mimblewimble / grin

Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
Apache License 2.0
5.04k stars 991 forks source link

Faucet: Posting transaction slate / Invalid request body #2335

Closed kenOfYugen closed 5 years ago

kenOfYugen commented 5 years ago
$ curl gringod.info
## Gringotts is smiling on you today. Sending 1.598 grin. ##

20190110 16:00:05.661 INFO grin_util::logger - log4rs is initialized, file level: Error, stdout level: Debug, min. level: Debug
20190110 16:00:05.661 INFO grin - Using wallet configuration file at /home/gringod/.grin/floo/grin-wallet.toml
20190110 16:00:05.661 INFO grin - This is Grin version 0.5.1 (git v0.5.1-3-gc388af6), built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu by rustc 1.33.0-nightly (09d6ab90e 2018-12-20).
20190110 16:00:05.661 DEBUG grin - Built with profile "release", features "".
20190110 16:00:05.661 DEBUG grin_wallet::types - Using wallet seed file at: /home/gringod/.grin/floo/wallet_data/wallet.seed
20190110 16:00:05.670 INFO grin_wallet - Using LMDB Backend for wallet
20190110 16:00:05.670 DEBUG grin_wallet::types - Using wallet seed file at: /home/gringod/.grin/floo/wallet_data/wallet.seed
20190110 16:00:05.689 DEBUG grin_wallet::libwallet::internal::updater - Refreshing wallet outputs
20190110 16:00:05.712 DEBUG grin_core::libtx::build - Building input (spending regular output): 24909592000000, 0300000000000000000000001900000000
20190110 16:00:05.712 DEBUG grin_wallet::libwallet::internal::selection - Building change outputs: total change: 24907984000000 (1 outputs)
20190110 16:00:05.724 DEBUG grin_core::libtx::build - Building output: 24907984000000, Commitment(08a383fa11c993bd3cfdbbb40b4be287b38a1a2d706ad3b3e799bbbc2185dc3767)
20190110 16:00:05.783 INFO grin_wallet::command - Tx created: 1.600000000 grin to http://[my.exter.nal.ip]:13415 (strategy 'all')
20190110 16:00:05.783 DEBUG grin_wallet::adapters::http - Posting transaction slate to http://[my.exter.nal.ip]:13415/v1/wallet/foreign/receive_tx
Wallet command failed: LibWallet Error: Client Callback Error: Posting transaction slate (is recipient listening?)
$ ./grin/target/release/grin --floonet wallet listen
20190110 17:52:35.050 WARN grin_wallet::controller - Starting HTTP Foreign listener API server at
20190110 17:52:35.050 WARN grin_wallet::controller - HTTP Foreign listener started.
20190110 18:00:05.970 ERROR grin_wallet::controller - Request Error: Error { inner: 

Generic error: Invalid request body: unknown variant `bits`, expected `Plain` or `Coinbase` at line 1 column 228 }
$ cat ~/.grin/floo/grin-server.toml 

# Generated Server Configuration File for Grin
# When running the grin executable without specifying any command line
# arguments, it will look for this file in two places, in the following
# order:
# -The working directory
# -[user home]/.grin

### SERVER CONFIGURATION              ###

#Server connection details

#the directory, relative to current, in which the grin blockchain
#is stored
db_root = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/chain_data"

#path of TLS certificate file, self-signed certificates are not supported
#tls_certificate_file = ""
#private key for the TLS certificate
#tls_certificate_key = ""

#the address on which services will listen, e.g. Transaction Pool
api_http_addr = ""

#path of the secret token used by the API to authenticate the calls
#comment it to disable basic auth
api_secret_path = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/.api_secret"

#The chain type, which defines the genesis block and the set of cuckoo
#parameters used for mining as well as wallet output coinbase maturity. Can be:
#AutomatedTesting - For CI builds and instant blockchain creation
#UserTesting - For regular user testing (cuckoo 16)
#Floonet - For the long term Floonet test network
chain_type = "Floonet"

#the chain validation mode, defines how often (if at all) we
#want to run a full chain validation. Can be:
#"EveryBlock" - run full chain validation when processing each block (except during sync)
#"Disabled" - disable full chain validation (just run regular block validation)
chain_validation_mode = "Disabled"

#run the node in "full archive" mode (default is fast-sync, pruned node)
archive_mode = false

#skip waiting for sync on startup, (optional param, mostly for testing)
skip_sync_wait = false

#whether to run the ncurses TUI. Ncurses must be installed and this
#will also disable logging to stdout
run_tui = true

#Whether to run a test miner. This is only for developer testing (chaintype
#usertesting) at cuckoo 16, and will only mine into the default wallet port.
#real mining should use the standalone grin-miner
run_test_miner = false

#test miner wallet URL (burns if this doesn't exist)
#test_miner_wallet_url = ""

#The P2P server details (i.e. the server that communicates with other

#The interface on which to listen.
# will listen on all interfaces, allowing others to interact
# will listen on the local machine only
host = ""

#The port on which to listen.
port = 13414

#how to seed this server, can be None, List or DNSSeed
seeding_type = "DNSSeed"

#If the seeding type is List, the list of peers to connect to can
#be specified as follows:
#seeds = ["",""]

#hardcoded peer lists for allow/deny
#will *only* connect to peers in allow list
#peers_allow = ["", ""]
#will *never* connect to peers in deny list
#peers_deny = ["", ""]
#a list of preferred peers to connect to
#peers_preferred = ["",""]

#how long a banned peer should stay banned
#ban_window = 10800

#maximum number of peers
#peer_max_count = 25

#preferred minimum number of peers (we'll actively keep trying to add peers
#until we get to at least this number
#peer_min_preferred_count = 8

# 15 = Bit flags for FULL_NODE
#This structure needs to be changed internally, to make it more configurable

# A preferred dandelion_peer, mainly used for testing dandelion
# dandelion_peer = ""

bits = 15

### MEMPOOL CONFIGURATION             ###

#base fee that's accepted into the pool
accept_fee_base = 1000000

#maximum number of transactions allowed in the pool
max_pool_size = 50000

#maximum number of transactions allowed in the stempool
max_stempool_size = 50000

#maximum total weight of transactions that can get selected to build a block
mineable_max_weight = 39976


#dandelion relay time (choose new relay peer every n secs)
relay_secs = 600

#fluff and broadcast after embargo expires if tx not seen on network
embargo_secs = 180

#run dandelion stem/fluff processing every n secs (stem tx aggregation in this window)
patience_secs = 10

#dandelion stem probability (stem 90% of the time, fluff 10% of the time)
stem_probability = 90


#whether stratum server is enabled
enable_stratum_server = true

#what port and address for the stratum server to listen on
stratum_server_addr = ""

#the amount of time, in seconds, to attempt to mine on a particular
#header before stopping and re-collecting transactions from the pool
attempt_time_per_block = 15

#the minimum acceptable share difficulty to request from miners
minimum_share_difficulty = 1

#the wallet receiver to which coinbase rewards will be sent
wallet_listener_url = ""

#whether to ignore the reward (mostly for testing)
burn_reward = false

### LOGGING CONFIGURATION             ###

#whether to log to stdout
log_to_stdout = true

#log level for stdout: Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
stdout_log_level = "Warning"

#whether to log to a file
log_to_file = true

#log level for file: Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
file_log_level = "Debug"

#log file path
log_file_path = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/grin-server.log"

#whether to append to the log file (true), or replace it on every run (false)
log_file_append = true

#maximum log file size in bytes before performing log rotation
#comment it to disable log rotation
log_max_size = 16777216
$ cat ~/.grin/floo/grin-wallet.toml 

### WALLET CONFIGURATION              ###

#The chain type, which defines the genesis block and the set of cuckoo
#parameters used for mining as well as wallet output coinbase maturity. Can be:
#AutomatedTesting - For CI builds and instant blockchain creation
#UserTesting - For regular user testing (cuckoo 16)
#Floonet - For the long term Floonet test network
chain_type = "Floonet"

#host IP for wallet listener, change to "" to receive grins
api_listen_interface = ""

#port for wallet listener

#path of TLS certificate file, self-signed certificates are not supported
#tls_certificate_file = ""
#private key for the TLS certificate
#tls_certificate_key = ""

api_listen_port = 13415

#path of the secret token used by the API to authenticate the calls
#comment it to disable basic auth
api_secret_path = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/.api_secret"

#location of the node api secret for basic auth on the Grin API
node_api_secret_path = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/.api_secret"

#where the wallet should find a running node
check_node_api_http_addr = ""

#include the foreign API endpoints on the same port as the owner
#API. Useful for networking environments like AWS ECS that make
#it difficult to access multiple ports on a single service.
owner_api_include_foreign = false

#where to find wallet files (seed, data, etc)
data_file_dir = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/wallet_data"

#Whether to use the black background color scheme for command line
dark_background_color_scheme = true

#The exploding lifetime for keybase notification on coins received.
#Unit: Minute. Default value 1440 minutes for one day.
#Refer to https://keybase.io/blog/keybase-exploding-messages for detail.
#To disable this notification, set it as 0.
keybase_notify_ttl = 1440

### LOGGING CONFIGURATION             ###

#whether to log to stdout
log_to_stdout = true

#log level for stdout: Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
stdout_log_level = "Warning"

#whether to log to a file
log_to_file = true

#log level for file: Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
file_log_level = "Debug"

#log file path
log_file_path = "/home/ken/.grin/floo/grin-wallet.log"

#whether to append to the log file (true), or replace it on every run (false)
log_file_append = true

#maximum log file size in bytes before performing log rotation
#comment it to disable log rotation
log_max_size = 16777216

Cloned from master #2329

$ rustc -V
rustc 1.33.0-nightly (8e2063d02 2019-01-07)
$ uname -a
Linux supermicro 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.130-2 (2018-10-27) x86_64 GNU/Linux
quentinlesceller commented 5 years ago

It seems like gringod.info is not using the latest grin-wallet. All wallets must be upgraded after this PR https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/pull/2312. Closing.