min-protocol / min

The MIN protocol specification and reference implementation
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Question regarding the signal layer json #28

Open Fladdan opened 3 years ago

Fladdan commented 3 years ago

Hi @kentindell

I'm currently having a project, where I want to use your nice min protocol! I have an PC which is communicating over UART with an uC and that uC is communicating with another uC over RS485. I'm using a windows PC and STM32 m4 and m7 controllers.

The example from this repo is already working between STM32 and the PC.

My question: Would it be possible for you to upload an example of the implementation on the Arduino & python side with the signal layer in the json format? Like the example you posted in your blog: https://kentindell.wordpress.com/2015/02/18/micrcontroller-interconnect-network-min-version-1-0/.

It would be nice to get an working example of how to implement the generated .c and .h files from the python code generator you wrote.

Best regards and thank you for the work you have done on this open source project, Daniel

kentindell commented 3 years ago

I didn't get too far with the signals layer and code generator. I'm going to come back to this soon because the cantools library for Python does pretty much exactly this but for CAN, so I'd like to interface to that project (MIN was inspired by CAN and LIN and the concepts are the same).


Fladdan commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer :) and greetings from Austria.

I will have a look if the documentation and code from the cantools library can :D help me.