mimoguz / tripeaks-gdx

A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 8 forks source link

French translation #10

Open Louisina-TSS opened 3 years ago

Louisina-TSS commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have few minutes to kill so here is the french translation.

Based on another topic:

start= Commencer

fromStack=Vous prenez {0,choice,0#aucune carte|1#une carte|1<{0,number,integer} cartes} du paquet.

usedUndo=Vous {0,choice,0#n'avez rien annulé|1#avez annulé une fois|2#avez annulé deux fois|2<avez annulé {0,number,integer} fois}.

longestChain=Votre plus longue série est de {0,choice,0#zero cartes|1#une carte|1<{0,number,integer} cartes}.

newGame=Commencer une nouvelle partie

newGameShort=Nouvelle partie

exit=Quitter le jeu

return=Reprendre le jeu / Retourner au jeu (Both works. One is "taking back", the other is "return to")

darkTheme=Utiliser le thème sombre

showAll=Montrer toute les cartes

won=Vous avez gagné !

Let me know if you need some details about the translation..

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


There are a also few new strings, plus the store text. I'll post them a.s.a.p., but I want to make some revisions first.


mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hello again.


longestChain=Your longest chain had {0,choice,0#zero cards|1#one card|1<{0,number,integer} cards}.

New strings:

stalled=No more moves!
undoLast=Undo last move
emptyDiscard=Start with an empty discard pile
basicLayout=Three peaks
inverted2ndLayout=Two peaks and a valley
layout=Layout for new games:

You can check this comment to see where these new strings are used.

Game description:

A tri peaks solitaire game.
An open-source tri peaks solitaire game with multiple layout options.

Descriptions in this image:


You don't need to translate word to word of course. If you think some other phrase works better for a string, by all means, use that. My line length budget is not big though. 🙂

Also, the game is in the Play Store too. Free, without ads or anything, and store page links to this repo. Is it OK for you?

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue due to inactivity.