discretion of the channel owner and their moderators. 
+Across the service, channel-level bans increased from 3.9M to 4.7M (a 19% increase) from H2 2020 to H1 2021. Timeouts, or temporary suspensions, increased from 4.5M to 5.4M (also a 19% increase). The average number of enforcements per channel increased from 0.44 to 0.50 (a 12% increase).  We believe this increase in channel-level suspensions is the result of increased moderation coverage in channels (both active moderation and use of Twitch’s channel moderation tools). 
+Reports and Enforcements 
+It’s worth noting again that Twitch is a live-streaming service, thus the vast majority of the content on Twitch is ephemeral. For this reason, we do not consider content removal as the primary means of enforcing streamer adherence to our Community Guidelines. Content is flagged by either machine detection or via user-submitted reports, and our team of content moderation professionals is responsible for reviewing these reports and issuing the appropriate enforcements for verified violations. The type of enforcement issued is based on a number of factors and can range from a warning, to a timed suspension, to an indefinite suspension. If there is recorded content associated with the violation, such as a recorded video (VOD) or a clip, that content is removed. That said, most enforcements do not require content removal, given that apart from the report, there is no longer a record of the violation — the live, violative content is already gone. For this reason, we believe the most appropriate measure of our safety efforts is the total number of enforcements issued, and that is how we have oriented the following sections of this report.
+For clarity, please note that the statistics regarding enforcements in the following sections does not include, and are not duplicative of, the channel-level enforcements discussed in the previous section.
+Reports Made on Twitch 
+From H2 2020 to H1 2021, the total number of reports submitted by users increased from 7.4M to 10.4M (a 41% increase). When evaluating user report volume, we use Reports per Thousand Hours Watched (reports/KHW) because it shows whether reporting volumes are increasing or decreasing relative to the overall growth of Twitch usage. Reports per KHW increased from 0.76 to 0.79 (an 8% increase).  While we saw increases in report volumes across multiple report reasons, most report volumes were in line with the 30% growth of Twitch usage between H2 2020 and H1 2021. The exception was reports of sexual content, which increased at a much higher rate, leading to an overall increase of reports/KHW. 
+Over the course of H1 2021, we saw an increase in sexual content reports associated with the emergence of indoor hot tub streams, commonly referred to as “Hot Tub Meta.” In May we addressed this topic with the community. Under our current Nudity & Attire and Sexually Suggestive Content policies, streamers may appear in swimwear in contextually appropriate situations (at the beach, or in a hot tub, for example), but nudity or sexually explicit content (which we define as pornography, sex acts, and sexual services) are not allowed on Twitch. Our Sexually Suggestive Content policy seeks to prohibit content that is overtly or explicitly sexually suggestive, but does not go as far as to prohibit all content that could be viewed as sexually suggestive as this would significantly restrict other content that we believe is acceptable for the Twitch community. Many viewers reported streams focused on swimwear-clad streamers in hot tubs because they believed that this content is sexually suggestive to an extent that violates our policies. In some cases, the same content and streamers were reported hundreds of times through duplicative reports by the same reporter, or coordinated reporting “brigades”. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the content and behavior cited in these reports did not violate our Community Guidelines. For additional information related to enforcements in this category, see “Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct” below. 
+User reports are prioritized based on a number of factors, including the classification and severity of the reported behavior, and whether or not the behavior constitutes an illegal act. Each report, regardless of priority, is sent to our content moderation team for review. If the reviewer agrees that the report demonstrates a violation of the Community Guidelines, the reviewer will issue an enforcement action against the violator’s account.  The enforcement issued depends on the nature of the violation, and can range from a warning, a temporary suspension (1-30 days), or for the most serious offenses, an indefinite suspension from Twitch. If any content that contains the violation has been recorded on our service, we will remove it.  
+We also maintain an appeals process, so that if a user believes an enforcement is incorrect, unwarranted or unfair, they can appeal the enforcement. Appeals are managed by a separate group of specialists within our content moderation team. For more information on account enforcement, see our Account Enforcements page.
+The total number of enforcement actions increased from 1.1M in H2 2020 to 1.2M in H1 2021, but the number of Enforcement Actions per Thousand Hours Watched (enforcements/KHW) decreased from 0.114 enforcements/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.095 enforcements/KHW in H1 2021. While there were increases in enforcement/KHW in a few categories (notably in “Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment”, and in “Violence, Gore, Threats and other Extreme Content”), these were more than offset by decreases in the number of enforcements for Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations, as discussed more fully below. 
+In the sections below, we provide data and analysis on the various types of enforcement actions that Twitch has issued in 2020 and H1 2021.
+Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment, and Harassment
+We do not tolerate conduct or speech that is hateful or harassing, or that encourages or incites others to engage in hateful or harassing conduct. This includes unwanted sexual advances and solicitations, inciting targeted community abuse, and expressions of hatred based on an identity-based protected characteristic.
+User reports for hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment increased by 33% from H2 2020 to H1 2021, and reports per thousand hours watched were 0.225 reports/KHW in H1 (compared to 0.220 reports/KHW in H2 2020).  However, as shown in the chart below, enforcement actions in these categories have increased by 243% and 164% on both an absolute basis, and on an enforcements/KWH basis, respectively, across the same time periods. We attribute this increase in both reporting and enforcement actions to updates made to our Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policy, which launched in January 2021.
+In January 2021, we began enforcing our updated Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment policy, and this drove a significant increase in both the number of user reports submitted and in enforcement actions taken.  The clearer examples of violative conduct that the updated policy provides improved overall comprehension of our guidelines among the community, which we saw reflected in increased validity in the reports filed. Reports in these categories were more likely to be actionable as they featured specific, relevant information related to the violation. This has allowed us to combat a wider range of online hate and harassment. More specifically, distinguishing sexual harassment as separate and distinct category from other forms of harassment both internally and externally allowed our internal safety teams to take action on more reports of instances of unwanted sexual objectification, sexual denigration, and sexual solicitations.  
+Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Extreme Conduct
+In an effort to limit community exposure to content that may be illegal, jarring or damaging, we prohibit media and conduct that focuses on extreme gore or violence, sexual violence, violent threats, self-harm behaviors, animal cruelty, dangerous or distracted driving, and other illegal, disturbing, or frightening content/conduct.
+Enforcements for Violence, Gore, Threats, and Other Shocking Conduct increased from 7.4K in H2 2020 to 10.7K in H1 2021 (a 44% increase). Enforcements/KHW increased from 0.00077 to 0.00085 (a 10% increase). This change was largely driven by enforcements for Serious Violent Threats, which increased from 517 to 4,274 (an increase of 727%). This increase is attributable to a number of real world factors, including high profile protests and elections, as well as the resumption of some in-person events and activities. 
+Terrorism, Terrorist Propaganda, and Recruitment
+Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  
+We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity.  In H1 2021, enforcements for this category decreased from 67 to 55 (an 18% decrease) and enforcements/KHW have decreased from 0.0000069 enforcements/KHW to 0.0000044 enforcements/KHW (a 36% decrease).  All of the enforcements in this category in H1 2021 were for terrorist propaganda.  Despite the decreasing numbers, we continued to invest in this area throughout 2021, increasing the capacity and resources available to our Law Enforcement Response (LER) team, which handles reports in this category.
+Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct
+We limit community exposure to content that is not appropriate for a diverse audience. This includes restricting content that involves nudity, insufficient coverage of the body, inappropriate attire or is overly sexual in nature.
+Enforcement actions increased from 16K in H2 2020 to 25K in H1 2021 (a 55% increase). On a reports per thousand-hours-watched basis, enforcements increased from 0.00166 enforcements/KHW to 0.00199 enforcements/KHW (a 20% increase). The increase can be attributed in part to a 2.9K increase in the number of enforcements against detailed ASCII depictions of body parts and sex acts within chat content. There was also a significant increase in the number of enforcements for pornography, which we believe was driven in part by improvements in our ability to proactively detect pornographic content.
+Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations
+Twitch prohibits disruptive activities such as spamming, because these types of activities violate the integrity of Twitch services, and diminish users’ experiences on Twitch. We also do not allow other dishonest or inappropriate behaviors such as: impersonation, broadcasting others against their wishes, ban evasion, misuse of Twitch tools, intentionally miscategorizing a stream, cheating on a game or playing a prohibited game, inappropriate usernames, and underaged user accounts.
+Total enforcements in this category decreased from 987K in H2 2020 to 819K in H1 2021 (a 17% decrease). Enforcements/KHW decreased from 0.102 enforcements/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.065 enforcements/KHW in H1 2021 (a 36% decrease). 
+In addition to the enforcement actions listed, Twitch uses technology to proactively identify large numbers of bot accounts. These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate follow counts and/or harass users, are identified and terminated. These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content. In H1 2021, Twitch took bulk actions resulting in the termination of 15.2 million bot accounts.  
+Law Enforcement and Government Requests
+Twitch’s Law Enforcement Response (LER) team is responsible for handling all cases related to any harm against a minor, escalation of violent threats or terrorist acts to appropriate authorities, any other legally required reporting to law enforcement, and responding to requests for user data from law enforcement agencies. Cases of these types are escalated to the Law Enforcement Response team from our content moderation team.
+The LER team is also responsible for investigating reports of violations of Twitch’s new Off-Service Conduct Policy, which launched in April 2021 and addresses serious offenses that pose a physical safety risk to the Twitch community or Twitch staff, even if these offenses occur entirely off Twitch. The policy covers offenses such as extreme or deadly violence, acts of terrorism, leadership or membership in a known hate group, sexual assault, the sexual exploitation of minors, and other acts or credible threats that endanger members of the Twitch community. These reports are made directly to the LER team through a dedicated reporting portal, or are referred to the LER team from the content moderation team if the offense is reported through Twitch’s user reporting tool. 
+NCMEC Reporting; Global Cooperation
+Twitch does not tolerate sexual exploitation of minors. When we are made aware of media depicting sexual exploitation of a minor, or grooming behavior, we remove the content, investigate, and report to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). We also work directly with aligned organizations throughout the world, such as INHOPE and ICMEC, to address and prevent exploitation media and grooming of minors from occurring on Twitch.
+The number of NCMEC Cyber Tips submitted by Twitch increased from 1,346 in H2 2020 to 2,615 in H1 2021 (a 94% increase). This also equates to a 94% increase in tips per thousand hours watched. Between October 2020 to June 2021, we have quadrupled the capacity of our Law Enforcement Response team (LER); these investments have enabled us to go deeper in our investigative work, and identify more victims and offenders with each case, which promotes a safer service overall.  
+Escalations to Law Enforcement
+When Twitch identifies credible threats of violence, a member of our Law Enforcement Response team will proactively send, or “escalate,” user data to appropriate law enforcement agencies. 
+Escalations to Law Enforcement increased from 16 in H2 2020 to 52 in H1 2021 (a 225% increase). This equates to a 218% increase in escalations per thousand hours watched, indicated by the red line in the chart above. Throughout 2020, we saw a dip in the number of escalations to law enforcement. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, public and social gatherings were restricted, which limited the potential for real world harm that would require escalation to law enforcement. As we look at results for H1 2021 as compared to pre-2020, the data suggests that 2020 was an outlier due to the pandemic. We will continue to closely monitor this area as public activities and gatherings become more prevalent.  
+Subpoenas/Preservation Holds
+Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.
+Subpoenas and preservation hold requests processed by Twitch decreased from 125 in H2 2020 to 100 in H1 2021 (a 20% decrease). Subpoenas and preservation hold requests per thousand hours watched (subpoenas/KHW) also decreased by 20%, from 0.0000129 subpoenas/KHW in H2 2020 to 0.0000103 subpoenas/KHW in H1 2021. This is within the expected variance for the number of valid subpoenas and reservation hold requests, and aligns with volumes we have received from law enforcement in the past. 
+2020 Transparency Report
+Note: This transparency report is the first of its kind for Twitch: it takes a hard look at how we think about safety; the product choices we made to create a safe space for all our communities, and how our safety staff, community moderators, and technological solutions help enforce the rules we set. The result is a wide-ranging overview of service-specific data intended to help give readers a meaningful understanding of safety-related matters on Twitch and the progress we are making. Future reports will build upon our endeavor of making Twitch an even safer place.
+Community Guidelines: In 2020, we’ve updated several key areas of our Community Guidelines with the intent to provide more clarity and make the policies easier to apply. To accomplish this we provide descriptions of prohibited behavior, further clarified with examples and exceptions. Key updates in 2020 included:
+Nudity and Attire - revised guidelines rolled-out in April 2020;
+Terrorism and Extreme Violence - updated guidelines launched in October 2020;
+Harassment and Hateful Conduct - published revised guidelines in December 2020 that took effect in January 2021.
+In our updates to the Nudity and Attire and the Harassment and Hateful Conduct policies, we started by convening and gathering feedback from focus groups made up of a diverse set of Twitch creators. We also reviewed draft guidelines with our Safety Advisory Council - an eight-member group of creators, academics, and NGO leaders. These steps helped to clarify our guidelines and better reflect the standards and ideals of the Twitch community. We recognize that our service, our community, and the world we live in are not static, and as such we will continue to review and evolve our standards and expectations, and update our Community Guidelines to reflect this evolution. 
+Operational Capacity: We are committed to ensuring that review of safety reports happens in a timely manner and have invested heavily in increasing our capacity.  Over the past year alone, we have made a 4X increase in the number of content moderation professionals available to respond to user reports. 
+Moderation in Channels: Coverage, Removals and Enforcements 
+On Twitch, we empower creators to build communities that are unique and personal, but paired with that freedom is the expectation that those communities must be healthy and abide by the Twitch Community Guidelines. To accomplish this, many Twitch creators ask trusted members of their communities to help moderate chat in the creator’s channel. These channel moderators (“mods”) and moderation tools are the foundation of chat moderation in every creator’s Twitch channel. To make this model work, we invest heavily to provide our creators and their mods with tools that are flexible and powerful enough to enforce both Twitch’s Community Guidelines and the channel-specific standards established by the creator. Our suite of moderation tools supports two objectives: identifying potentially harmful content for moderator review, and scaling moderator controls to support fast-moving Twitch chat messages. 
+Creators and their mods can use tools- provided by Twitch - to manage who can chat in their channel and what content can be seen in chat. To manage who is actively participating in their community, creators and their mods can remove bad actors from chat by issuing temporary and permanent bans - these bans delete a chatter’s recent messages from the channel, and prevent them from sending further messages in the channel during the time they are suspended. Creators and mods can also change certain settings to restrict who can chat to more trusted groups such as followers or subscribers only. Mods can send their own chat messages, which carry their green Moderator badge, to guide the tone of the chat. To control what messages can be seen in chat, creators and mods utilize two core features: AutoMod and Blocked Terms. When enabled, AutoMod pre-screens chat messages and holds messages that contain content detected as risky, preventing them from being visible on the channel unless they are approved by a mod. Blocked Terms allow creators to further tailor AutoMod by adding custom terms or phrases that will be always blocked in their channel. These features are best utilized through Mod View, a customizable channel interface that provides mods with a toolbelt of ‘widgets’ for moderation tasks like reviewing messages held by AutoMod, keeping tabs on actions taken by other mods on their team, changing moderation settings, and more.
+It’s important to remember that actions taken by a creator and their moderator(s) can only affect a user’s access in that channel. Channel bans, time-outs and chat deletion only apply within a channel, and do not affect the user’s access to other channels or other parts of the Twitch service. However, creators and moderators (or any Twitch user) can report conduct that violates our Community Guidelines through the Twitch reporting tool, which can then be actioned on a service-wide basis by Twitch moderation staff. 
+The following sections provide additional information regarding how creators and their moderators set and enforce standards for the chat in their own channels.
+Moderation of Chat
+The overwhelming majority of user interaction on Twitch occurs in channels that are moderated by channel moderators, AutoMod, or both.  
+In (H1) 2020, 65% of live content viewed on Twitch (measured in terms of minutes watched) occurred on channels that had Twitch’s AutoMod feature actively monitoring chat for harmful messages; in H2 2020, this increased to 71%. We believe this substantial increase can largely be attributed to having AutoMod enabled by default for new channels in H2 2020 that did not have any assigned users as channel moderators. As shown in the chart above, the percentage of hours watched in channels that had at least one active moderator increased slightly, from 82% in H1 to 86% in H2 - we believe this high percentage shows that larger channels are very likely to have active moderators. Most importantly, throughout 2020, over 92% of live content viewed on Twitch occurred in channels with chat that was moderated either by active moderators, or AutoMod, or both; and that coverage increased to over 95% in H2. 
+Proactive and Manual Removals of Chat Messages
+The vast majority of content removals on Twitch are removals of chat messages by channel moderators acting within individual channels. Twitch provides tools such as customizable Blocked Terms and AutoMod (described in more detail above), which allow channels to apply filters that proactively screen messages out of chat before they are seen. Channel moderators can also actively monitor chat and delete harmful or disruptive messages within seconds after they are posted. 
+In H1 2020, 24.4 billion chat messages were sent on Twitch, and in H2, that number increased to 32.6 billion (a 33% increase). 61.5 million messages were proactively removed from chat using Blocked Terms and AutoMod in H12020; this number increased to 98.8 million in H2 (an increase of 61%). In H1 2020, channel moderators manually deleted 15.9 million chat messages; in H2 2020, this number increased to 31.5 million (an increase of 98%). These increases in the amount of objectionable chat content removed can be partially explained by the 33% growth in the number of chat messages sent on Twitch, and the 40% overall growth in the number of channels on Twitch, between H1 and H2 2020. We believe the remainder of the increase is due to the increase in moderation coverage discussed above, and to the March launch of the ModView dashboard, which makes it easier for mods to remove content. 
+Channel Enforcement Actions
+In addition to deleting messages, channel moderators can choose to remove harmful and disruptive users from a channel, either using a temporary timeout, or an outright ban, to prevent any future harm that they might cause in the channel. We have recently enhanced these tools to allow users who have been banned from a channel to appeal that decision to the channel moderator, and be reinstated if the moderator agrees.
+In H1 2020, creators and their mods imposed 2.3 million permanent channel bans; in H2 2020, this number increased to 3.9 million channel bans (an increase of 72%). Similarly, temporary channel timeouts increased from 3.2 million in H1 2020 to 4.5 million in H2 2020 (an increase of 40%). The overall increase in channel bans and timeouts can largely be attributed to the 29% increase in the number of unique channels streaming - from 14.6 million channels in H1 2020 to 18.8 million. 
+Reports and Enforcements 
+Here again, it’s worth noting that Twitch is a live-streaming service, and the vast majority of the content on Twitch is ephemeral. For this reason, we do not focus on “content removal” as the primary means of enforcing streamer adherence to our Community Guidelines. Rather, live content is flagged by either machine detection or user reports, to our team of content moderation professionals, who then issue “enforcements” (typically a warning or timed channel suspension) for verified violations. If there happens to be recorded content that accompanies a violation, that content is removed. But most enforcements do not require content removal, because apart from the report, there is no longer a record of the violation - the live, violative content is already gone. For this reason, we believe the most appropriate measure of our safety efforts is enforcements - and that is how we have oriented the following sections of this report.
+For clarity, please note that the statistics regarding enforcements in the following sections do not include, and are not duplicative of, the channel-level enforcements discussed in the previous section.
+Increase in Hours Watched and Reports Made on Twitch 
+As shown in the chart above, user reports for all types of violations increased from 5.9M during H1 2020 to 7.4M during H2 2020 (a 25% increase). Over the same period, Twitch experienced rapid growth, as evidenced by a 22% increase in usage (measured as hours watched). While the absolute number of user reports increased from H1 to H2, the number of reports per thousand hours watched only increased from 0.74 to 0.76 (shown as the green line in the chart above). We interpret this to mean that while Twitch usage has grown rapidly in 2020, the rate of occurrence of reported behavior has remained relatively flat. 
+User reports are prioritized (based on a number of factors, including the classification and severity of the reported behavior, and whether or not the behavior is illegal) and sent to our content moderation team for review. If the reviewer agrees that the report demonstrates a violation of the Community Guidelines, then the reviewer will issue an enforcement action against the violator’s account. Depending on the nature of the violation, we take a range of actions including issuing a warning, a temporary suspension (1-30 days), and for the most serious offenses, an indefinite suspension from Twitch. If any content that contains the violation has been recorded on the service, we will remove it. 
+We also run an appeals process, so that if a user believes an enforcement is mistaken, unwarranted or unfair, they can appeal the enforcement. Appeals are managed by a separate group of specialists within our content moderation team.
+For more information on account enforcement, see our Account Enforcements page.
+Total enforcement actions increased from 788 thousand in 1H 2020 to 1.1 million in 2H 2020, a 41% increase. The majority of this increase can be attributed to the 22% increase in overall growth in Twitch usage over that period.  This is shown by the increase in the number of enforcement actions per thousand hours watched (“KHW”): 0.099 per KHW in 1H 2020, up to 0.114 per KHW in 2H 2020 (as shown by the green line in the chart above).  We believe this 15% increase in the total number of enforcement actions per KWH is within normal operating variances, and overall is not attributable to any particular cause(s). We would also expect to see a slight up-tick in reporting, as we have made efforts throughout the year to educate the Twitch community on their options for reporting. In the sections below, we describe the causes of increases in certain types of enforcements.
+In addition to the enforcement actions listed above, on three occasions in 2020, Twitch programmatically identified large numbers of bot accounts.  These accounts, which are typically used to artificially inflate view counts, were identified and terminated.  These actions are not included in the figures listed above because they do not stem from reports or machine detection of harmful content but these three programmatic bulk actions resulted in the  issuance of 5.8 million additional enforcements.  
+In the sections below, we provide data and analysis on the various types of enforcement actions that Twitch has issued in 2020.
+Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment, and Harassment
+We do not tolerate conduct or speech that is hateful or harassing, or that encourages or incites others to engage in hateful or harassing conduct. This includes unwanted sexual advances and solicitations, inciting targeted community abuse, and expressions of hatred based on an identity-based protected characteristic.
+User reports for hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment increased by 19% from H1 to H2 2020, and reports per thousand hours watched were slightly down 0.219 per KHW in H2 (compared to 0.224 in H1). However, as shown in the chart below, enforcement actions in these categories have increased by 214% and 158%, on both an absolute basis, and on a per-KWH basis, respectively.
+The primary reasons for the increase in enforcement rate in H2 2020 are: (1) we made improvements to the user reporting and enforcement processes in early H2 that enabled our content moderation teams to identify and enforce more of these types of reports; and (2) from May - August 2020, we significantly increased our capacity to review user reports, which allowed us to respond to more reports of harassment and hateful conduct more quickly. We will continue to invest in enforcement tools and capacity that make it easier and faster to review reports of harassing and hateful behavior going forward. Additionally, in January 2021, we implemented a revised set of Community Guidelines regarding hateful conduct, sexual harassment and harassment, which we expect will further enhance our efforts - and those of the community - to keep these kinds of behaviors off of Twitch. 
+Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Extreme Conduct
+In an effort to limit community exposure to content that may be illegal, upsetting or damaging, we prohibit media and conduct that focuses on extreme gore or violence, sexual violence, violent threats, self-harm behaviors, animal cruelty, dangerous or distracted driving, and other illegal, disturbing or frightening content/conduct.
+The number of enforcement actions for this type of behavior increased from 3,825 enforcements in H1 2020, to 7,429 enforcement actions in H2 2020 (an increase of 94%). As with enforcements for Hateful Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Harassment (detailed in the preceding section), this sizable jump in the number of enforcements is due to actions we took at the beginning of H2 to improve user reporting, moderation tools, and review capacity. Also during H2 2020, we made further improvements in our machine detection system for this type of content. We will continue to invest in all of these areas in 2021.
+Terrorism, Terrorist Propaganda, and Recruitment
+Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. This also includes displaying or linking to terrorist or extremist propaganda, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.  
+We receive few reports in this category, and issue few enforcements, as the numbers in the chart above show. Nevertheless, we consider this type of conduct to be of the highest severity. In October, Twitch released a revised policy regarding Terrorism and Extremist Content, providing increased clarity on how we define terrorist organizations and how our internal safety teams categorize related content. These clarifications broadened the definition of content that fits in this category (including behaviors in this category that were previously categorized as other types of abuse), resulting in the substantial increase in enforcements of this kind (in percentage terms, if not in absolute number). In 2020, we have not had any instances of live-streamed terrorist activity in Twitch. The enforcements issued in this category have been for showing terrorist propaganda (77 enforcements in 2020), and for glorifying or advocating acts of terrorism, extreme violence or large-scale property destruction (10 enforcements in 2020).
+Adult Nudity, Pornography and Sexual Conduct
+We limit community exposure to content that is not appropriate for a diverse audience. This includes restricting content that involves nudity, insufficient coverage of the body, inappropriate attire or is sexual in nature.
+In late October, we implemented improvements to our proactive detection of nudity, which resulted in an increased volume of enforcements in this category.   
+Spam and Other Community Guidelines Violations
+Twitch prohibits disruptive activities such as spamming, because these types of activities violate the integrity of Twitch services, and diminish users’ experiences on Twitch. We also do not allow other dishonest or inappropriate behaviors such as: impersonation, broadcasting others against their wishes, ban evasion, misuse of Twitch tools, intentionally miscategorizing a stream, cheating on a game or playing a prohibited game, inappropriate usernames, and underaged user accounts.
+Overall enforcements in this category increased from 734 thousand in H1 2020 to 987 thousand in H2 2020 (an increase of 34%). This increase was higher than the 22% rate of growth of Twitch usage between 1H and 2H 2020. As shown by the green line in the chart above, the number of enforcements per thousand hours watched increased from 0.092 in H1 to 0.102 in H2 (an increase of 10%). Because of the variety of different violations that make up this category, there is a similarly long list of causes of the increase.
+Twitch has made strides in a number of different areas to combat these kinds of behaviors in 2020.  For example, Whispers, which is Twitch’s one-to-one private chat function, has historically been the primary mode for spam abuse due to the fact that these messages are private, and not subject to channel moderation. To combat spam in Whispers, in 2020 we launched multiple machine detection models that either block spam messages entirely, or flag the message to the recipient and urge the recipient to file a user report. The success of these models caused a 70% decline in Whisper-related spam reports from H1 2020 to H2 2020. We are continuing to develop proactive detection and other technological solutions to reduce the prevalence of spam, ban evasion, inappropriate usernames, and other violations.
+Law Enforcement and Government Requests
+Twitch’s Law Enforcement Response team is responsible for handling all cases related to any harm against a child, escalation of violent threats or terrorist acts to appropriate authorities, any other legally required reporting to law enforcement, and requests for user data from law enforcement agencies. Our content moderation team escalates these types of cases to our Law Enforcement Response team.
+NCMEC Reporting; Global Cooperation
+We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation. When we are made aware of media depicting child sexual exploitation, or grooming behavior, we remove the content, investigate, and report to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. We also work directly with aligned organizations throughout the world - like INHOPE and ICMEC - to address and prevent child exploitation media and grooming from occurring on Twitch.
+NCMEC reporting increased 66% between H1 and H2.  This increase is driven by improvements to Twitch’s investigation process for related escalations that allowed internal teams to more holistically identify patterns of behavior and therefore make an increased volume of NCMEC reports.  
+Escalations to Law Enforcement
+Whenever and wherever Twitch identifies credible threats of violence, Twitch will proactively send user data to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Twitch had 38 such cases in 2020.
+Escalations to Law Enforcement decreased 27% in H2.  We believe this is largely due to a decrease in public gatherings caused on account of COVID-19.  The lack of public gatherings means there are fewer places and events for people to direct violent threats toward.
+Subpoenas/Preservation Holds
+Twitch complies with data requests from law enforcement around the world in relation to crimes they may be investigating. We do so using our criminal subpoena and MLAT (“Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty”) process which requires all data requests to be served through our process server, CSC.
+Subpoenas and preservation requests processed by Twitch increased 37% in H2. This is within the expected volumes of valid Subpoenas/Preservation Holds we have received from Law Enforcement.  
+H2 2021 Transparency Report
+H1 2021 Transparency Report
+2020 Transparency Report
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

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difference captured:

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 Preferred Language
 English  ↗
+Community Guidelines
+At Twitch, our mission is to provide the best shared social video experience created by our growing community where creators and communities can interact safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our global community.
+In addition to our Terms of Service, we provide the following guidelines for our community. These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user generated content and activity on our services. This is considered a living document that we regularly update based on the evolution of the Twitch community and service. Additional guidelines or specific exceptions may be applicable for certain services or properties under the Twitch Service.
+To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, we at Twitch reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. Such actions may include: removal of content, a strike on the account, and/or suspension of account(s). Please refer to this page for more detail: About Suspensions.
+Breaking the Law
+You must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.
+This includes committing or aiding in the malicious destruction, defacement, or theft of public or another person’s private property without permission on stream.
+Suspension Evasion
+All suspensions are binding until expiration or removal upon successful appeal. Any attempt to circumvent an account suspension or chat ban by using other accounts, identities, or by appearing on another user’s account will also result in an additional enforcement against your accounts, up to an indefinite suspension. 
+In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advertise a suspended user. We understand that there may be instances where suspended users may appear on your stream due to circumstances beyond your control, such as through third-party gaming tournaments, but we expect that you make a good faith effort to remove them from your broadcast, mute them, or otherwise limit their interactions with your stream.
+Self-Destructive Behavior
+Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, glorification or encouragement of self-harm, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving.
+Violence and Threats
+Acts and threats of violence will be taken seriously and are considered zero-tolerance violations and all accounts associated with such activities will be indefinitely suspended. This includes, but is not limited to:
+Attempts or threats to physically harm or kill others
+Attempts or threats to hack, DDOS, or SWAT others
+Use of weapons to physically threaten, intimidate, harm, or kill others
+Twitch does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. You may not display or link terrorist or extremist propaganda, including graphic pictures or footage of terrorist or extremist violence, even for the purposes of denouncing such content.
+In situations where a user has lost control of their broadcast due to severe injury, medical emergency, police action, or being targeted with serious violence, we will temporarily remove the channel and associated content.
+In exceptional circumstances, we may preemptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual’s use of Twitch poses a high likelihood of inciting violence. In weighing the risk of harm, we consider an individual’s influence, the level of recklessness in their past behaviors (regardless of whether any past behavior occurred on Twitch), whether or not there continues to be a risk of harm, and the scale of ongoing threats.
+Hateful Conduct and Harassment
+Hateful conduct and harassment are not allowed on Twitch. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Twitch has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protections under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics.
+Harassment has many manifestations, including stalking, personal attacks, promotion of physical harm, hostile raids, and malicious false report brigading. Sexual harassment, specifically, can take the form of unwelcome sexual advances and solicitations, sexual objectification, or degrading attacks relating to a person’s perceived sexual practices.
+We will take action on all instances of hateful conduct and harassment, with an increasing severity of enforcement when the behavior is targeted, personal, graphic, or repeated/prolonged, incites further abuse, or involves threats of violence or coercion. The most egregious violations may result in an indefinite suspension on the first offense. 
+Learn more about our hateful conduct and harassment policies and enforcement.
+Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Do not invade the privacy of others. It is prohibited to share content that may reveal private personal information about individuals, or their private property, without permission. This includes but is not limited to:
+Sharing personally identifiable information (such as real name, location, or ID)
+Sharing restricted or protected social profiles or any information from those profiles
+Sharing content that violates another’s reasonable expectation of privacy, for example streaming from a private space, without permission
+Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Any attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Twitch representatives is a zero-tolerance violation and will result in indefinite suspension.
+Account Usernames and Display Names
+In order to ensure that our community is safe and inclusive, inappropriate account names that violate our Community Guidelines are prohibited. We also recognize that an account’s username has more impact across our services than many other forms of content because they are persistent, cross-functional, and, in most cases, much more visible. Because of this, we have additional, higher standards for usernames based on reducing harm across our services. Usernames and display names created on Twitch may not include:
+Breaking the Law, including Terrorism and Child Exploitation
+Violence and Threats
+Hateful Conduct
+Harassment and Sexual Harassment
+Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Glorification of natural or violent tragedies
+Self-Destructive Behavior
+References to recreational drugs, hard drugs, and drug abuse, with exceptions for alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana
+References to sexual acts, genital, or sexual fluids
+Learn more about our username policies and enforcement.
+Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
+Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Twitch services or another user’s experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes:
+Posting large amounts of repetitive, unwanted messages or user reports
+Distributing unauthorized advertisements
+Defrauding others
+Spreading malware or viruses
+Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata, or intentional channel miscategorization)
+Harmful misinformation actors
+Tampering (such as artificially inflating follow or live viewer stats)
+Selling or sharing user accounts
+Reselling Twitch services or features (such as channel Moderator status)
+Defacing, or attempting to deface, website pages or other Twitch services (such as uploading inappropriate or malicious content)
+Cheating a Twitch rewards system (such as the Drops or channel points systems)
+Harmful Misinformation Actors
+In order to reduce harm to our community and the public without undermining our streamers’ open dialogue with their communities, we also prohibit harmful misinformation superspreaders who persistently share misinformation on or off of Twitch. We seek to remove users whose online presence is dedicated to (1) persistently sharing (2) widely disproven and broadly shared (3) harmful misinformation topics. 
+This policy is focused on Twitch users who persistently share harmful misinformation. It will not be applied to users based upon individual statements or discussions that occur on the channel. All three of the criteria listed above must be satisfied in order for us to take action on an account. We will evaluate whether a user violates the policy by assessing both their on-platform behavior as well as their off-platform behavior. You can report these actors by sending an email to with the account name and any available supporting evidence.
+Below we provide a short list of non-comprehensive examples of the types of content that harmful misinformation actors persistently share. However, misinformation evolves rapidly, and we will continue to update these guidelines and topic categories as new trends and behaviors emerge. 
+Misinformation that targets protected groups, which is already prohibited under our Hateful Conduct & Harassment Policy
+Harmful health misinformation and wide-spread conspiracy theories related to dangerous treatments, COVID-19, and COVID-19 vaccine misinformation
+Discussions of treatments that are known to be harmful without noting the dangers of such treatments
+For COVID-19—and any other WHO-declared Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)—misinformation that causes imminent physical harm or is part of a broad conspiracy
+Misinformation promoted by conspiracy networks tied to violence and/or promoting violence
+Civic misinformation that undermines the integrity of a civic or political process
+Promotion of verifiably false claims related to the outcome of a fully vetted political process, including election rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or election fraud*
+In instances of public emergencies (e.g., wildfires, earthquakes, active shootings), we may also act on misinformation that may impact public safety
+*Note: In order to evaluate civic misinformation claims, we work with independent misinformation experts such as the Global Disinformation Index, as well as information from election boards and congressional certification.
+Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
+Nudity and sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited.
+Content or activities that threaten or promote sexual violence or exploitation are strictly prohibited and may be reported to law enforcement. Child exploitation will be reported to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
+Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited, although they may be allowed in educational contexts or for pre-approved licensed content, in each case subject to additional restrictions.
+Learn more about our sexual content policies and enforcement.
+Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
+Content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence is prohibited.
+Intellectual Property Rights
+You should only share content on your Twitch channel that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to or are authorized to share on Twitch. If you share content on your Twitch channel that you do not own or otherwise do not have the rights to share on Twitch, you may be infringing another person’s intellectual property rights. This includes any third party content included in your content, derivative creations, or performances of others’ copyrighted content. We encourage you to assess your content for adherence to applicable intellectual property laws and the proper application of principles such as fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights needed, before sharing your content on Twitch.
+Any unauthorized content you share on Twitch violates our Terms of Service and is subject to removal. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Rights holders may request that Twitch remove unauthorized content and/or issue penalties through the following processes:
+For copyrighted works, the notice-and-takedown process described in our DMCA Guidelines.
+For trademarks, the process described in our Trademark Policy.
+For copyrighted works owned by rights holders with whom Twitch has contractual arrangements, we may have separate reporting and handling processes, for example, the Music Reporting Process.
+Examples of content you should not share on Twitch without permission from the rights holders or unless otherwise permitted by law include:
+Other Twitch creators’ content
+Pirated games or content from unauthorized private servers
+Content from other sites
+Movies, television shows, or sports matches
+Music you do not own or do not have the rights to share
+Goods or services protected by trademark
+Learn more about our policies regarding including music in your Twitch channel.
+Content Labeling
+You are expected to accurately label your content to the best of your ability. When choosing a category or tag, please choose whichever best describes your content. Deliberate or extensive misuse of titles, tags, games/categories, or other metadata are prohibited.
+Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
+Referring Viewers to Slots, Roulette, and Dice Games
+Linking to sites that include slots, roulette, or dice games, or sharing affiliate links or referral codes to such sites is not allowed.
+Cheating in Online Games
+Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster’s live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.
+Closed Alphas/Betas and Pre-Release Games
+We ask that you respect all publisher/developer-enforced release dates, embargoes, and NDAs by waiting to broadcast these games until everyone else gets to. Unless given prior approval, your channel may be subject to DMCA takedown by a rights holder. Rights holders should report violations in accordance with our DMCA Guidelines. We ask that users refrain from reporting possible violations via the user report tool.
+Off-Service Conduct
+Twitch is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities, which can only happen if our users feel secure and protected. In order to achieve this goal, Twitch enforces against severe offenses committed by members of the Twitch community that occur outside of our services, such as hate group membership, terrorist recruitment, sexual assault, and child grooming. We will investigate reports that include verifiable evidence of these behaviors and, if we are able to confirm, issue enforcements against the relevant users. We will also consider allegations of similarly severe conduct by those wishing to join the Twitch community and, if substantiated, we will terminate the account.
+We will do our best to ensure that our enforcement decisions are accurate, which in some cases will necessitate us bringing in a third party investigator for thorough and impartial review. If we are able to verify reports of off-service statements or behaviors that relate to an incident that took place on Twitch, we will use this evidence to support and inform our enforcement decisions.
+Learn more about our Off-Service Conduct Policy.
+Breaking the Law
+Suspension Evasion
+Self-Destructive Behavior
+Violence and Threats
+Hateful Conduct and Harassment
+Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
+Account Usernames and Display Names
+Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
+Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
+Extreme Violence, Gore, and Other Obscene Conduct
+Intellectual Property Rights
+Content Labeling
+Additional Gaming Content Guidelines
+Off-Service Conduct
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

4dce697b4c96066b235c3278a38e1bc10e5758a6: @ 2022-06-25

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@@ -22,7 +22,30 @@ In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advert

 Self-Destructive Behavior

-Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, glorification or encouragement of self-harm, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or dangerous consumption of alcohol, and dangerous or distracted driving.
+Activity that may endanger your life, lead to your physical harm, or encourage others to engage in physically harmful behavior is prohibited. 
+We understand that streamers and viewers will discuss these sensitive topics and we want Twitch to remain a safe space to do so.  Anyone should be able to talk about previous and current struggles, if they so choose.  What is not allowed is discussing or broadcasting any of these topics in a way that glorifies, promotes, or encourages these potentially dangerous behaviors.
+Some examples of self-harm behaviors and related content that we prohibit are:
+Cutting of the wrists or mutilation of body parts;
+Suicide attempts and threats of suicide;
+Glorification and/or promotion of self-harm;
+Sharing of suicide notes and/or graphic details related to a real suicide.  
+Promotion of eating disorders and sharing of eating disorder content - the following are specific examples:
+Saying that you’re “pro-ana” because of the weight it helped you lose;
+Sharing your diet plan of not eating for 3 days and then binge eating on day 4;
+Telling viewers to regularly exercise and purge every other meal;
+Use of hard drugs;
+Misuse of legal substances and substances not fit for human consumption (e.g., prescription drugs, whippets, tide pods, bleach);
+Dangerous consumption of alcohol or other substances that lead to being incapacitated; 
+Dangerous or distracted driving, including using a phone while driving and drunk driving.
+We do not make exceptions for self destructive behavior performed as a stunt or gag made in jest, or meant to entertain, when the behavior could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury.
+If you feel like you’re struggling, or you’ve encountered someone who you believe might hurt themselves or others, or someone is at immediate risk of suicide, please contact an appropriate professional with the resources and expertise for urgent support that fits your needs and comfort, for instance, a mental health hotline or local law enforcement.
+We have a dedicated page here with resources to help our community.

 Violence and Threats
milonmaze commented 2 years ago

41d56aa8bfe3e931788442aa3f241d14e569e41b: @ 2022-07-23

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@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 04/29/2022
+Last modified on 07/19/2022
 Privacy Notice

 This Twitch Privacy Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided, owned, or operated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”) that link to this Privacy Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch values the privacy of users, subscribers, publishers, members, and others who visit and use the Twitch Services (collectively or individually, “you” or “users”) and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about you. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice, to the extent permitted by law.
@@ -170,11 +170,9 @@ We will not materially change our policies and practices to make them less prote

 Twitch Contact Information

-Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 or by email to We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days of its receipt. If you are a California resident, you may have this same information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and a request for this information.
+Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, here under the ‘Privacy Questions’ category, or by email to Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) can also be contacted at We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days of its receipt. If you are a California resident, you may have information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and your request for information.

-For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation, Twitch Sweden AB has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative in the EU to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please contact Twitch Sweden AB with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch Sweden AB, Polstjärnegatan 14 417 56 Gothenburg, Sweden or by email to
-Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative under the UK GDPR for residents of the UK. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch UK Limited,1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK or by email to
+Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for residents of the UK. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch UK Limited,1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK, here under the ‘Privacy Questions’ category, or by email to

 Additional Information for Certain Jurisdictions
 California Privacy Disclosures
milonmaze commented 1 year ago

dcc32c0cba3a416181bcf13e2f54a5f215002943: @ 2022-08-06

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@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Restrict the way that we process and disclose specific personal information abou
 Transfer your personal information to a third-party provider of services.
 Revoke consent that you previously provided for the processing of your personal information.

-For more information on how to exercise these rights, click here.  If applicable, you may make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority in the country where you are based. Alternatively, you may seek a remedy through local courts if you believe your rights have been breached.
+For more information on how to exercise these rights, view your Privacy Choices.  If applicable, you may make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority in the country where you are based. Alternatively, you may seek a remedy through local courts if you believe your rights have been breached.

 Account Closure & Deletion

@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ If you connect to a third-party service (such as Facebook, Twitter, or another t


-The Twitch Extensions program allows broadcasters to embed interactive, custom, third-party content and applications on their channel pages. You can find out more about the specific Extension(s) operating on a given channel by clicking on the attribution links or icons that Twitch will make available on the channel page, for example, on the Twitch video player or at the bottom of an Extension’s panel.
+The Twitch Extensions Program for Developers allows broadcasters to embed interactive, custom, third-party content and applications on their channel pages. You can find out more about the specific Extension(s) operating on a given channel by clicking on the attribution links or icons that Twitch will make available on the channel page, for example, on the Twitch video player or at the bottom of an Extension’s panel.

 Interaction by a viewer with an Extension or with the channel on which the Extension is activated will provide the developer that operates the Extension with viewer information of the nature described above in “Automatically Collected Information.” Twitch does not provide access to your user name or ID to third-party Extension developers as part of the Twitch Extensions program unless you click “Grant Access” within the Extension or you install an Extension on your channel. You are responsible for any information you provide to the developer independently, for example, through a web form on the Extension or visiting that developer’s website.

@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ We will not materially change our policies and practices to make them less prote

 Twitch Contact Information

-Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, here under the ‘Privacy Questions’ category, or by email to Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) can also be contacted at We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days of its receipt. If you are a California resident, you may have information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and your request for information.
+Please contact Twitch with any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice at 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, visit the Twitch Support Portal under the ‘Privacy Questions’ category, or send an email to Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) can also be contacted at We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days of its receipt. If you are a California resident, you may have information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and your request for information.

-Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for residents of the UK. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch UK Limited,1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK, here under the ‘Privacy Questions’ category, or by email to
+Twitch UK Limited has been designated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. as its representative under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for residents of the UK. Please contact Twitch UK with any questions (including questions about your rights) or comments about this Privacy Notice at Twitch UK Limited,1 New Oxford Street WC1A 1BA, UK, visit the Twitch Support Portal under the ‘Privacy Questions’ category, or send an email to

 Additional Information for Certain Jurisdictions
 California Privacy Disclosures

-Click here to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.
+Visit the California Privacy Disclosures page to read additional disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act and other California laws.

 Republic of Korea Privacy Disclosures

-Click here to read additional disclosures required under the Personal Information Protection Act.
\ No newline at end of file
+Visit the Republic of Korea Privacy Disclosures page to read additional disclosures required under the Personal Information Protection Act.
\ No newline at end of file
milonmaze commented 1 year ago

a86a40101f1e312e8cf7ca618166438ab48feefd: @ 2022-08-27

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@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Security
-Last modified on 07/19/2022
+Last modified on 08/15/2022
 Privacy Notice

 This Twitch Privacy Notice applies to your use of, and any other websites, applications, or services provided, owned, or operated by Twitch Interactive, Inc. (with its affiliates, “Twitch”) that link to this Privacy Notice (collectively, the “Twitch Services”). Twitch values the privacy of users, subscribers, publishers, members, and others who visit and use the Twitch Services (collectively or individually, “you” or “users”) and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about you. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, setting up your Twitch account, or using the Twitch Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice, to the extent permitted by law.
milonmaze commented 1 year ago

683db6609154c633d86a40e06c3151f546ef968b: @ 2022-09-17

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 Terms of Service
-Music Guidelines
+Terms of Sale
 Community Guidelines
-Account Usernames and Display Names Policy
-Community Guidelines FAQ
 Privacy Notice
 Privacy Choices
-California Privacy Disclosure
 DMCA Guidelines
+Music Guidelines
 Trademark Policy
 Trademark Guidelines
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+Accessibility Statement
 Developer Agreement
 Affiliate Program Agreement
 Supplemental Fees Statement
-Ad Choices
-Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
 Bits Acceptable Use Policy
+Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
 Cookie Notice
+Ad Choices
 Photosensitive Seizure Warning
 Predictions Terms and Conditions
-Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
-Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
+Community Guidelines FAQ
+Modern Day Slavery Statement
+California Privacy Disclosure
 Inhalte auf Twitch Entdecken
 Contact Us
+Right of Withdrawal
milonmaze commented 1 year ago

e69c87ce83cae7a34168d059a718ca12beb38c75: @ 2022-09-17

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@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
 Terms of Service
-Music Guidelines
+Terms of Sale
 Community Guidelines
-Account Usernames and Display Names Policy
-Community Guidelines FAQ
 Privacy Notice
 Privacy Choices
-California Privacy Disclosure
 DMCA Guidelines
+Music Guidelines
 Trademark Policy
 Trademark Guidelines
-Terms of Sale
+Account Usernames and Display Names Policy
+Accessibility Statement
 Developer Agreement
 Affiliate Program Agreement
 Supplemental Fees Statement
-Ad Choices
-Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
 Bits Acceptable Use Policy
+Channel Points Acceptable Use Policy
 Cookie Notice
+Ad Choices
 Photosensitive Seizure Warning
 Predictions Terms and Conditions
-Modern Day Slavery Statement
 Events Code Of Conduct
-Accessibility Statement
 Transparency Report
+Community Guidelines FAQ
+Modern Day Slavery Statement
+California Privacy Disclosure
 Inhalte auf Twitch Entdecken
 Contact Us
+Right of Withdrawal
milonmaze commented 1 year ago

d7c05534ecbe18c1d60cffb262efc2bd5efdf0bf: @ 2022-10-15

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+++ b/
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ Transparency Report
 Community Guidelines FAQ
 Modern Day Slavery Statement
 California Privacy Disclosure
-Inhalte auf Twitch Entdecken
-Contact Us
-Right of Withdrawal