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A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy
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CSS Changes Not Honoured #2215

Open DarylO71 opened 1 year ago

DarylO71 commented 1 year ago

I've modified the background colour for dark-mode at /opt/Min/resources/app/css/taskOverlay.css but even after rebooting, nothing has changed.

Original script:

body.dark-mode #task-overlay { background-color: rgb(40, 44, 52) !important; color: lightgrey; }

Modified script:

body.dark-mode #task-overlay { background-color: rgb(36, 36, 36) !important; color: lightgrey; }

I'm wanting to change the colour of the tab bar, and this was the only occurrence of the colour that is the colour of the tab bar, so I'm figuring I had found the right location. Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

ShreyasGamer commented 4 months ago

You need to edit Min/app/dist/bundle.css to change the color

DarylO71 commented 3 months ago

Thanks, @ShreyasGamer for your reply. I've tried that, and it's not working. What exactly should I be changing in that .css file?

PalmerAL commented 3 months ago

Generally, @ShreyasGamer is right; you'd need to edit the bundle file for changes to appear (or better: edit the original CSS file and re-compile: https://github.com/minbrowser/min?tab=readme-ov-file#building-binaries)

However, the tab bar color specifically is defined in JS: https://github.com/minbrowser/min/blob/master/js/navbar/tabColor.js#L14

The same thing applies there - you can edit dist/bundle.js, or edit the source JS file and re-compile.