mimoguz / tripeaks-gdx

A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 8 forks source link

Italian Translation #15

Open Francicoria opened 2 years ago

Francicoria commented 2 years ago

Wanted to translate this project to Italian so here it is, I followed all of the steps in this thread.

fromStack=Hai preso {0,choice,0#0 carte|1#una carta|1<{0,number,integer} carte} dal mazzo.
usedUndo=Tu {0,choice,0#non hai mai annullato una mossa|1#hai annullato 1 mossa|2#hai annullato 2 mosse|2<hai annullato {0,number,integer} mosse}.
longestChain=La tua catena più lunga è stata di {0,choice,0#zero carte consecutive|1#una carta|1<{0,number,integer} carte}.
newGame=Inizia una nuova partita
newGameShort=Nuova partita
exit=Esci dal gioco
return=Torna al gioco
darkTheme=Use il tema scuro
showAll=Mostra tutte le carte
won=Hai vinto!

Store page:

New strings

Layout options

Game description

Small changes for next release:

mimoguz commented 2 years ago


There are some new strings I have yet to ask to other contributors:

They are for the statistics dialog I'm working on.

Francicoria commented 2 years ago

@mimoguz here you go!

Statistics dialog:

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Hi. Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for the other translations for a new release.

Here some tests for the templated strings:

Are they correct?

Francicoria commented 2 years ago

Don't worry for the late response. It's all correct except for the longest chain strings, here's the new one: longestChain=La tua catena di carte più lunga è stata di {0,choice,0#zero carte|1#una carta consecutiva|1<{0,number,integer} carte consecutive}.

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Revised version:

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately the version won't fit to the dialog :( Can you shorten it a bit? You don't need to do a 1:1 translation.

Francicoria commented 2 years ago

now? longestChain=La tua catena più lunga è di {0,choice,0#zero carte|1#una carta|1<{0,number,integer} carte}.

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Much better :)

Francicoria commented 2 years ago

yup checks out

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Last one: An open-source tri peaks solitaire game with multiple layout options.

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Ah no, you already translated that. Sorry :)

Francicoria commented 2 years ago

no problem

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Release created 👍

mimoguz commented 3 weeks ago

New strings