mimoguz / tripeaks-gdx

A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 8 forks source link

ID Localization #5

Open the7thNightmare opened 3 years ago

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

I want to localize the game to Indonesian Language, how can I help?

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hi. Do you know about Java i18n resource bundles and property files? If you do, you can find the files here. If you don't, please take a look at this post. Then I'll ask you to translate the landing page text, but first things first 😊

Thank you for your interest.

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

What's 'chain' mean? Maybe by screenshot you can show it to me where this word appears, thanks.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Successive removals without using undo or deal button. That line is used on the end game dialog.

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

Like 'streak'?

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

start=Mulai fromStack=Anda mengambil {0,choice,0#nol kartu|1#satu kartu|1<{0,number,integer} kartu} dari tumpukan. usedUndo=Anda {0,choice,0#tidak menggunakan batal|1#menggunakan batal satu kali|2#menggunakan batal dua kali|2<menggunakan batal {0,number,integer} kali}. longestChain=Rentetan terpanjang Anda adalah {0,choice,0#nol kartu|1#satu kartu|1<{0,number,integer} kartu}. newGame=Mulai permainan baru newGameShort=Permainan baru exit=Keluar dari permainan return=Kembali ke permainan darkTheme=Gunakan tema gelap showAll=Perlihatkan semua kartu won=Anda menang!

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Great! Here is the test image.

Now a few more lines for the store:

Also the button names on this image:

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

Permainan solitaire tiga puncak. Permainan solitaire tiga puncak sumber terbuka. Saat ini hanya ada permainan yang dihasilkan secara acak. Opsi permainan yang sudah diselesaikan sebelumnya sedang direncanakan.

Ambil Batal Menu

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

For the test image, it's great. Thank you. Also note that in Indonesia 1 to 11 writing's standard is using words, 12 and later is using number, so if you want the words for 3 to 11 is below: 3:Tiga 4:Empat 5:Lima 6:Enam 7:Tujuh 8:Delapan 9:Sembilan 10:Sepuluh 11:Sebelas Cards:Kartu

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Can you check the second test? I added special cases for 0-11.

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

That's good.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Can I use just "Keluar" instead of "Keluar dari permainan"?

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can use it. 'Keluar' is the translation of quit so there's no meaning change about it, the same as return, you can just use 'Kembali' instead the long sentence. Also note for newgame string, you cannot use just 'Mulai' use the long sentence, the same as other string. 'Permainan' is the translation of game.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Done 👍

Forgot to ask though: I release this on the Play Store too. As is, free, without ads or anything, store page links to this repo. Is it OK for you?

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

That's okay.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


I'm readying a new release with a few new features, so I need new strings. I appreciate your help on this.

New strings

Layout options

Game description


the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

New strings

Layout options

Game description

Permainan solitaire tri-puncak sumber terbuka dengan berbagai opsi tata letak.

Note: It is best to change 'funnel' to 'valley' 'cause talking about the opposite of peaks is valley, right?

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Note: It is best to change 'funnel' to 'valley' 'cause talking about the opposite of peaks is valley, right?

🤯 Two peaks and a valley? Peak - valley - peak?

Speaking of which, I think I should change "new game layout" too. Because, is it "new-game layout", or "new game-layout"? Is that a problem for the translated phrase too?

the7thNightmare commented 3 years ago

For Indonesian translation, the two is basically the same, so for me there's nothing wrong with that. But for me, it is best to leave it without hyphen, though it is up to you. (new-game layout is much easier to understand if it for the new game options before the game starts)

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

I will not add a hyphen, but change the phrase entirely. Right now it's not clear which one is new, game, or layout.

English is not my first language, so I may also need a Bad-English to English translator. 🙂

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

I'm leaving the string changes to a later release.

New release is up.

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hello again.

I want to make some small changes for the next release. Could you have look at these:

They may be already OK on your version though, some (most) of them are because of my rather poor English. 🙂


the7thNightmare commented 2 years ago

The translation:

There's no change for the last, though.

mimoguz commented 2 years ago


mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Hi. I want to add one last thing before calling this 1.0. Could you please check the issue #14? Thanks.

the7thNightmare commented 2 years ago
mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Release created 👍

mimoguz commented 3 weeks ago

New strings