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Disable or increase session store delay to economize battery and ssd #2173

Open trimechee opened 1 year ago

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you very mch for this amzing awesome fasr and wonderful Browser !

Min browser is fast and efficient designed to be fast. It uses less battery power, so we don't have to worry about finding a charger. and i have other suggestion to economize even more battery and ssd and hdd, i make this suggestion to other browsers but it sems to be difficult to implement it i mean dsable session store ou increase delay of session store and it will awesome if Min browser add option to disable session store , thank you !

" i discover this article of 2016, this problems seems to affect also chromium browsers, it wil be great to save our hard disk and battery to add an option to disable session restore or increase session store intervals, we can do that with firefox but we can't do this with chrome browser, i have made search, i found solution but is complicated , may be it can help, please add option to disable completely session restore, many don't need this feature, we just use browser to watch some videos.....

Thank you in advance !

"Firefox (& Chrome) are eating our SSD's?!" "Chrome writing to disk every 15 secs" "Heavy SSD Writes Firefox is eating your SSD"

"Firefox and Chrome can shorten SSD lifetime September 26, 2016

Firefox and Chrome have been found to continuously write so much data that it might affect the durability of SSDs. Both browsers write an incredible amount of data to disk, even when idle.


This was discovered by researcher Sergei Bobik who used the software SSDLife to monitor how much data was read and written on his system. He found both browsers write a lot of data as they continuously make a backup of themselves"



https://www.servethehome.com/firefox-is-eating-your-ssd-here-is-how-to-fix-it/ "

i made research to disable session store and i find this but it seems some of these flags deosn't work :

--disable-features=SessionRestore --disable-restore-session-state --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-features=InfiniteSessionRestore

In the System section, toggle off the switch for "Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed".

Running perl -pi -e 's/exit_type\":\"Crashed/exit_type\":\"none/' ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences does the trick for me on Ubuntu.

After manually exiting Chromium on the GUI (ie. clean exit)

su (note: super-user remain in current user path, now using relative to local path) chattr +i .config/chromium/Default/Preferences chattr +i .config/chromium/'Local State'

If you never created a password for the root on your pi do the following and you will have the password for the su command above.

sudo passwd root"

Edit the file located at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Right click "Preference" file and click edit. ctrl+f to find the following values, and change the value to:

"exit_type": "none",


Save the file, and change the attribute to "read only" so chrome can't change it back."