mimoguz / tripeaks-gdx

A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 8 forks source link

Spanish translation #4

Open Preyesianyeha opened 3 years ago

Preyesianyeha commented 3 years ago

I want to help to transtalate this project into spanish, so if you could tell me what i must do, then i'll do!

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


It's not very complicated really. This is the resource:

fromStack=You took {0,choice,0#no cards|1#one card|1<{0,number,integer} cards} from the stack.
usedUndo=You {0,choice,0#didn't use undo at all|1#used undo once|2#used undo twice|2<used undo {0,number,integer} times}.
longestChain=Your longest chain was {0,choice,0#zero cards|1#one card|1<{0,number,integer} cards}.
newGame=Start new game
newGameShort=New game
exit=Exit game
return=Return to game
darkTheme=Use dark theme
showAll=Show all cards
won=You won!

The parts needs to be translated are on the right of the equals signs. Most of them are straightforward, except three. Three of them have calculated parts. Let's go over one of them, fromStack:

Calculated parts of course can be moved, choices can be removed if they are not used, or more choices can be added (usedUndo has another choice for 2 for example).

Some examples:

Does that make sense? Sorry, English is not my first language.

Preyesianyeha commented 3 years ago

start=Empezar fromStack=Tomaste {0,choice,0#cero cartas|1#una carta|1<{0,number,integer} cartas} de la baraja. usedUndo={0,choice,0#No usaste deshacer en absoluto|1#Usaste deshacer una vez|2#Usaste deshacer dos veces|2<Usaste deshacer {0,number,integer} veces}. longestChain=Tu cadena de cartas mas larga fue de {0,choice,0#cero cartas|1#una carta|1<{0,number,integer} cartas}. newGame=Empezar una nueva partida newGameShort=Nueva partida exit=Salir del juego return=Regresar al juego darkTheme=Usar tema oscuro showAll=Mostrar todas las cartas won=¡Ganaste!

This should do, it was fun to do this, if u need anything else please make me now and i'll be there, oh, and in the third line there's no text at the beginning, because often times in spanish, we don't say the exact subject, we just write the phrase around the subject in mind, so if that were to cause any troble, tell me and i'll change it to add a subject. (And don't worry about your language, english isn't my first language either, but i did understand you clearly :D)

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

If you don't mind, can you translate these too:

These are for the store page, not for the game itself.

Also, question: I publish this on Play Store too (as is, free, no ads or anything, store page links to this repo). Is that OK for you?

Thank you very much!

Preyesianyeha commented 3 years ago

There you go, i hope you like it. :D Regarding your question: Go ahead dude!, as you are not adding none of that BS, the game is perfect, and if you can get more recognition there, that'd be even better! (Also i added accents (the little diagonal line above some vowels) to the words that used one, but if you need to get rid of them, just replace them with their normal form).

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Accents are no problem. You can add them to in-game text too.

I'll test and push the changes this weekend. But I think I already missed this week's F-Droid update, so I'll create the release next week.

Preyesianyeha commented 3 years ago

Ok then, don't worry about rushing, if u need take ur time!

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Done and done 👍

Before closing the issue though: Does this translation work for both Spain and Latin America? There are some notable differences as far as I understand.

Preyesianyeha commented 3 years ago

Yeah, between latin and spain (castellano), there are big differences, however, i used like a middle point, kind of a neutral spanish were the accent doesn't matter, so there should be no problem with that!

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


I'm readying a new release with a few new features, so I need new strings. I appreciate your help on this.

New strings

Layout options

Game description


Qo12 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I hope I'm not intruding. I can translate that:

Opciones de diseño (layout options)

Descripción del juego (game description) Un juego de solitario tri peaks de código abierto con varias opciones de diseño.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Included in new release

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hello again.

I want to make some small changes for the next release. Could you have look at these:

Spanish versions may be already OK though, some (most) of them are because of my rather poor English. 🙂


Qo12 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'll help. By the way, don't worry, I actually don't speak English well. Well, the translations:

Hey, by the way, I really like your game. 👍

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


Hey, by the way, I really like your game.


Qo12 commented 3 years ago

You are welcome!

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Included in the release 0.51.

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Hi. I want to add one last thing before calling this 1.0. Could you please check the issue #14? Thanks.

mimoguz commented 3 weeks ago

New strings