mimblewimble / grin

Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
Apache License 2.0
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Clear Build and Install Instructions for each Major OS #2559

Open da2ce7 opened 5 years ago

da2ce7 commented 5 years ago

The document: https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/blob/master/doc/build.md

Needs Signifant Overview.

Installing on MacOS is as simple as:

antiochp commented 5 years ago

brew install rust

Not recommended. This should be "use rustup".

da2ce7 commented 5 years ago

@antiochp thankyou for your correction; I have updated the issue with the receomended way.

michaeldzjap commented 5 years ago

Perhaps I should open a separate issue for this, but I noticed that the build requirements listed in the Dockerfile and the ones listed in the build guide differ. I went with the ones listed in the build guide when building and running Grin in a Docker container and it seems to work fine. Nonetheless, it is a little unclear. Are the build requirements in the Dockerfile outdated?

qxotk commented 5 years ago

Would it be useful to have build environment setup instructions for macOS that are homebrew-free? On my first attempt to build grin s/w on my macOS I found that some things were broken due to prior use of homebrew for other projects. Not that I have anything against homebrew, but it does in a small way inject an additional dependency into the process. What do you think?

antiochp commented 5 years ago

Actually by "use rustup" I meant (from https://rustup.rs)-

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Which is the recommended way to install rust on MacOS.

I think we should avoid using homebrew to install rustup (not saying don't use homebrew in general, its useful for installing many other things).

qxotk commented 5 years ago

My comment above was low quality - I was asking if it would be good to have build instructions that do not use homebrew. My first experience attempting to build grin s/w was after using homebrew and my box was a bit of a rats nest of stuff. So, I repaved to get a clean start and figured out how to build it without using homebrew. I will dig up my notes and see if I can make something useful to post for macOS.

quentinlesceller commented 4 years ago

Build.md is definitely outdated and should be updated.

shubhsingh5901 commented 1 year ago

Hi, It seems no one is working on this issue. Can I start working on it?

phyro commented 1 year ago

@shubhsingh5901 of course, thanks for taking it on.