Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
I tried adding this in cookie section: |pass=*********************;uid=******; |pass=*********************;uid=******;
But it didn't make any difference.
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 4:21
you did it wrong.|uid=xxxxx;pass=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
taken directly from my working cookies and xxx's out for your viewing enjoyment
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 4:31
also, make sure you have both php-cli and curl installed
then make sure your $WEBROOT/rtorrent/config.php has the correct PATH
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 4:34
I changed the cookie part as yours and changed the default values in config.php
/usr/bin/curl and /usr/bin/php (which is correct) and I still get:
[15.12.2009 18:49:43] Error loading feed. etc
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 5:50
which version of rutorrent are you using?
are you sure you have a valid link?
are you sure your cookie information is correct?
i've got several sites set up this way and know at least 5 other people who do
I hate to say it but you've probably made a mistake SOMEWHERE
if you're not using rutorrent SVN then update to SVN
again, be sure you set your cookie like this:
each cookie on it's own line
that's WITH the hostname then a Pipe (|) then LITERALLY uid= and your uid ;
your pass
this is what it might look like:|uid=223892;pass=sd87as67z90as667aihj;|uid=45211231;pass=2ds3s9676asty67g;|uid=289782;pass=e9089dwd78dy8dty8237t;
see how each cookie is on it's own line? site then pipe uid=;pass=;
make sure you don't have spaces, make sure you have the ;'s
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 6:43
which version of rutorrent are you using?
2.8 not SVN
are you sure you have a valid link?
Yup it's working in FF and IE
are you sure your cookie information is correct?
The only thing that I don't have that you have is SVN version so I will upgrade
that one.
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 7:29
changed ruTorrent and all plugins to SVN version and still the same result.
I really can't figure out what's wrong
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 7:43
and you're sure you're using a proper link? Your sure you have a WORKING curl
working php-cli?
bitme's feed looks like this just to be sure you have a proper feed
All i know is it works fine for me, on serveral machines. I've seen lots of
have problems with this particular feed and EVERY TIME it is the cookie.
the other option is to code the cookie directly in the url.
This will work for SOME sites:
note passkey and pass are NOT the same thing.
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 8:47
Yea well .. I reinstalled curl and php5-cli without result. But since I can't
get ANY
rss feed to work it's prolly something else than the cookie. Any ideas on where
start looking?
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 10:32
you said you changed the path to php in the config.php to /usr/bin/php .
Try doing it with /usr/bin/php-cgi instead (was having trouble with
and changing it to that fixed it for me)
Good luck , doing a fresh install atm and will check as i remember having
issues with
rss feed before i tried doing this .
Let me know how it goes please :)
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 3:28
1) Message "Error loading feed." doesn't has any relation to cookies settings.
Cookies is used for loading *torrents* from feed, doesn't for retrieving feed
2) Is feed available from your server? Try to ping it host or wget it url (from
server, of course).
Original comment by novik65
on 16 Dec 2009 at 8:47
if you use php-cgi you'll have problems with other plugins.
you need to get a valid cli version of php and make sure the php-cli.ini is
Trust me, theres a lot of things that won't work (auto-tools) with php-cgi
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 2:34
another thing to consider:
Some sites have it set up where you must use secure login. secure login is set
up in
such a way that if you log in from one ip (the url for the site) that you can
download from this same ip. There are ways around this, the best being to use a
firefox addon which spoofs your x-forwarded from ip
Some of these sites will have a profile setting "use secure login/use regular
pick regular
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 3:12
I've tried RSS feeds that I know work on my windows box in utorrent. Also tried
feeds that doesn't even need authentication like Demonoid. I've also tried TTi
where you can choose cookie auth, standard auth etc and set it to the most
All feeds work in utorrent and FF but not in my ruTorrent.
I got the php5-cli and curl deb packs .. that should be the correct versions?
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 5:42
I've tried to wget streams from my server and that works fine.
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 5:43
are you saying no feeds work? if no feeds work you're DOING SOMETHING WRONG.
I do setup seedboxes for people from time to time, so if you want to email me
it you can.
I know rutorrent works WITH rss in both linux and freebsd, although i find
FreeBSD to
have much better load handling abilities.
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 5:50
Might be wrong permissions too if giving the error right away .
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 10:08
This issue has been resolved.
The problem was permission related for the rss feed.
Also, there was errors in the rtorrent/config.php which caused torrents to not
I've fixed this error so i'm closing this ticket
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2009 at 10:25
I am currently experiencing the same problem.
Can you please provide the solution to this problem?
Thank you
Original comment by
on 17 Jan 2010 at 9:22
You have to set rutorrent/share/users/ to chmod 777, then it's solved. I've not
made any changes to rutorrent 3.2 and suddenly RSS stopped working. So I've
upgraded to 3.3 and it did not help. So little experimented and figured it out.
Interesting problem that is. Bad it ain't logged.
Original comment by
on 6 Sep 2011 at 4:50
Original issue reported on by
on 15 Dec 2009 at 4:20