Open prabowomurti opened 6 years ago
Here is how I make the "Download to CSV" button appears.
<?=$this->registerJsFile('', ['depends' => HighchartsAsset::className()]);?> <?= Highcharts::widget([ 'scripts' => [ 'modules/exporting', // adds exporting support ], 'options' => [ 'credits' => ['enabled' => false], "chart" => [ "type" => "column", "height" => 500 ], "title" => [ "text" => "New Member Registration Progress", ], 'series' => $series, ], ]);
What is the best practice to include the "Download as CSV" menu? Since the repository is on deprecation notice. Thank you.
Here is how I make the "Download to CSV" button appears.
What is the best practice to include the "Download as CSV" menu? Since the repository is on deprecation notice. Thank you.