Converting a function to a string can give different results depending on which environment is running the code.
"" + console.log
"function () { [native code] }"
in JStillery while in chrome it gives
"function log() { [native code] }"
and in firefox
"function log() {\n [native code]\n}"
"" + function() {/* Hello world */}
should also return
"function() {/* Hello world */}"
instead of
"function () {\n}"
like it does right now.
I think it would be great if options were added to JStillery where you could specify which environment should be emulated, where you could choose a browser for example.
Converting a function to a string can give different results depending on which environment is running the code.
in JStillery while in chrome it gives
and in firefox
should also return
instead of
like it does right now.
I think it would be great if options were added to JStillery where you could specify which environment should be emulated, where you could choose a browser for example.