mind-inria / mri-nufft

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fix: Off-resonance array backend checks. #212

Open paquiteau opened 5 days ago

paquiteau commented 5 days ago

fixes #203.

wenshangwang commented 4 days ago

Hi all Your edition solve the "Unsupported backend". There is another bug that happened in the following adj_op section line 314: coeffs_d = self.xp.array(coeffes). Torch does not have the attribute .array(). I implemented a quick fix as: image image This makes it work with torch on my side. Please let me know what you guys eventually change it into.


paquiteau commented 4 days ago

I think just using asarray is enough (see the above commit) let me know if you have any other trouble :)

wenshangwang commented 4 days ago

I am setting up the mri-nufft operator such that it is operable with torch's autograd. Here is what I did: nufft = get_operator("finufft", wrt_data=True)( samples=2 * np.pi * k_traj, shape=slice_for_shape, squeeze_dims = False )

orc_nufft = off_resonance.MRIFourierCorrected( nufft, b0_map=fmap_current, readout_time=t_ro, n_time_segments=10, backend="torch" )

I had to change part of the autodiff.py code into: image

With the set_context() method added and ctx object taken out of forward method. Kept the code as it was will give RuntimeError: In order to use an autograd.Function with functorch transforms (vmap, grad, jvp, jacrev, ...), it must override the setup_context staticmethod. For more details, please see https://pytorch.org/docs/master/notes/extending.func.html"

While this makes the off-resonance compensated nufft operator run with torch.autograd on the orc_nufft without error. But the print out statement shown backward is never reached. The image x stayed at the initial guess. I used a quite standard torch optimization structure which is shown below:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.nn.functional as F

def nufft_forward(x):
  y = orc_nufft.op(x)
  return y

def nufft_adjoint(y):
  x = orc_nufft.adj_op(y)
  return x

def reconstruct_image(kspace_data, num_iterations=100, learning_rate=1e-3, regularization_weight=0.01):

  x_init = torch.zeros(64,64, requires_grad=True)
  x = x_init

  # Define the optimizer
  optimizer = optim.Adam([x], lr=learning_rate)

  # Reconstruction loop
  for iter in range(num_iterations):

      # Forward pass: compute the predicted k-space data
      y_pred = nufft_forward(x)

      # Data fidelity term: L2 norm between predicted and measured k-space data
      data_fidelity = torch.norm(y_pred - kspace_data) ** 2

      # Regularization term: Total Variation (TV) regularization
      tv_reg = F.l1_loss(x[1:, :], x[:-1, :]) + F.l1_loss(x[:, 1:], x[:, :-1])

      # Total loss
      loss = data_fidelity + regularization_weight * tv_reg
      print(f'"loss grad: {loss.requires_grad}')

      # Backward pass

      # Update the image

      # Optionally, print the loss
      if (iter + 1) % 10 == 0:
          print(f"Iteration {iter + 1}/{num_iterations}, Loss: {loss.item():.4f}")

  reconstructed_image = x.detach()
  return reconstructed_image

if __name__ == "__main__":
  kspace_data = torch.from_numpy(kspace)

  reconstructed_image = reconstruct_image(

I am not sure if this comes from my wrongful usage or generation of the operator or I probably had not understand the reconstruction problem well enough. BTW, is there test or example being done with the iterative reconstruction using the off-resonance NUFFT from MRI-NUFFT? I would love to learn more on it. I fed the reconstruction inverse problem with our operator into some other solver such as the solve_norm_cg in torchopt. Similar result is produced where the result image is the same with the initial guess and the backward is never reached.

Very sorry for this being this long of a message. It is quite late at where I am and my communication ability has dropped significantly. If the operator can work well with the torch based method, half of my problem could be solved, and I feel like we are getting close.


paquiteau commented 4 days ago

(I took the liberty of editing your comment for formatting purposes)

So If I understood your code well you want to use autodiff( wrt to data) with off-resonnance correction. I think we miss a proper implementation of that, and there might be an error on the order of initialization. I think what we want is

NUFFT <- ORC NUFFT <- AutoDiff

To do so, its probably best to things manually here:

from mrinufft.operators import get_operator, MRIFourierCorrected
from mrinufft.operators.autodiff import MRINufftAutograd 

nufft_base = get_operator("cufinufft", samples, shape, n_coils, n_batchs,smaps=smaps)
nufft_with_orc = MRIFourierCorrected(nufft_base, b0_map, readout_time, ...)
nufft_with_orc_and_autodiff = MRINufftAutoGrad(nufft_with_orc, wrt_data=True)

BTW, is there test or example being done with the iterative reconstruction using the off-resonance NUFFT from MRI-NUFFT

Not yet, but I think that your comment is an early draft for one, if you could extend it (and use standard phantom data available from mri-nufft.extras) that would be awesome. All our examples are here: https://mind-inria.github.io/mri-nufft/generated/autoexamples/index.html

You can probably take a deeper look at for inspiration

  1. https://mind-inria.github.io/mri-nufft/generated/autoexamples/example_offresonance.html#sphx-glr-generated-autoexamples-example-offresonance-py
  2. https://mind-inria.github.io/mri-nufft/generated/autoexamples/GPU/example_cg.html