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Agenda: Governance (+ Development), Jan 05 2021 #378

Open lehnberg opened 3 years ago

lehnberg commented 3 years ago

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Development meeting to be held on Tuesday Jan 05 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#dev channel on Keybase. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. Agenda review
  2. Action point follow ups from previous meetings
    • [ ] Slatepack comms 2021/8073/8)
  3. v5.0.0 status:
  4. RFC Update
  5. Transaction round naming
  6. ASIC ordering from Grin General fund (see below)
  7. Other questions
tromp commented 3 years ago

Please add item for wallet aliases as in https://forum.grin.mw/t/transaction-round-naming-challenge/7886/48

garyyu commented 3 years ago

Please add item for Grin Fund Order topic: https://forum.grin.mw/t/grin-fund-for-mining-idea/7978/28

I helped John Davies to connect with Jenny from iPollo to handle this, and I asked them to reserve the requested 3 G1 + 10 Mini for this proposal. The dead line is Jan. 6.

My 2 cents for this:

  1. The quotation for these is 50.2k$, after 5% discount(if with Grin payment) it will be 47.69k$, after 20% donation it will be 38.152k$. It's quite a valuable offer, considering the miner price already goes up to 20k$/G1 and 20% (or more) rising on Mini.

  2. About who should hold these miners for community, I would propose @quentinlesceller (if he agree that, since he's the main contributor of grinmint pool, also one of the main grin developers.), or any other suitable candidates. Or if 3 G1 is hard to assign, you can keep one at least (easy for test and development), and it should be easy to make an auction in forum to sell out other miners from the original cost, and then supply to the Grin dev fund.

  3. The maintainers of these community miners can freely charge some electric fee plus a 10% management fee. And fund the remaining mined GRIN coins into a dedicated GRIN account of community.

Anyway, please feel free to make your decision on this, I completely support any decision made in the meeting (I probably cannot join it b/c the timezone.)