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Minder Demo App
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Search interface #4

Closed adamberenzweig closed 7 years ago

adamberenzweig commented 7 years ago

This change is Reviewable

adamberenzweig commented 7 years ago

and here's a query to test with:

query TestSearch($queryString: String!) {
  search(text:$queryString) {
    ... on Note {
    ... on Item {

with variables

  "queryString": "mur"
richburdon commented 7 years ago

Reviewed 4 of 4 files at r1. Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, 1 unresolved discussion.

_sub/demo/js/common/data/database.js, line 63 at r1 (raw file):_

    let matchedField;
    let matchedValue;
    if (this.title.indexOf(queryString) !== -1) {

TODO: factor out

Comments from Reviewable

richburdon commented 7 years ago

Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, 1 unresolved discussion.

_Comments from Reviewable_