mims-harvard / SubGNN

Subgraph Neural Networks (NeurIPS 2020)
MIT License
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Training the model over a networkx dataset #2

Closed vapolonio closed 3 years ago

vapolonio commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have a dataset of networkx objects with subgraph samples and a dataset of egonets in networkx format too. And I trying founds subgraphs for similarity in each egonet. Reading yours paper the problem seems to me a very similar and I'm try test your model for my context. Can I use a dataset with networkx format for it?

Thanks and congrats for the amazing work 😃

EmilyAlsentzer commented 3 years ago

Yes, to use your own data with SubGNN, you just need an edge list for your base graph and a text file that describes the subgraphs and their labels. See the updated README for instructions on how to format the data.

I'm closing the issue, but feel free to post another if you have any additional questions.