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Create documentation site for the v1/v2 REST API #12

Open nijynot opened 5 years ago

nijynot commented 5 years ago

Grin has a REST API - for the node and for the wallet (foreign and owner).

Might make sense to turn the documentation of the REST API into a proper documentation page, similar to e.g. Stripe's API Reference or maybe Coinbase's.

Having fully fleshed out documentation with examples of expected responses should make it easier for future devs to build things on top of Grin. Maybe even adding installation, basic usage on the same site, just to make it easier to navigate through the docs.

Thinking that something like https://github.com/lord/slate would fit our needs pretty well.

Waiting for Grin's v2 API (mimblewimble/grin#2425) to land before going forward with this might be a good idea. Anyways, anyone free to pick this issue up if they feel like helping out!

aisha-w commented 5 years ago

hello, are you still looking for help on this? i can use slate to convert your current docs into something nicer to read.

nijynot commented 5 years ago

Yup, issue still open to be picked up!

I know there exists some V2 documentation for the grin-wallet somewhere, which would be nice to have in a "slate" doc format instead. That's the part of the doc which I think should be converted for now, as V2 api does not exists for the node yet.

Quadrisheriff commented 4 years ago

Hello, do you still need help with this?

Brennakm commented 4 years ago

Hi! I'd like to help create the API documentation. Let me know if this is something you still need done. Thanks.

calidoclette commented 3 years ago

Hello, let me know if you need help creating API documentation!