I am using mostly yasnippets for equations in org and tex documents. There is an option to auto expand the template/snippet depending if one is active in an texmath environment with
# condition: (and (texmathp) 'auto)
or similar to auto expand if one is not in such an environment:
# condition: (and (not(texmathp)) 'auto)
Is it possible to auto expand in different environments with tempel as well? I did not find this in the documentation.
I am using mostly yasnippets for equations in org and tex documents. There is an option to auto expand the template/snippet depending if one is active in an texmath environment with
or similar to auto expand if one is not in such an environment:
Is it possible to auto expand in different environments with tempel as well? I did not find this in the documentation.
Thank you in advance! Best Regards Fab