mina-deploy / mina

Blazing fast deployer and server automation tool
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Fix 'No Rakefile found' for rails:{db_create, db_migrate, db_rollback, assetts_precompile} commands #524

Closed ianheggie closed 6 years ago

ianheggie commented 7 years ago

I like the gem, but there are rails:* commands that fail when run alone, eg:

  $ mina rails:db_create
  -----> Creating database
         rake aborted!
         No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)

         Connection to licapture.timelapse.com.au closed.

         (See full trace by running task with --trace)
   !     Run Error

I will submit a PR

d4be4st commented 6 years ago

Answer in https://github.com/mina-deploy/mina/pull/525#issuecomment-329707654

Will add to documentation. If you feel there is a need to create separate mina tasks for this, go ahead.