mimoguz / tripeaks-gdx

A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 8 forks source link

i18n | Simplified Chinese #2

Open Lehmaning opened 3 years ago

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago
fromStack=你从牌堆里取走了{0,choice,0#零张牌|1#一张牌|1< {0,number,integer} 张牌}。
usedUndo=你{0,choice,0#从未撤销过|1#撤销了一次|2#撤销了两次|2<撤销了 {0,number,integer} 次}。
longestChain=你最多连击数是{0,choice,0#零张牌|1#一张牌|1< {0,number,integer} 张牌}。
mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Thanks! That will be a challenge though. Can I even fit that to a 168px high screen?? 😊

Would you happen to know a bitmap font about 12px high and with a GPL-3 compatible license that can use with libGDX?

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

Would you happen to know a bitmap font about 12px high and with a GPL-3 compatible license that can use with libGDX?

Sorry, I have few idea about this... I only know the bitmap font supports CJK characters is GNU Unifont, but it is only licensed under GPLv2+.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

It's GNU GPL 2+ with the GNU font embedding exception. I think it's fine. But probably I'll still need a separate ui layout for Chinese. Thanks again!

By the way, I need ask this to you too: I publish this on Play Store too (as is, free, no ads or anything, store page links to this repo). Is that OK for you?

rellikmil commented 3 years ago

@mimoguz you can use Cozette, but yes, without CJK

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

@den32ds well CJK part is the problem :) That's a nice font though.

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

By the way, I need ask this to you too: I publish this on Play Store too (as is, free, no ads or anything, store page links to this repo). Is that OK for you?

All right.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

@Lehmaning I'd finally gathered my courage and started working on this :). First I'm trying to get number formatting right. Can you check generated strings below?

0 -> 你从牌堆里取走了零张牌。 1 -> 你从牌堆里取走了一张牌。 2 -> 你从牌堆里取走了 兩 张牌。 10 -> 你从牌堆里取走了 十 张牌。 20 -> 你从牌堆里取走了 兩十 张牌。 0 -> 你从未撤销过。 1 -> 你撤销了一次。 2 -> 你撤销了两次。 10 -> 你撤销了 十 次。 202 -> 你撤销了 兩百零二 次。 0 -> 你最多连击数是零张牌。 1 -> 你最多连击数是一张牌。 2 -> 你最多连击数是 兩 张牌。 10 -> 你最多连击数是 十 张牌。 20 -> 你最多连击数是 兩十 张牌。

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

@mimoguz OK, "兩十" should be "二十", "兩" should be "两" in Simplified Chinese. Actually the numbers over 2 can be replaced by Arabic numerals.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Oh, that makes it much more easier. Can you fill the 2# option for these then:

fromStack=你从牌堆里取走了{0,choice,0#零张牌|1#一张牌|2#new text here|2< {0,number,integer} 张牌}。
longestChain=你最多连击数是{0,choice,0#零张牌|1#一张牌|2#new text here|2< {0,number,integer} 张牌}

Or is it just 两张牌 ?

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

@mimoguz Yeah, it is "两张牌".

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Ok, below test image is Unifont at 16px. How does this look? Legible? Any mistakes?

Test image 1

Also, if you have time, could you translate the store text too?

And button names on this image:

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

In-game image

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

@mimoguz Here are the translations:

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Thanks! And the test image? Were there any mistakes or unreadable characters?

Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

Thanks! And the test image? Were there any mistakes or unreadable characters?

No, it looks enough legible.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


mimoguz commented 3 years ago


I'm readying a new release with a few new features, so I need new strings. I appreciate your help on this.

New strings

Layout options

Game description


Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

New Strings

Layout options

Game description

By the way, could you chage the translated 'darkTheme' string to "使用深色模式"? I think it would be better.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

利齿 (It means "sharp teeth". The actual translation is "双峰与漏斗")

Ok, I'll use the first one (sharp teeth). Thanks.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Included in new release

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hello again.

I want to make some small changes for the next release. Could you have look at these:

They may be already OK on your version though, some (most) of them are because of my rather poor English. 🙂


Lehmaning commented 3 years ago

"Layout for new games" is "新游戏的布局",and “Exit” is "退出". It seems that the other strings are no need to be changed. In addition, the string "Start" means "开始". If you would like to, you can also replace it.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Hi. I want to add one last thing before calling this 1.0. Could you please check the issue #14? Thanks.

mimoguz commented 3 weeks ago

New strings