mimoguz / tripeaks-gdx

A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 8 forks source link

Brazilian portuguese localization #7

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a native speaker of brazilian portuguese and would like to help with the translation of the game. Here is the resource, translated:

fromStack=Você {0,choice,0#não pegou nenhuma carta|1#pegou uma carta|1<pegou {0,number,integer} cartas} do baralho.
usedUndo=Você {0,choice,0#não desfez nenhum movimento|1#usou Desfazer uma vez|2#usou Desfazer duas vezes|2<usou Desfazer {0,number,integer} vezes}.
longestChain=Sua maior sequência foi de {0,choice,0#zero cartas|1#uma carta|1<{0,number,integer} cartas}.
newGame=Iniciar nova partida
newGameShort=Nova partida
exit=Sair do jogo
return=Voltar à partida
darkTheme=Usar tema escuro
showAll=Mostrar todas as cartas
won=Você venceu!
mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hi. Thank you!

Though, I hope you don't mind if I delay this a few days, since I've got the virus :( . I'm quite OK, but want to take it easy for a while.

ghost commented 3 years ago

No hurry, I hope you get better! Really enjoying your game, let me know if you need any more help

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hi! If you are still interested, can you check the test image?


ghost commented 3 years ago

Hello! The words, accents and plurals shown in the image are all correct 👍

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Great! And if you don't mind, a few more lines for the store:

Also the button names on this image:

And a question: the game is in the Play Store too. Free, without ads or anything, and store page links to this repo. Is it OK for you?

ghost commented 3 years ago

No problem regarding the Play Store! I'm ok with it

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Released. Thanks!

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


I'm readying a new release with a few new features, so I need new strings. I appreciate your help on this.

New strings

Layout options

Game description


ghost commented 3 years ago

Nice additions to the game! Here is the translation:

Layout options (Estilos de partida)

Game description (Descrição do jogo)

mimoguz commented 3 years ago


mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Included in new release

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Hello again.

I want to make some small changes for the next release. Could you have look at these:

They may be already OK on your version though, some (most) of them are because of my rather poor English. 🙂


ghost commented 3 years ago

Let me know if some of the strings are too long. I came up with shorter translations for the usedUndo and fromStack strings:

usedUndo=Você {0,choice,0#não desfez nenhuma jogada|1#desfez uma jogada|2#desfez duas jogadas|2<desfez {0,number,integer} jogadas}.

fromStack=Você {0,choice,0#não pegou cartas|1#pegou uma carta|1<pegou {0,number,integer} cartas} do baralho.
mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Let me know if some of the strings are too long. I came up with shorter translations for the usedUndo and fromStack strings:

The current strings are short enough. Are the new ones better/clearer?

ghost commented 3 years ago

Yes. They sound more natural and closer to card games terminology

mimoguz commented 3 years ago

Included in the release 0.51.

mimoguz commented 2 years ago

Hi. I want to add one last thing before calling this 1.0. Could you please check the issue #14? Thanks.

mimoguz commented 3 weeks ago

New strings