mimblewimble / grin

Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
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fastsync stuck at a forked block 51e48f5b (height 74,673) #1451

Closed garyyu closed 6 years ago

garyyu commented 6 years ago
Aug 31 09:59:12.460 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 129
Aug 31 09:59:12.472 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 129
Aug 31 09:59:12.478 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 129
Aug 31 09:59:12.482 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 129
Aug 31 09:59:12.486 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 129
Aug 31 09:59:12.495 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 129

and a lot of above same log:

$ grep -c "process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b" ~/.grin/grin-server.log

check this block and find it's a forked block at height 74,673

will investigate root cause later.

garyyu commented 6 years ago

root cause addressed, it's because block 74,673's parent is also a forked block!

The detail analysis:

  1. There 3 forks at height 74,673:
Height Hash Age Difficulty Kernels Inputs Outputs
74,673 46507359ff119e9d1d91bb8538f8f95a0fda42784631b70675020ba34d58e93a 2h 25m 87 1 0 1
74,673 51e48f5b8116b285a6ce40d1d8e6027aa1ab6ee2c052457e1473ed2bb9bd4cff 52m 18s 87 1 0 1
74,673 7f5b51adcee93197e6a263a458f3428a59101f488c2af05220839d3a4a200f50 1h 2m 58 1 0 1
  1. At first, I receive the forked block 51e48f5b and save it into the orphans queue:

    Aug 31 09:52:21.887 DEBG handle_payload: received compact block: msg_len: 1260
    Aug 31 09:52:21.887 DEBG Received compact_block 51e48f5b at 74673 from, outputs: 1, kernels: 1, kern_ids: 0, going to process.
    Aug 31 09:52:21.887 DEBG pipe: process_block 51e48f5b at 74673 with 0 inputs, 1 outputs, 1 kernels
    Aug 31 09:52:21.887 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 21
  2. Then, by the HeaderSync, I received the block header of height 74,673:

    Aug 31 09:52:50.878 DEBG sync head 2f2f7dd1 @ 74672
    Aug 31 09:52:50.881 DEBG pipe: sync_block_header: 46507359 at 74673
  3. Then, in BodySync, I requested this

    Aug 31 09:56:14.608 DEBG body_sync: body_head - ed5c27fd, 74547, header_head - 1726cb26, 74777, sync_head - 1726cb26, 74777
    Aug 31 09:56:14.611 DEBG block_sync: 74547/74777 requesting blocks [..., 46507359, ...] from 12 peers
    Aug 31 09:56:14.618 DEBG Requesting block 46507359 from peer
  4. Then, I received this block 46507359 (the right one in longest chain):

    Aug 31 09:56:49.838 DEBG handle_payload: received block: msg_len: 1252
    Aug 31 09:56:49.838 DEBG Received block 46507359 at 74673 from, inputs: 0, outputs: 1, kernels: 1, going to process.
    Aug 31 09:56:49.839 DEBG pipe: process_block 46507359 at 74673 with 0 inputs, 1 outputs, 1 kernels
    Aug 31 09:56:49.839 DEBG process_block: orphan: 46507359, # orphans 85
  5. Then, once we received the parent block 74,672 and accepted it, and go to process check_orphans(), then, problem happen here!

    Aug 31 09:58:04.963 DEBG pipe: chain head 2f2f7dd1 @ 74672
    Aug 31 09:58:04.965 DEBG pipe: process_block 51e48f5b at 74673 with 0 inputs, 1 outputs, 1 kernels
    Aug 31 09:58:04.965 DEBG process_block: orphan: 51e48f5b, # orphans 126

    When process_block() on 51e48f5b, we check whether its parent exist:

        match ctx.store.block_exists(&b.header.previous) {
            Ok(true) => {}
            Ok(false) => {
                return Err(ErrorKind::Orphan.into());
            Err(e) => {
                return Err(ErrorKind::StoreErr(e, "pipe get previous".to_owned()).into());

but because this 51e48f5b's parent 50adbd8d is also a forked block, and of course we don't have it in the ctx.store, then we return error Err(ErrorKind::Orphan.into()).

and in function check_orphans():

        loop {
            if let Some(orphans) = self.orphans.remove_by_height(&height) {
                for orphan in orphans {
                    let res = self.process_block_no_orphans(orphan.block, orphan.opts);
                    if let Ok((_, Some(b))) = res {
                        height = b.header.height + 1;
                    } else {
                        break;         <<<< problem here!  we don't increase height, infinite loop!
garyyu commented 6 years ago

sorry for the noise, the step 3) 4) and 5) are irrelevant. It's enough to just read 1) 2) 6) .

garyyu commented 6 years ago

Fix ready in https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/pull/1452

garyyu commented 6 years ago

closed by #1452