minad / olelo

Wiki with git backend
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New Wiki fails to render /new #41

Closed rrichardson closed 13 years ago

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

I grabbed master and copied it to olelo in my home dir. After getting all of the required (and optional) gems, copying the config and changing the title (and also removing the modified config) I started it with unicorn and got the big pink box with this:

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 2 at column 645: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and head Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Olelo = {"path":"","page_name":"","page_new":true,"page_modified":false,"page_path":"","page_title":"Root","page_version":"","page_next_version":"","page_previous_version":"","page_mime":"text/x-creole","default_mime":"text/x-creole","user_logged_in":true,"user_name":""};My Project - New Page

minad commented 13 years ago

do you have the newest versions of slim and temple? Can you please post the html code somewhere and the error log?

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

I gem installed slim, don't think I got temple, will check.

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

Okay. I gem installed temple and slim (so they're the latest that rubygems offers, but possibly not the latest.) I still have the exact same error. I'm not terribly familiar with sinatra, but the frustrating thing at this point is I that I'm told that: "This page contains the following errors: error on line 2 at column 645: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and head"

But I don't even know what "this page" is. Any tips for debugging this?

minad commented 13 years ago

where does this error occur? Is it a html error reported by the browser? Can you please post the html source code then somewhere?

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

Pasted the entire error page to: https://gist.github.com/671138

This occurs when I point the browser to a brand new instance of the wiki after following the directions in the README.

I am running ruby 1.9.2p0

minad commented 13 years ago

could be a problem with nokogiri. Which version do you have?

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

I did have an outdated libxml which caused problems for nokogiri, originally, but I have updated to the latest and reinstalled the gem.

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

I think I've deciphered the outputted html and spotted the error, but I don't reckon I know of its source. all of the tags are being generated without closing tags. I'm sure you've already spotted this, but I'm a tad slow.

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

i typed link tags in angle brackets, but it was filtered. Either way.. all link tags are being generated without closing tags.

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

with this in mind, I see that it is Chrome that is complaining. Running in IE seems to render, however, then when I attempt to edit a page. When I click Save, or Save and Close. It gives me a popup saying "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? Content will not be saved"

minad commented 13 years ago

You can try to patch application.rb to fix the problem with chrome.

Line 91 in application.rb - replace with this

# Layout hook which parses xml and calls layout_doc hook
hook :render, 1000 do |name, xml, layout|
  doc = layout ? XMLDocument(xml) : XMLFragment(xml)
  invoke_hook :dom, name, doc, layout
  # FIXME: Nokogiri bug #339 - duplicate xml:lang attribute
  doc.xpath('//*[@lang]').each {|elem| elem.delete('xml:lang') }
  doc.xpath('//*[@xmlns]').each {|elem| elem.delete('xmlns') }
  #options = Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XHTML |
  #  Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_EMPTY_TAGS |
  #  Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_DECLARATION
  #xml.replace(doc.serialize(:save_with => options))
minad commented 13 years ago

This save popup occurs only if you changed something on the page and switch the tab for example. This seems to be a jquery problem where the browsers behave differently. It works with firefox/chrome as expected. I can take a look into this.

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

In IE8, this problem appears regardless of whether or not the tab has been changed.

I applied the patch to application.rb and chrome complains about a different line and column. It's actually complaining about the same location, but the new XML output is better formatted than the last :)

minad commented 13 years ago

I created a separate issue for the IE bug. This is a javascript thing and propably easy to fix.

minad commented 13 years ago

Try this one instead of the other patch to fix the problem with invalid html

# Layout hook which parses xml and calls layout_doc hook
hook :render, 1000 do |name, xml, layout|
  doc = layout ? Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml) : Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(xml)
  invoke_hook :dom, name, doc, layout
  # FIXME: Nokogiri bug <a href="/minad/olelo/issues/#issue/339" class="internal">#339</a> - duplicate xml:lang attribute
  doc.xpath('//*[@lang]').each {|elem| elem.delete('xml:lang') }
  doc.xpath('//*[@xmlns]').each {|elem| elem.delete('xmlns') }
rrichardson commented 13 years ago

Ha! That worked! It now renders in Chrome.

However, I have the same problem as with IE. It takes me to /new where I get an editing form. I set the path to Home. Type in some content: "Welcome Home"
Click Save.

It gives me a popup which says: Confirm Navigation This page was not saved. Leave this page | Stay on this page.

rrichardson commented 13 years ago

I should add that leaving the page does cause it to work correctly. I guess there may not be a way around that popup.