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Added picture meme folders and 7 things to love about Grin #14

Open Niels86 opened 3 years ago

Niels86 commented 3 years ago

Added one folder with marketing material, memes and pictures from the forum A document "7 things to love about Grin"

TO DO: -Add sub directory with all the beautifull works of lovely Grin -Add concept marketing material, e.g. slide post of these 7 things to love -Add concept slide with Grin logo combined with the S affinity words of Grin, based on Tromp's post: https://forum.grin.mw/t/grins-affinity-with-s-words/7520 -Add comparison table of transfer fees for Grin compared to other privacy coins. -Possibly add a concept RoadMap of Grin's mile stones from its creation till now with to be added features and use cases to add (one step transactions on mobile, offline transaction acceptance, addition of LN, Private messaging via Grin's LN, atomic swap and other features the council and community would like to see in the comming years as well as showing hard forks. Example of suh a timeline from the Horizen (ZEN): https://www.horizen.global/roadmap/