minad / cape

🦸cape.el - Completion At Point Extensions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does `cape-dabbrev-min-length` work as expected? It seems to drop some candidates? #55

Closed Dima-369 closed 2 years ago

Dima-369 commented 2 years ago

Start with this:


Here cape-dabbrev correctly picks up longwordishere and suggests it.

Now, I finish typing the word and backspace twice. Next I enter r and I assume that the same word will be suggested again, but alas that is not the case?


It is only when I backspace more that longwordishere is suggested again when I type in a character again to trigger corfu. I believe the amount of backspacing is directly correlated to the setting of cape-dabbrev-min-length.


As a workaround I have set cape-dabbrev-min-length to 0 for now.

Is this intended or a bug? I find it a bit weird that the candidates are 'lost'.

minad commented 2 years ago

Works as intended. See cape--dabbrev-list.