minad / consult

:mag: consult.el - Consulting completing-read
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Is there a way to remember the last search and Change the result layout? #996

Closed printfdebugging closed 1 month ago

printfdebugging commented 1 month ago

I want to ask if there is any option to remember the last search (for both consult-grep and consult-find), so that I can continue from where I was last time in the search. Also in the consult-grep option, the filenames and the grep text are shown on different lines, whereas how Neovim does it is by showing filename followed by the grep string, on the same line.

basctl/source/dlged/dlgedfunc.cxx|266 col 27| rView.BegDragObj(aStartPoint, nullptr, pHdl, 0);
basctl/source/dlged/dlgedfunc.cxx|359 col 19| rView.BegDragObj(aPos, nullptr, pHdl, nDrgLog);
basctl/source/dlged/dlgedfunc.cxx|452 col 19| rView.BegDragObj(aMDPos, nullptr, pHdl, nDrgLog);
basctl/source/dlged/dlgedfunc.cxx|476 col 23| rView.BegDragObj(aMDPos, nullptr, pHdl, nDrgLog);
chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Window.cxx|711 col 36| pDrawViewWrapper->SdrView::BegDragObj(aMPos, nullptr, pHitSelectionHdl, nDrgLog, pDragMethod);
include/svx/svddrgv.hxx|100 col 18| virtual bool BegDragObj(const Point& rPnt, OutputDevice* pOut, SdrHdl* pHdl, short nMinMov=-3, SdrDragMethod* pForcedMeth=nullptr);
include/svx/view3d.hxx|73 col 18| virtual bool BegDragObj(const Point& rPnt, OutputDevice* pOut, SdrHdl* pHdl, short nMinMov = -3, SdrDragMethod* pForcedMeth = nullptr) override;
reportdesign/source/ui/report/ViewsWindow.cxx|1092 col 41| rReportSection.getSectionView().BegDragObj(aNewPos, nullptr, pHdl, nDrgLog);
reportdesign/source/ui/report/ViewsWindow.cxx|1530 col 27| rView.BegDragObj( aStartPoint, nullptr, pHdl, 0 );

Something like this. I say this would be better utilization of space, with double the data shown, compared to now.